Rose Anderson (OC)

Full Name: April Rose Anderson
Nickname: (Prefers to go by) Rose
Date of Birth: February 20th, 1971
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown (wears glasses)
Blood Status: Muggleborn (No-Maj born)
House: (Eventually) Hufflepuff
Pets: (Eventually) Gray cat named CJ
Qudditch Postion: (Eventually) Beater
Patronus: Dog
Animagus: Dog (Beagle)

Description: Rose is a Christian who loves animals and everything to do with good magic and the wizarding world and also Qudditch and being a beater since she has a background in playing softball. She's a tad bit overweight and often teased for that and her mental disabilities in the muggle/No-Maj world, and teased for being a muggle/No-Maj born in the wizarding world.

She never knew that she was a witch until she turned eleven and after meeting one of Hogwarts' professors Severus Snape after the death of her parents,.. he took her there for her magical education instead and was eventually sorted into Hufflepuff.

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4 | Mar 15th 2020 19:23
PRIESTESS Rosie is this based off you? (???)
Rock_God Yes lol but everything except for the first and second name and description is fictional.