Zeke Dolkina

Name:Zeke Dolkina
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 6'3
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Black
Home: Unknown

He travels across the sea going to town to town with his crew aboard “The Howling North” He's sincere, quick and impatient. This isn't surprising considering for someone with his disturbing past. He was born and grew up in a decent family in a merchant port, he lived without worry until he was about 10 years old, but at that point life changed drastically. He lost his siblings in a long lasting heatwave and was headed for a life of misery. While persued by strangers he had to survive in a pitiless world. But with his wisdom and intrepidness, he managed to face all obstacles and keep ahead of the curve. This has turned him into the man he is today. With the skills learned in the past, he now works as a pirate. By doing so, he hopes to find a place to call home and finally find purpose to life he has never had.
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4 | Oct 12th 2017 16:09