About hell (Rp)

Hades is Lucifer father. Lucifer killed his father so he could Rule. Lucifer has one older sister, one younger sister, and one younger brother. His older sister did not want to rule hell so she went to earth. Hell has 13 heads for guards and has over millions of armies. Hell is very known for its demons of course but a lot of fallen angels and half breeds (part angel and demon) live down there too. Depending on the person they like to call it the underworld or hell or just home.

Hell is a place that is more feared than loved by any but hell isn't like how they are told in all the tales where it is just a burning place with only torture and some other things. Hell doesn't really have much of gardens but does have many forests and lots of city's.

There is also ranks of demons (strength, and etc.)
1. Demon king/lord
2. The sins
3. The heads of guards
4. Succubus and some half breeds
5. Guards and warriors
6. Other demons

(Might add more later.)
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