the beautiful humans I've met ~

@wildfire : bro I've known you for so long now omg haha! I'm so so glad I could have met you! I love remembering texting you during class 24/7 and getting scolded by the teachers hehe. You're so f***ing funny and I miss our boyyys.

@SURREPTITIOUS : manz I miss youuu!! I miss staying up late and talking about stupid sh*t omg ❤ AND WE NEED TO DO THE MINECRAFT THIIING (bro also we need to play minecraft!) I miss our boys and their stupid, cute, little moments~

@Crystalcrisis : bro I've gotten so close to you, you're f***ing amazing and your ideas- OMG your ideas!! Your creativity is definitely rubbing off on me and I cannot wait to talk through more amazing plots with you. You've brought a whole new WORLD of inspiration. I
Heart this
2 | Apr 29th 2020 23:51