Zara (Avatar the last airbender OC)

Name: Zara

Personality: She’s very happy go lucky! However when she first meets you, she’s shy and timid. Once she warms up to you, she’s nice, loving and caring. She’s also very strong willed and hard headed at times too.

Age: 14

Element type: water

What country: water nation (Southern water tribe)

Crush: Sokka or Aang

Likes: She likes to sing, dance, help teach Aang water bending, and learning new water bending tricks from Katara

Dislikes: People who mess with her friends, the fire nation

Hobbies: She likes to write, train and sing when she’s alone.

Friends: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Momo and Appa

Extras: She travels alongside her friends on their journey to defeat the fire lord. She holds a grudge against him because he had killed her parents. She collected some of their ashes and put them together in a blue heart shaped necklace urn. She wears the necklace around her neck always, saying that it helps her feel close to her parents. She was happy when Katara and Sokka took her into their own home when she had nowhere else to go. She also loved how Katara was so caring and nice. She also thought that Sokka was cute and she had grown to love him over the years that she spent living with him and Katara. When Sokka and Katara met Aang, they introduced him to her. She smiled and he seemed like a loyal, friendly little boy so she became friends with him quickly.
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3 | May 23rd 2020 19:10