Aurora Froste

//Romance prompt: //

Name: Aurora Froste

Nickname(s): Rori

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: Student

+Personality +
Type: Ambivert

Aurora, despite being perceived as rude, harsh, blunt and cold hearted, is in reality a kind, rather quiet soul that is shielded and scared to show herself to the world. She has a habit of giving into what people say about her, therefore fortifying the bad things people say about her.

Likes: Books, Silence, Outdoors, Animals, Sweet rose tea, the ocean, flowers
Dislikes: Crowds, gossip, coffee, arrogance, nosy people

Bio: Aurora has a long, complicated past, one she tends to hide deep within herself. Just as well as she hides her kind heart. People who have met her tend to say that even though she has the name of a princess as well as the face of one, her personality does not match. At least her surname is fitting to her. In reality, Aurora tends to block herself from the world, finding most things to be trivial to her. At least that is how she views the world after having to live through a darkness that very few know about.

+ Appearance +
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 114 Lbs
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2 | Sep 7th 2019 23:38