
Name: Ru Shi (real name, Xi)
Surname: Soyou (real surname, Kwon)
Gender: Female
Age: 21 (real, 30)
Species: Auriold
Occupation: Noble lady
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Height: 1.68
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

She had very humble origins but apparently a stable commoner family. Peaceful childhood in a village in the countryside of Suhyen.
As she grew up, she started to realize the actual problems her family had. The fields her abeoji used to work on, belonging to the Zhou, were everything for the family. They had to pay monthly, always the basic of 2 silvers, whatever the earning were, from the field.
Her abeoji didn't manage to pay back the Zhou, the field went through a lot of bad luck because of storms and weather. With the many threats of the Sacred Bloods to take away everything from them, her abeoji took the drastic decision to sell her and the other children to slave merchants.

She was ten when he brought her in the city, the place looked far from reassuring and even worse the man her abeoji started to talk with. Before to arrive, her abeoji just kept saying to her 'This is all because of the Zhou, curse them all, they deserve the worst...'
She looked up at them but she was put aside not to listen. When her abeoji was done, he approached her and knelt, to be at her height. ''Xiyah...let this good man check you, don't be afraid...''
The other man approached too and took her chin, raising her head. ''Pretty, healthy...I can sell her for a good price. I'll offer you 10 silvers.'' It was even more than her abeoji hoped for, so he accepted, not knowing he would later try to sell her for one entire gold.
She was very confused at this, she heard before her parents talking about what they could do to pay Zhou, always complaining about them. In that moment, she didn't understand what was going on but that horrible man paid her abeoji and grabbed her, pulling her away with him. She tried to break free, calling for her appa but he didn't do anything.

He brought her with him in a building. There were many other people in the first sector, dirty and desperate, but he didn't leave her there, he proceeded to a different place, slightly better, where other young girls were. A maid took her and undressed her, to look at her properly. Not even a scar, they started to consider to sell her for even more than a gold. She received a decent treatment only because they didn't want to ruin her in any way but they also taught her what she was supposed to do once sold, she was basically between the sex slaves. Posture, behaviour, reading, writing, acting, since she was really ignorant and rough. She also received lots of suggestions how to behave with men, to get less hurt in case of violence, how to get more appreciated. The treatment wasn't good though, they were all constantly threatened to be sent among the lesser slaves.
Often she and the other girls were brought in markets, tied but clean and wearing nice clothes, scandalous for the time.
She was only 14 when the right customer arrived and picked her. They pushed her towards the customer after he paid, roughly. He said 'General Zhou will be so satisfied with this one' then he brought her home, leaving her in the hands of the maids. They looked so scared, they also looked at her as if feeling sorry. 'Lord Zhou will be back tonight...this will be your room...' The main maid said, while pointing her the bedroom.
After entering, she heard them locking the door very fast and she started to be scared then. She aimed to knock and shout but nothing until the evening, when the General entered the room.
He looked at her like an object, a piece of art, he was pleased. She tried to follow every advice, letting him do everything he wanted and doing what he said. She pretended to be enjoying, even if she was actually in pain because of the first time and the fact he was very rough.
Hands around her neck, hair pulling, slaps, scratches, bites...nothing she wasn't prepared for but it was even worse than she expected.
She pretended all the time to be lost for him, to make him feel loved and have more chances of survival but it started to be heavy, as hate grew for that situation. Being locked up in one room for a year doesn't help for sure.
Tired, she waited for the right moment and aimed to write a message. She only had blankets and used a piece of it and to write, her own blood. 'Help me'.
She approached the door and placed outside her message, through the door hole, hoping someone to find it. She didn't know who, but suddenly the door got unlocked. 'The way is clear', she heard from the outside, a manly young voice. She grabbed the chance of course and started to run, leaving from the first open hole she found.
In the streets she tried to ask for help but everyone ignored her. She ran and ran for her safety, not wanting to return to the General.

Again crossing her path with a Zhou, eventually. Someone noticed her begging in the streets and the man approached her, offering her a job. In the desperation of the moment, she accepted without thinking. It could be nothing else than a brothel.
Better the brothel than the house of the General though, at least there were some rules about not ruining the women. Not that the Zhou with the place in hands hadn't a price to let customers do what they wanted.
With the suggestion of other girls, she aims to attract some rich but slightly more gentle men, to make them fall in love with the hope they'd buy her freedom.

