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Full Name: Evangeline Hungarth
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Works at: Racer
Sex: Straight

Eye Color: Brown

Car Description;
- Color: Silver
- Car: Camaro with a Big dragon

- Facial Features: freckles

ts about a homeless girl in the age 19 without a family and a house she always wanted to be a racer.She lives at the road but One day she finds a old car in a old garage Silver Chevrolet Camaro.So the garage become her new home.The fact that she doesn't have to go to school and she will be work at the car steal lot of stuff only to become a amazing racer.Each day she will fix the car but one day comes Dominic and asks her if she doesn't want to race and of course se wants when everybody sees how good she is they start to like it and becomes enemies
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0 | May 1st 2018 06:12