Jaqma Dathram

Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Skill: Animal Handling, Survival, Persuasion.
Origin: Urchin

Jaqma was spent his early years inside of an orphanage. In a city that used magical items as everyday tools. Although life was easy for people who could afford these things the orphanage struggled. Jaqma left the orphanage, believing his staying there was nothing but a burden on others. He ran into the local forest, he struggled to find his way for a bit, till he meet Amalia. Together the two somehow learned to make a life together, they survived and thrived.
Years passed Jaqma used his skills to become a Ranger, working as a mercenary to afford a life of comfort for him and Amalia. With this his adventure begins.
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1 | Jan 23rd 2020 19:46