Zoey Reene

✭ Basic Information ✭

Full Name: Zoey Reene
Nicknames: Zoe, Zo
Gender: Female
Age: 21 / depends
Race: Human/depends
Date of Birth: 8 January
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Straight

✭ Appearance ✭

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'4
Weight: 115 lb
Markings: N/A

✭ Personality ✭

Optimistic/Pessimistic: Optimistic
Positive Personality Traits: Trustworthy, smart, calm, honest, observant.
Negative Personality Traits: Emotional, careless, impatient, impulsive.
Likes: Movies, chocolate, music, long showers, someone playing with her hair, storms, laughing, car rides.
Favorite Foods: Cheeseburgers
Favorite Drinks: Soda
Favorite Colors: White, purple, red, black, green, blue
Dislikes: waking up early, running, being bored, being lied, cheaters
Hobbies: singing, acting, drawing, reading
Fears: Heights, darkness, spiders, ocean, fear of attachment, dogs.

✭ Background ✭
Unknown. (Details in the roleplay.)

✭ Other Version✭
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7 | May 6th 2018 13:47