08 ❮❮ Love Bug ❯❯

My love,

I love you more than anything. More than I can express to you. You are my everything. I loved you from the very start of me having these feelings for you. I wouldn't want someone other than you in my life.

You are so sweet, precious, perfect, amazing, funny, dorky, beautiful, adorable, hot, sexy, everything really. You are the best when you are most likely the only one cheer me up when I am down. Even though I don't tell you when I am not having a good day, you still manage to do it just by talking to me.

You are my everything. My world. I would never let go of your hand. Let me hold onto it so tightly to where no one can separate me or you from each other. I hold you dear to my heart for thus I love so much to express.

Remember back in the days when we were just friends? We didn't even know we had the same feelings for each other. We hid them like the feelings were nothing. The chatzy was fun and that was the main reason how we met each other, getting to know one and another more and more. I was blind that you had feelings for me and you were blind that I had feelings for you.

I love those days because we were really close, but you know what? I love this time and era since you are mine and I am yours. I won't let you fall and I hope you won't let me fall. I love that you are part of my life and I get to talk to you.

Don't let anyone think badly of you because in my eyes you aren't bad at all, but just perfect. I hope we might be able to get married someday.

I love you, Byun Baekhyun.
Heart this
7 | Mar 31st 2018 00:12
TheSkilledKookie ^~^ I had to make a statement.
TheSkilledKookie :O YAAAYYYY