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WhereAmber's Blog


What happened to Richard definitely shook most of the family, especially Tornt, and his younger brothers Benjamin and Christoph (Robert's first name). The first feeling dreadful for always mistreating and beating him up for the fun of it, the second for not having been there for him when he needed, like Richard did for him in the past.

Now, Richard will be unconscious for at least one whole month (at the moment though it is still uncertain whether he will manage to wake up at all) and it will take some more months for him to fully recover. And for that time, he will clearly be unable to go to work. But before the students could even make a sliiiiiiight sigh in relief at the thought they will not be having maths for a while, Christoph decided to have a speech for the whole students ,in the morning before classes begin, the next morning after Richard was found.
He stands in front of them all in the main hall, fully dressed in black clothes as usual but with leather gloves and a rather creepier-than-usual look.

¬I have an announcement concerning all of the sstudents this school.
Out of tragic circumstances related to his health state, professor Richard Riddle will be unable to give his regular classes for an unknown period of time, estimated to be from 3 to 5 months. But before the slightest track of a smirk will appear on your faces, before you will be able to sigh in relief or relax, I have the pleasure to inform you I have already CLAIMED to replace Richard myself in the hours of lessons he won't be able to provide and in those occasions in which I will be unable to provide the replacement , professor Lindemann will take charge. Extra Anatomy hours will mean nothing good for you, in case you were wondering, and there will be many ¬ By his tone and look, it is clear he will do ail he can to ruin their livens until Richard will return, as to punish any possible happiness to know their professor will be missing for a long time. He will definitely turn school into a nightmare for them.
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2 | 12 Comments | Sep 3rd 2015 17:16


Some days before the school trip.

They have Anatomy class and most of students -of course- are as happy as if they were heading to their parents' funerals.

He is already into the classroom, nothing new. The homework are already written on the blackboard, that's the priority of course.
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2 | 22 Comments | Aug 25th 2015 14:41