Scarlett Parker

Name: Scarlett Joan Parker
Also Known As: The Librarian, Dr. Parker
Age: 25
Birthday: May 10th
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Nationality: British
Sex: XX
Gender: Cis-Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Pansexual

About Her
Personality: Introverted but Outgoing
Occupation: Historian, Librarian, Archeologist, Explorer
- History
- Archeology
- Exploring
- Reading and Writing
- Learning new cultures
- Getting hurt
- Being told what to do
- Hearing false history knowledge
- Bad Guys
- Being the "family weirdo"
Hobbies: Writing
Fears: Death
Strength: Her quick thinking
Weakness: Selflessness
Talents: Can get out of bad situations quickly

Height: 5'5
Skin Tone: Fair
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Description:
- Color: Brunette
- Highlights: None
- Length: To her shoulders
- Type: Thick
- Style: Wavy
- Scars: A few from her adventures
- Piercings: None
- Tattoos: None
- Scent: Cinnamon and Pine Needles

Father: Derek Parker
Mother: June Parker
Siblings: Maxwell Parker (16)
Relatives: Florence "Flo" Cooper (grandmother)
Best Friends: Samantha "Sam" Hill
Friends: Has contacts all over the world
Love Interest: Depends on Roleplay
Enemies: An organization called "The Knights"

Extra Information
Quotes: "History has been in my life since I was a child. I can't escape it so I embrace it."
Theme Song: TBD
Food: Pizza
Drink: Tea
Color: Mint Green
Animal: Arctic Fox
Flower: Roses
Season: Spring
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5 | Aug 24th 2020 18:09