
He heard that someone is preparing the dinner and he wants to help so he goes in the kitchen to see how things are going. (In realty he was simply annoyed, he will simply eat tuna for dinner as usual...) He enters in the kitchen and approaches the ones who are cooking seeing too late that someone is cutting cucumbers... No need to say that he jumps like there is no tomorrow, in this moment he would have the tail between the legs if he would have a tail in this form.
°Why are you doing this to me?°

Takihiro, it is not easy to make a psyho like him laugh, infact he looks at the scene without laugh xD .
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1 | May 2nd 2019 16:19
Hudie He eats another slice of cucumber. "You don't know what you are loosing, you cannot defeat Thanos without a good dose of these!
He is not coming because of a cucumber?" He takes an entire one in hand, tilting his head. "Hm. I wonder if Thanos...
When you will be Emperor, I will have already banished all the meat, turning Xhuanghen in a vegan Nation!" Please, he doesn't mean it. He wants to make Yoshi a proud big brother but that'd be too much.
Alpha_ °There isn't a good taste for them... I can't stand that flavour... Bleah° when Tero eats another slice.
Wait wait wait little guys, Xinli don't approve what they are saying...
°Emperors? You don't seem that kind of person, also if my judgement is not that good because I'm not from your planet... Are you important people at your planet? I don't mean about the fact that you are... ehm... princes...°
Boo_ "If I eat it you bring me with you to defeat Thanz?" Jaw drop moment. That could really convince him to try some vegetables.
"Ye, because abeoji surely doesn't like to eat those things! He likes meat and sweet things, just like me!" And it's not even a lie...
Poor, he is the last person in Xhuanghen to have half chance on the throne but he can dream! Worse than him only Coco. XD
"We are the princes, of course we will be Emperors too!" He thinks all princes will become emperors, he didn't get it too well.
He covers his mouth with hands at Tero's threat. "I would die if you did that!"
Hudie "But they barely have a taste. I really cannot understand you." He shakes his head.
"How else would you imagine an Emperor? Do you think I am too short? I am still growing up!
The most important, my umma says I am her world.
Uhm, ok." He shrugs. "We bring you but you have to eat enough vegetables every day!
Aniyo! Your body would only thank me for such a proper and balanced diet!"
Alpha_ He raises an eyebrow, °How much princes there are? You don't want to take the place of your older brothers right?° he think he aims to kill all his older brothers and become the emperor.
°This situation confuse me too, I cannot stand to see cucumbers... This part of me still confuse me... Too short? This is not what I was thinking especially looking at him° he points Woozi.