Headcanon Update

Gabriel headcanon

Full Name: Gabriel Elias X’yare Summers

Middle Names Pronunciation: Eh-lie-us, Zy-air

Title: Prince of the Shi’ar Empire

Theme Song: www.youtube.com/watch?v=divHHb0ms_U&t=10s (Doesn’t sound like a good guy theme I know.)

Voice Claim: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqHLXsg7pKA

Singing Voice Claim: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqLzjlA2hYw

Eye color can change with the energy spectrum.

** Implementing Hickman theory in addition to my own thoughts.**

Post War of Kings after the rip in reality was formed from the T-bomb detonation. A breach known as The Fault created a bridge between their universe and the Cancerverse. Of course everyone presumed the two Kings deceased but they both were in the Cancerverse, a reality that affected both the kings more than they had realized. While escaping based on their power sets was a given Vulcan upon returning to his original universe caught wind of the released Phoenix Force via Hope Summers dispersal from the Phoenix Five. Being that he was tied to the shi’ar and had such close proximity with the M’kraan crystal and the power set to match. Vulcan absorbed the force energy back into himself.

Now considering that Vulcan has absorbed Wanda’s chaos magic on a large scale from M-Day, absorbing the Phoenix Force once again is a direct contradiction. With chaos magic, the Phoenix Force, and the exposure to the Cancerverse Gabriel went through a forceful change of heart. Repressing his more tyrannical and greedy self his mind went blank for a large portion of his recent events only appearing at certain moments in conversation, nightmares, or “conscious thoughts.”

During his absence D'ken once again became emperor eventually Lilandra preceded occupying the throne after him reverting Gabriel back to his status as Prince once he was found to be alive, unless he planned up a way to take charge again. Which quite frankly with his new altered perception he was in no rush to do let alone would he be able to. Until he could prove to be mentally stable enough to handle such a role he would not be called emperor any time soon.

Ever since his return the prince didn't act like himself even prior to being driven mad by power and revenge he never acted the way that he did now. A lot less destructive than he ever was he only had glimmers of his old personality which were always short lived. Not many were sure about what happened to him since his vitals seemed fine but it was public knowledge that he and Black Bolt both were caught in the largest explosion in recorded history. Perhaps he came back through Phoenix Rebirth, but that wouldn't explain the personality shift.
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1 | Jun 25th 2020 01:37