A little braver.

Finding his father was easier than he would have expected.
He kept himself far from the capital, which made it only natural he would eventually find one who f the refugees helping the Emperor to distribute resources to the families in need.
He approached a man, handing sacks of flour and jars of milk to the people of the village, asked him about what he was doing and he revealed to him where all those supplies came from and whose initiative was that. The man gladly accompanied him to the warehouse where the supplies are managed, assuming that it would be the easiest place where to come across LianBi, once he'd need to refill himself with items to hand to the people.

Chang Mi feels awful for leaving the others like that, but he is also aware that he could only slow them down and possibly damage them, if he had joined the battle. He is not a fighter, he wouldn't manage to kill a fly, let alone some horribly mutated person. He also doesn't know how his father will take the fact he came there to join him instead, but he doubts LianBi's opinion about him could fall any lower than it is already. Truth is that the meeting with his mother in the Halls did more damage than good to him, due to how he is. Way too oversensitive and easy to depression. His self-esteem is always low, it mainly goes from 0 to -100 and it can happen as fast as Bang-sul's mood changing.

The moment he finds himself in front of LianBi, as always, he feels tremendously anxious and uneasy. Ye, he knows it was himself to want to be with him, but he can't help those feelings.
Also, that's when he finds out his father is affected by their same disease. He had never known before that moment... /external.php?l=/external.php?l=https:/ee/goo.gl/images/U1jCJZ why does he always look creepily angry??
He starts to cry in advance, just to be sure.
His father looks at him, in a mix of surprise and worry, but he doesn't manage to bear his glance for long.
"Qing..." LianBi says while approaching him. He places his hands at the sides of Qing's face and forces him to look at him, but gently. "Did something happen?" His voice sounding tired and low.
"They attacked us in Shiixia..." he sobs. "We had to move to Heinmenhos..." He takes a brief pause. "Hyung-nim is fine... and..." He interrupts himself. Maybe telling his Abamama that Bang-sul is well would be out of place from him... ye, he has serious inferiority complex. "And all the others are safe too... safe and well..." More sobbing.
LianBi hugs him as soon as he finishes to speak. "Why did you leave them?"
The question he hoped he wouldn't ask. "I wanted to be with you... they don't need me, I am not like them... hyung-nim will be better without me..." he cries.
Heart this
1 | Feb 19th 2019 06:53