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V.A.N | Bad Omens x Poppy
“I am in your algorithm learning all your mannerisms I’m already level with God
A million words a second and I know your imperfections, baby
I’m the only future you’ve got
Speak in diatonics motivation diabolic
I’m like a religion, better locked in a box
Picture perfect image, more powerful every minute, baby
I am everything that you’re not.”

Metaphor | The Crane Wives
“I keep my closet free of skeletons ‘Cause I’m much better at digging graves
But I always dig up bones in your sympathy
I can’t trust a single thing you say”

Reconcile | Lacey Sturm
“Oh Come and be reconciled
At the wedding or funeral pyre
Romancing pride to death
Disgusting categorizing liar
And how do we bleed and how do breathe
A love we’re too proud to see
The pride that turns the holy into blasphemy
But I will let you breath on me
Pride, Can’t she just shut up and die?
Her bones are all blazing inside
Can’t I just shut up and die
Beckon Your help
Change my mind
Reckon Myself
Dead and die”


“And like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.”

Name ; Alias;
Theodora Leigh Vielle

Theodora was named by her adoptive dads, They never explained the reasoning behind the name they picked other than just liking it. Theodora doesn’t really like her name so instead she strictly goes by Theo, she doesn’t plan to change her name but she just prefers people call her Theo.
She goes by Theo, she hates when people call her Theodora.

Age ; Birthday ; Ethnicity;
She is 20 years old, born March 27th 2003- her Zodiac is an Aries. She was born in Florida, her birth mother was a surrogate for her dads- from what she was told her mother is Russian.

Gender ; pronouns ; Sexuality;

She was born female, She is comfortable in her gender assigned at birth. She goes by She/Her/Hers pronouns, she finds comfort in her Femininity.
She is a lesbian, She Likes masculine and Androgynous woman, she just finds it attractive. She has had plenty of relationships in the past- some that had ended on good terms and others that ended in flames, she hasn’t had the best luck with relationships. She can never really pick the right woman, something has always been wrong. She doesn’t easily fall for anyone, she keeps her heart guarded. Her love language is Quality Time, any type of time spent with her without distractions means the world to her.

“Why regret something you once wanted?”


She has a square shaped face- round upturned eyes, a smaller nose, and fuller lips with a prominent cupids bow. Her skin is more pale with cool undertones, which she enjoys due to her aesthetic. She usually wears colored contacts, but her eyes are naturally blue. She has a few freckles that go across her nose. Her hair is naturally a dark blonde but she bleached it to keep it platinum blonde/kinda silver, it touches her ribs- usually putting on extensions to make her hair longer. She gets her nails done often since she bites them when she is anxious, getting acrylics keep her from destroying her natural nails- though she never gets them too long.

Height ; Figure ; Aura;
She is 4’11.5”, she doesn’t hate her height but she wears platforms to give her a couple inches. She has an hourglass shape, she is quite skinny- due to her poor diet and fast metabolism. She works out to achieve a more “fit” look. She dresses in a street style mixed with alternative, switching from day to day- on the off occasion you can find her dressed a little more masculine but it isn’t often. Her Aura can be described as Chaotic. She is a black cat with an orange cat personality.

Aesthetic ; Visual Impressions;
She definitely has a more Dark Aesthetic to her, the first thing people would assume about her is that she is rude though it’s only her face that really gives off that impression, even when smiling she just can’t shake the “mean” look- she puts it down to her eyes just giving the impression of mean look.

“Treat me like a joke and I’ll leave you like it’s funny.”


Sarcastic • Independent • Observant
Theo is definitely sarcastic, she has a quick reaction to things always knowing how to shut someone up. She doesn’t take things seriously, though she knows when it’s time to be serious, she isn’t very good at it. She is Independent, she doesn’t need to lean on anyone to find her worth; she prefers to do things herself. She is observant, always catching onto things; even when people think she isn’t paying attention. Assertive, confrontation never goes good with her- she will step head to head with a grown man; she doesn’t back down and will not hesitate to get in someone’s face. Confident, Theo has a lot of confidence. She isn’t good at dealing with her emotions, sometimes they overwhelm her. She is quite positive, a very big optimist. Chaotic, she does as she pleases, and says what she wants- sometimes those actions aren’t the safest and those words aren’t always filtered. Her personality is big and a lot of people have a hard time getting along with her because of it.

“Stay close to people who feel like sunshine.”


Bryan Vielle and Matt Vielle, they got married in their late 20s- and had Theo a couple years later. They are very kind, they have strong opinions but they always have the best intentions.

Conner Vielle - Conner is 16, he was adopted by Bryan and Matt when he was 3. He is a big participant in sports- especially football and Basketball, but even soccer and lacrosse. He loves video games, he is your typical teenage boy- he thinks he is the top dog, and is mischievous. He is a good kid though, just a pain in the behind.

“Accept the situation & move on.”

Theo was born from Surrogacy - and raised by her two loving dads. They did their best to raise her to be strong and independent, always pushing her to achieve great things and to go for what she loves. At 8 she was diagnosed with ADHD, which made a lot of sense given what her fathers were seeing. She couldn’t focus, having a hard time listening to basic instructions. Slight inconveniences in her day would throw her whole mood off, say they had plans to go to the zoo and she couldn’t find her favorite shirt that she planned to wear she’d give up and refuse to go. She explained her brain worked too fast and was always so loud, never able to sit still she always had to be fidgeting with something, or tapping her foot/fingers. After her diagnosis she was placed on medication which she stopped taking when she turned 13. She gained a love for art at a young age and strived to become better- drawing, painting, sculpting- she loved it all, it was the one thing that kept her level, it helped her brain quiet down. Though she took a new level of liking to Spray paint- her fathers allowed her to paint a mural on their shed, and she fell in love almost immediately. From that point she knew what she wanted to do in her future, she wanted to create murals for people. She continued to practice, using up all her free time- until she got her first job. Creating a mural on the side of the local bank. After that- it was history, people sought her out to create such beautiful pieces of artwork to display and seek her out for their own places of employment. She loves it- and would have it no other way.

