The Tenants

My only rules, follow.

1.No Overly OP characters.
-Everyone has a weakness.
-Weakness is known
-Taking a bullet to a vital place will knock you down.

2. No excessive "Dodging" or as you may know as, Excessive Evading. Not everyone is like Jason Bourne or John Wick. You can't dodge every bullet, or fist coming at you.

3. If you add me, I expect you to message first, and vice versa
-If we don't talk at all for over a month without warning, I will unfriend you. (Some may be exceptions)
-I am a friend, don't be weary of asking me anything.

4. Please be Literate! I can’t stand the “u” or “thx”. I know grammar is not the strongest in most but at least try..

That's pretty much it, I roll with about almost anything.
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17 | Jun 28th 2019 00:03