Practice Makes Perfect (Prelude to the Nobody Saga

For 9 bloody years James MacLeod had been fighting. And now, here at the teeth of the world, the Queens army had finally beaten back the invaders who had come from the nowhere, that harsh and unknown land of sand and stone that lay beyond the northern mountains, slain all but a hand full of the rabble and their goblin soldiers that had threatened life as they knew it. Sure, historians at the capital would write that it was no more than over breeding by the Goblins themselves. But the few here on the front line? Those lucky enough to have survived? They knew the Truth.

He sat quiet in the light of the campfire. The cold wind cutting through his dirty, blood stained cloak. The sky was clear tonight, the full moon shining so brightly that the fire only served for warmth. It's lumenesence drowned by the brilliant blue light of the moon and the stars overhead.

"You're staring at her again." Trissandra teased as she took a seat at her side. Her and Elena Somara, another Sorceress from the lodge had been dispatched a year ago to aid in the war effort. The fact that their guild had opted to even intervene in the first place was proof enough of how dire the situation had become. Only women could possess the ability to bend the elements to their will, and only a dozen or so could be alive at the same time, at least that was what the stories said. Either way, a sorceress was a powerful ally and their lives were not to be risked on the frivolous fighting of men. Elena had been captured early on in the frey and well...let's just say that the king who had managed to control the goblins, had a special way of greeting his female prisoners.

"Can you blame me?" James arched an eyebrow towards the redhead with a smirk. Elena was the most beautiful woman James has ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on. Raven black hair, ice blue eyes that almost pierced the darkness with their brilliance. Here, in the moonlight, rubbing her pregnant belly and singing a lullaby to the unborn babe inside of her, she looked as stunning as ever. The fact that she could love the seed growing in her, regardless of whose seed it was, made her all the more stunning.

"The baby is sitting high, that means it's a boy...or so I hear."

"I thought you sorceress couldn't bare children." James asked, looking at her for only a moment before bringing his eyes back to Elena.

"Most of us cant...but a lucky few are able to conceive. The maker knows why...have you told her how you feel?"

"Aye...said she'd come home to the Barrow with me. Provided your still willing to do what you need to?"

Triss nodded. "According to my official report, Elena Solara was killed 3 days ago when we took the ridge. You'll have no trouble from the lodge...but James....she doesn't love you..not like you love her...I.." she reached a hand towards him. No, isn't the time. Remember your vows. She pulled back.

"I know...I know what it could mean. But she can't live without that baby, Triss...and I can't live without her.."

"As you wish...what about the girl?"

"I'll take her as well...I know a husband and wife at home who can't conceive...nice people. She'll have a good life."

"I still think she should come with me..."

"That child deserves a chance at a normal life, not to be used as some weapon...."

"Triss..." Issac interrupted as he stepped out of a tent on the edge of camp. The old grizzled war vet had been the sorceresses body gaurd long before the war. He the shield and her the sword, so to speak. He had faced down legions of enemies without so much as a flinch, but faced with his current task he looked very lost indeed. "The baby's crying...I don't know what to do."

"Triss sighed and shook her head. "Men...better tend to the little one James, you'll need the practice."

"Seems I will.." James smiled and stopped and turned on a heel before entering the tent. "And Triss? Thank you..."
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10 | Jan 24th 2020 22:36