Huyga-Uchia Twins

(Mainly play the female)

Name: Vixen
Age: 14
Nature Types: Ying, Yang, Fire, Wind and Sunlight
Abilities: Fireball, Subature, Clone
Shiragan: Combination of both clans abilities when it first appeared at 11, due to this the colour is different, appearing a dark pink. She could see things in slow motion being able to copy moves and other abilities like normal, she could see chakra points and hidden areas. Its still developing, changing as both clans abilities merge more.
Yet to discover the effects of chakra elements combining.
Weapon: Bow
Village: Leaf
Relies on: Speed
Summons: Had an accident at 11, summoned a baby phoniex who just hatched she named Flair. She can't go back on her own the older she gets the more tails she has revealing her age. Vixen carries the baby in her bag, only her team knows she is there.
History: She came to the village at the age of 5. All she remembered is that she was an Uchia, nothing of her mother, she never said who her father was, or that she had an older twin brother who she thought died. She kept to herself always being treated like the outsider by many adults, like a spy. Till the chunin exam. She felt drawn to one of the guys from the Sand Village. Ever since that day she has been waiting for the chance to go to the Sand Village to find out if he was her twin Recca.
Graduated: 11
Name: Recca
Age: 14
Nature Types: Ying, Yang, Fire, Wind and Sunlight
Abilities: Fireball, Subature, Clone, Puppet Master
Shiragan: Combination of both clans abilities when it first appeared at 12. Even throw it appeared a year later its the same as his sisters
Yet to discover the effects of chakra elements combining
Weapon: Sawrd
Village: Sand
Relies on: Strength
Summons: No one knows about him fully grown ten tails phoniex
History: Found in a raided lab hidden in the desert he was taken to the village at the age of 6. Gara's father forbids him from saying his sir name as he didn't want the leaf to know he had a child of there strongest two clans. Hoping he could learn their secrets he made Recca cover his eyes with sunglasses so no one could see the Hyuga's trate in looks. All he ever wanted was to know is that his sister was still alive.
Graduated: 12
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2 | Aug 20th 2018 06:30