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(Xia Fiend)
118 / Female / Single
United Kingdom
The being known as the Xia is an incarnation of a much older demon that has recently awoken after her tomb has been excavated in the far north reaches of Siberia. After a brief, supernatural struggle for release at a near by research facility... Xia is now wandering the world again, with none of the memories of her previous lives. Xia does, however, carry the same instincts and desires as her original time on Earth...

Xia is a supernatural being that delights in causing very particularly evil, inconvenient curses upon mortals, and even other demons or other supernatural beings she comes across. Her curses come disguised as blessings and gifts initially, but not always, depending on the target of her magicks. Xia usually focus on altering the bodies of the unsuspecting, the unwilling, or even the oblivious, twisting their figures into forms she finds amusing... Even at the price of their own wellbeing!

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