Everfree Throne room

It's architecture never ceased to fascinate Lexa, recalling how numerous hunks of marble were expertly crafted to resemble an intricate pattern upon the floor. She remembers how the soles of her boots would pitter-patter across the pristine, lush material, leaving no trace of their owner as her childhood-self explored the castle for the umpteenth time.

It was as though the marble had been plucked from the midnight sky itself, fractured flecks of stars littered within them only to be rivalled by that of the house banners that proudly decorate each, towering pillar. Of course, they were emblazoned with the most beautiful shade of emerald, a stark contrast to the boysenberry dipped pillars separating them.

And, of course, the throne itself, strategically placed just in front of a series of bay windows. The windows themselves acted as somewhat of a spotlight for the piece of furniture specifically reserved for royalty, allowing those who were given the luxury of stepping foot inside the throne room to bask in the whatever weather the gods may bless the kingdom with. Beams of sunlight, the melodic voices of winged creatures above, the light yet oddly calmly pitter-patter of rain against glass as it fell from the heavens themselves.

It was...Truly beautiful.
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0 | May 21st 2019 19:51