One evening, for a party, she was chosen to be one of the gisaeng. She didn't expect the party would be for General Zhou himself.
She tried to hide her identity somehow but it didn't work and he recognized her. He was happy, but in a creepy way. 'This slut really thought she could escape?'
He forced her to follow him in a room, no one dared to stop the General. With him, other three friends of his. They tied her to the bed, so tight it hurt her wrists and they started to rape her one by one.
In the end she is covered with bruises, dirt and wounds but it didn't seem enough for the General who took a dagger. The attempt was to kill and she didn't even struggle anymore, she wished he did it but one of his friends said, amused 'Isn't it better to let her live this way?', the other bursted into laugh and agreed. 'I will make sure she will never forget me', he said, before to start making a deep cut on her cheek with the symbol of the Zhou (
Still so amused, he gave her one last glance before to leave.

What happened triggered something inside her. Her entire body was hurt and trembled, she got freed by others but after, she refused any help.
In the days after, she started to interact with the others, mainly using fear to trigger them. She aimed to convince them all to rebel, or what happened to her, would happen to them too and she manages.
First, they prepared a plan. They used the only thing they had as weapon, long sharpened hairpins. Other girls were very scaredy compared to her, who, when had the Zhou in hands, cut his throat without hesitation.
They stole the money he and his people had and shared between each other before to leave that place. Some aimed to return to their families, while she had no intentions.
Still dirty of blood, she walked in the streets. No one approached to ask if she was alright, she was way too dirty to look good enough to be raped even.
She left the city at first, after stealing clothes. She washed in a river and returned.

She remained on her own for a few months, managing to remain untouched and also getting used to the streets. She had to live as a man though.
During a ceremony in the city, she saw General Zhou again and driven by the moment, she took out a knife and aimed to approach. A crazy attempt. She got grabbed and she aimed to break free without success so she turned around, seeing another woman. She looked at her from head to toe, surprised by her looks, not because she found her incredibly beautiful but because she wasn't even trying to hide her gender and was walking alone in that street full of men, apparently without even carrying weapons.
She didn't want to give up though and restarted to struggle until Mako teleported away from there, holding her by wrist. Once in the countryside, Xi aimed to hit her angrily. ''Why!''
Mako avoided everything, only looking amused. Eventually, just as she got fed up, she knocked her down and took out a dagger, moving on top of her and pointing it to her neck. ''If you want to end your life, I can as well do it here...'' Mako licked the blade of the dagger, making slow and sexy moves.
Xi looked up at her, not struggling anymore and remaining silent. Mako started to play more with the dagger and cut part of her shirt, just enough to reveal she was a girl. Xi standing still like a statue, with a strange feeling of excitement at this. Suddenly she stood up, wrapping an arm around Mako's waist. ''Who are you?''
Mako looked even more amused by what she did. ''You can call me Byu.''
''I'm Xi.'' She looked at her straight in the eyes. ''How can you do this?''
''Do what?''
''Walk so freely in the streets, showing you are a woman...''
Mako chuckled then tilted her head, making her hair move sexily. ''No one can make me hide, no one can hurt me.'' She smirked.
Xi, more and more intrigued, looked amazed. ''Tell me how...''

A bright new chapter opened after the meeting with Mako. They became partners in crimes, Mako taught Xi some tricks even if she was never at the level of a Shinobi in skills. She was good, cunning and didn't lack evilness at all though.
They became lovers too but something very open. In all that time though, she didn't forget about her revenge, she also told Mako she wanted the General dead. They planned to do it together but he died first, then many things continued to happen until Mako was forced to return to Shiixia by Hiro's order, as the Shinobi scandal started.
Left alone, without being able to follow her, she started to work on her own. Her researches started, she intended to find every person who had ever hurt her, her abeoji included.
She killed many nobles but also managed to find her abeoji, not having mercy even for him. She managed to get them all but also started to kill those mistreating women, exaggerating in some cases. To average easterns, everything seemed to point towards a serial killer, seen how similar some of the victims were but they had never found proof connected to her, nor she became a wanted. That's also what a Shinobi lover was for.

At the arrival of Mijhatev, she was still in Xhuanghen but as she started to show what she really was like, she bravely fleed to the North then as she kept conquering even northen lands, she moved to the South.
She returned to Xhuanghen only after her defeat. Regardless everything, she too lost a lot in terms of money but she found an open door. A lonely old man who was left with no one.
She made proper researches, finding out about her parents and the entire family. She approached the old man, pretending to be the daughter of one of his lost sons. He believed her right away, letting her inside his manor. In no time and with a lot of luck, she entered nobles' world.
She appreciated this taste of power and she decided to get more. It was her to propose her grandfather to ask Song, pretending to have a big crush on him. Marrying him would mean to become the richest woman in Xhuanghen, and money comes with power.
Her plan is to marry him, give him a child, make sure her baby inherits everything and get rid of Song in the end. The fact he is a Zhou triggered her even more to do this.

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1 | Aug 18th 2019 12:25