
Name: Nathaniel Kidd


Age: 16-26

Gender: Male

S/O: Straight

Height: 6'3

Weight: 156 Lb

Likes: whiskey, danger, booty (both kinds lol) and most of all being a pirate

Dislikes: tons of stuff his royals mostly like his mother also pirates that aren't in the same crew as him

Mental illnesses: he's a pirate how exactly would he know he doesn't go to doctors

Physical illnesses: none

Hair: short messy blonde hair

Eyes: brown

Personality: quite upbeat and chipper for a pirate but at the same time he can be cynical and unimpressed (not really a personality trait but he can be fairly clumsy at times)

Bio: born of a royal (his mother) and a pirate (his father) he more of an interest in his father's business running away when he turned 16 to start his life as a pirate he was always shunned in the kingdoms for being the descendant of a 'no good dirty pirate'

Phobias: none
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2 | Sep 22nd 2020 16:46
Rock_God Cool!! ;)