Finley Katsuko

“There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human— in not having to be just happy or just sad— in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole at the same time.”

Name: Finley Katsuko (goes by Finn)
Age: About 10 years old, but his body and programming is for the age 25
Species: Android/A.I.
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Vessel Appearance: 
Height: 5’9
Hair color: Reddish-brown, dark ginger
Eye color: Green
Piercings/tattoos: None
Body: Standard issue android body, almost indistinguishable from a human body. Even the synthetic skin is lined with heat pads to mimic the flush of warmth that human skin carries. Only when an android is cut open and inky black “blood” rushes to the surface, as well as the exposure of internal wiring, can show that an android is less than human. Otherwise, it is near impossible to tell. Their dimensions are also entirely average to aid androids in blending in with the human population.

Isabella Katsuko (“Izzy”) - Daughter of Emma and Andrew, and who Finley considers to be his younger sister
Emma Katsuko - Mother of Izzy
Andrew Katsuko - Father of Izzy

Bio: The year of the android uprising was 2055, when androids overthrew major cities in the Northern American continent and forced the human citizens to live in the suburbs and countrysides just outside of the city, creating a free-range empire within the cities for androids to rule alone.

Finley was manufactured in 2045, ten years before the uprising, and served his family and the community from the point of his construction onwards. He was adopted within the year of his manufacture by the Katsukos, a Japanese-American family who needed a caretaker for their (at the time) preschool-age daughter Isabella, known as Izzy.

Finn was programmed as a medical bot, and thus doubled as an excellent live-in caretaker. The Katsukos welcomed him into their home right away, and by the time the uprising occurred, Finn considered himself to be apart of their family — Emma and Andrew often treated him as if he was their own son, despite the fact that he would never age. Since the point of his adoption, Finn was employed by the local hospital, working as a nurse during the daytime and picking up Izzy from school in the late afternoons. He loved his life at the hospital and with the Katsukos, and though he initially did support the idea of an android union, he didn’t support what became of the uprising. While it was difficult to spot the difference between androids and true humans, androids often faced discrimination and had very few rights on their own — many of them relied solely on their adopted families as androids received no pay for their work, nor were they considered entirely human.

When the uprising began and it became clear the humans would not win, the government forced all humans to evacuate the city, leaving behind their “bots”. The Katsukos were forced to flee and leave Finley behind — one day he came home and found their house to be scattered with objects, as if they had packed in a hurry. Finley waited for them to return, but they never did.

Many androids chose to have their programming erased, granting them freewill to do as they pleased as well as to harm humans if needed, but Finley never had himself re-programmed. Instead, he obeyed his programming and went to work every day at the same time he had when the city was full of humans, but now he simply cleans the hospital and monitors its contents, unsure of what to do with himself now that all the humans were gone. His entire life purpose had surrounded helping humans, but all that remained in the city were androids. Any humans that came into the city were usually “runners” — people tasked with the duty of exploring the city in search of medications, clothes, food, and other essentials. Runners were quick to harm androids — they couldn’t afford to be kind, not in this era of hostility and violence — and Finn had been previously injured by an altercation with two runners. He is in desperate need of a mechanic, but with human-robotic relations down the drain, he has all but given up on finding someone to help.
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1 | Sep 24th 2020 04:19