
She really believes in the Hwarang and their purpose, that's why she asked Yang to let her give a few lessons herself to the trainee.
She goes to the Hwarang House in the morning, wearing her armor and being followed by two ID. She warned Yang when she'd come, so her visit is not unexpected for him, but for the Hwarang, yes.
The Hwarang and their disciples gather outside in the courtyard to meet with the General. She stands in front of them, keeping her hands behind her back. ''What a nice group of youngs you are.
With the agreement of Master Yang, I came here today to have a lesson with you. It will also let you all learn more about the Imperial Defenders. We all have the same purposes, a brighter and brighter future for our Nation, so it is very important for all of us to work together.''
After the first speech, they head together to the classroom. The Hwarang and the disciple take their place, after them, even Peng.
''Anyone knows what is the Bushido?'' She looks at them all. Mian and Chin already know, for obvious reasons, but they don't raise their hand.
It is HanSung to answer. ''It is a code, the conduct of a warrior.''
''Exactly, very well. What's your name?''
''HanSung, Your Excelency.''
''Does anyone know the difference between the Bushido and other military codes? Someone else this time. Feel free to answer, you are here to learn and you won't be laughed at for a wrong answer.'' She gives them all the time to think. SunWoo has never heard of it before, he has a poker face at all the questions.
''Other codes do not contain the moral behaviour a warrior should maintain.'' WooJin answers, after raising his hand.
''Good answer, WooJin. I'm happy to hear some of you already know, I hope that today I will manage to teach you all the values and principles of the Bushido as well.
Maybe some of you remember one or two?'' While they think, she motions one of the ID with her to write on the whiteboard the correct answers.
''Courage!'' SooHo answers.
''Honesty and justice.'' BanRyu says.
''Strength? Skill?'' SunWoo gives a try, hearing more of what it is about.
''Courage, Honesty and Justice, that's right. Strength and skills are not part of these principles though, SunWoo.
Gi. Honesty and Justice.
Yu. Heroic Courage.
Jin. Compassion.
Rei. Kindness.
Makoto. Complete Sincerity.
Chugi. Duty and Loyalty.
Meiyo. Honor, the most important of all.
This, is the path of the warrior. According to the Bushido, if you fail one of these principles, you will loose your honor.
In battle, there is no surrender, still according to the Bushido, a warrior must seek to have a honourable death fighting till the end. But it is not only about battles, these principles must be part of your everyday life and they must be always respected.
These are all the principles of Bushido and the very first thing a future Imperial Defender has to learn. Any question?''
SunWoo immediately raises his hand. He is listening very carefully, finding the lesson very interesting. ''How is Revenge considered? I mean, in the Bushido, is it contemplated?'' He asks, looking at Peng.
''That's an interesting question, SunWoo. The scholar Mitamura Engyo, an authority on the Edo period stated that warriors were convinced that if they did not carry out revenge, they would lose their honor as warriors. Chiba Kameo also mentioned that warriors were forced into revenge, sacrificing themselves to the code of Bushido. Revenge is a quintessential act expressing Bushido.''
BanRyu raises his hand. "If I met a man on my way who was trying to kill another man, the sense of honor would tell me to stop them but at the same time I should let them fight till death but the sense of compassion would tell me to help the one who was losing... So what would a warrior do?"
She looks at BanRyu, crossing her arms on her chest. ''A true warrior has no doubts, he knows exactly what is right and what is wrong, also according to Gods' laws. He defends the weak. Your question should be more detailed, why are the two fighting? Are they warriors or mere criminals killing each other? In a situaton like that I'll tell you that realistically, IG would be informed and the man attacking the other would be arrested.'' She makes a slight smile. ''If you are done with questions, you may follow me outside. We studied, now we train.'' She heads back to the courtyard followed by the two ID. She takes one of her katanas in hand while waiting for them all to arrive and take position. ''Pick the wooden katanas, all of you. Groups of two, split.''
HanSung joins SunWoo right away, WooJin to Bokho, Mian to Hwayi, Chin to SooHo, BanRyu to Sig and so on all the others. ''Fight, I want to see what you are capable of.'' She walks all around them while they fight, she helps them all, correcting their moves, showing them a few moves herself and tricks. She acts very kind and caring towards all of them, also very patient. ''Very good, again. Good, all of you, you are doing good. Show your worth.''
She gives a glance at SunWoo from time to time, looking a little thoughtful. She helps him a lot, he is not the best with sword. ''Like this, SunWoo. Don't hold the sword like that, you control the sword, it won't run away.'' She shows him how to properly hold it. He was holding it so tightly. ''And do not stand still, you have to move, not only your arm, all your body.
Ye, ye, better. Go on like this.''
After a few hours training with her, she lets them all stop. ''Go to take a shower then come back to me, you'll all come with me.''

When they are all done, they leave the Hwarang House and go to the Tea House actually. ''A little gift to repay all your effort today. You are all very promising boys, I am sure you will all become very good and honourable warriors.'' She offers all of them the tea they want and some sweets.
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2 | Jun 6th 2018 14:57