Feed Me Sweet Little Lies (Horror, 18+)

(Psychological, Horror, 18+, heavy gore, blood, dark themes)

“Crazy? I’m not crazy, you have to believe me!” Over medicated and lied to, those who see the truth are silenced. What if it was true? What if there is more to our world than they’re telling us? “I’ve seen it, I swear it!” To any unfortunate soul that unearthed the truth about this compound, run. The first chance you get, run for your life. You’re not crazy, don’t take the pills they give you, resist their mind games.

After an unfortunate attack on the country from an unknown source, the few survivors are taken to a compound where they are to be “treated”. It’s been a year or so, the lights are constantly dimmed, there are not windows and people go missing without any explanation. As soon as the patients start to think clearly they are forced to take a multitude of medications. “This will help with the trauma” we are told. We aren’t crazy. Many patients have said that they’ve seen things, dark evil things. One reported said she saw a caregiver covered in blood and dragging the body of another patient out through the hall... the woman who reported it disappeared the following night. My intuition is telling me to try to find a way out.

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1 | Mar 20th 2019 12:00