The Nameless One

Full Name: Unkown
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity/Species: Human

Height: 5'9
Weight: 140 lb
Hair Colour: Dark
Hair Length: Long
Hairstyle: Messy
Eye Colour: Brown

Birthmarks: None
Tattoos: None
Scars: Far too many to count
Financial Status: Dirt broke

Sexual Attitude: Heterosexual
Moral Alignment: Neutral (Can change during the RP.)
Religious Alignment: None

Reputation: Unknown
Occupation: None
Hobbies: None, yet
Languages & Dialects Spoken:
Shows a natural affinity for Swordsman ship.
Basic magic capabilities,
Incredibly durable
High pain tolerance

An amnesiac
Not very good with ranged weapons
Remembering past events can be quite mentally taxing, and even painful
No real connections, ties, or anything of the sort that can be used to his benefit when it comes to other people
Easily mistaken for being undead, which can often end violently.

Imagine waking on a metal slab. Your mind blank, no memories of what had brought you to this moment, your body scarred beyond recognition, with no memory of how you once looked, whether you were attractive, average, or if the scars had made you uglier then you'd been before. With the only possible hint being words carved into the flesh of your back, among the scars that already covered your body.

// The general idea for this character is to be a blank slate. He does have a backstory, though this will be something that will slowly be hinted at throughout an RP, and yes, this character is based on something. If you know what it is...Then you're cool I guess.
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1 | Dec 18th 2018 04:00