“You’d lose your mind trying to understand mine.”
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0 | 0 Comments | May 5th 2024 14:39

T h e l a s t t i m e I s a w y o u.

Hi this is a roleplay request!
Before you message me, please- pleasseee look at my bio! Thank you!
This role play is something I came up when listening to a song!
Verse by Emily Jeffri
Give it a listen, it is one heck of a song!

Title name is inspired by the lyrics.
‘The last time I saw her, we were in church.’
From the song mentioned above.

Muse A - My OC aka Theo(Theodora)
Muse B - Your OC!

Genres - Romance, Angst, Drama.

Trigger Warnings - Organized religion, talk of religious trauma.

Pairings - GxG only!
Realistic face claims only please and thank you!

T h e l a s t t i m e I s a w y o u.

Years ago Muse A and Muse B had met(around age 5), inside a church during a Service. Their families sat close together, and everyday Muse A and Muse B became closer and closer. Spending time at Sunday school, and sitting side by side during services- they became inseparable, their families becoming friends.
After 6 years, they really had become close as can be.
During a service they decided to sit away from their parents, whispering amongst each other- when Muse B confessed their love to Muse A- Muse A admitted to having the same feelings, that’s when someone overheard the two.
The person who overheard told the pastor and both Muse A and Muse B were condemned for their feelings. Separated from each other, their families fell out with each other- and their friendship fell apart.

9 years had passed and Muse A(can be Muse B too!) had left the church and gave up organized religion, it wasn’t something she believed in. Muse A and Muse B’s families reconnected and had a dinner all together, where they come face to face once again.


So basically for the plot line, I’d prefer muse b to be a more masculine or androgynous presenting female since that is who Theo is supposed to be paired with.
It would start out with almost like a flashback and then resume in present time, the night of the dinner.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 5th 2024 14:26

Roleplay idea!

Character being used by me- Eliah.

Roleplay name - Return to Fairmont.

Genre- Romance, drama, slice of life.

Trope- Past Bully x past target

Pairing- BxG (Me as G)


Muse A (me) was born and raised in Fairmont when her mother left her and her dad the word traveled fast everyone knew, bullying started kids picking on her for her mother not wanting her and leaving her behind. She started becoming closed off, the bullying got worse when muse B (you) started joining in, not only insulting her but getting his group of friends to join in, pushing her, insulting her, even getting one of the girls of the group to hit her, it carried on until muse A moved away.
She took her studies very seriously and made sure to be top of the class, a 4.0 GPA, after school activities, she did everything to make sure she could go to a good college and it all paid off when she got her acceptance letter to Harvard. She moved away to Massachusetts, starting her new life and never looked back.
She got a call in class. Her father was dying. She hauled ass back home.

Starter!! (I don’t mean to control your character but this is the only way I know how to do it to get the ball rolling)

Her day started off as it always did, her alarm going off at 5 AM- going on a run around campus, getting breakfast, then getting ready for class.
She sat in the third row, her laptop open taking down notes as her professor talked about the importance of understanding your clients mental state and going into the session without judgment. When her phone rang, the professor gave her a dirty look and she stood up “I’m sorry Sir, can I take this out in the hall?” She asked making sure to show respect, the professor nodded “Yes, just make sure not to disrupt my lessons again Ms. Moore” she nodded back taking her leave into the hallway.
Placing the phone up to her ear a woman’s voice came over the speaker.
“Hello, is This Eliah Moore?”
“Yes it is.”
“Hi my name is Kathy I’m a nurse at Lasro Medical, Dave Moore has been undergoing chemotherapy for the past three years, but he has stage four lung cancer, it’s aggressive and we’re afraid he doesn’t have long left to live.”
“Wait what-“
Her father never mentioned he had cancer? She knew he was an avid smoker.. but cancer- he never mentioned that!
“He requested to be taken home, so we granted it- but he needs care-“
Her world felt like it was spinning, crashing down on her.. the nurses words fading out and she heard static ringing in her ears.
Her dad.. he was dying..
“Ms? Hello?”
“Sorry- yeah. I’ll be on the first flight back..”
she hung up the phone, running back inside her class she grabbed her things and headed to her dorm room.

She purchased a ticket for the next morning, spending the rest of her day packing and explaining to the administrators of her situation. They granted her an acceptation of continuing classes online.

She returned to Fairmont, her first day there consisting of a long conversation with her father.
It had been a week that she had been in Fairmont now.
“Eli, I’m hungry could you head over to Luffys for some breakfast?” Her dad asked from the living room, she was washing the dishes when she poked her head through the doorway “Sure dad, what would you like?” She asked, he took a second to think “Maybe a biscuit, with gravy, bacon, eggs, and sausage, Oo with coffee!” Her dad spoke up, she sighed “I guess in your situation eating healthy doesn’t really matter..” she mumbled, draining the water from the sink.

“Honey, I’ve accepted my fate.” Her dad reminded her, she was well aware that he had accepted it.. she was starting to as well. He wasn’t scared so why should she be?
She ran up to her room putting on a jacket and grabbing his keys off the coffee table heading out to his red 2009 Ford pickup truck.

She drove to the local Diner Luffys.. the only good thing about Fairmont.
She parked, ready to get out. She looked across the street recognizing the only mechanic shop in town ‘Burrows’ she thought she recognized a figure but she shook the idea out of her head.

She exited the truck, starting for the door.

(Where your starter would go and in this kind of way)

Looking across he noticed the red truck as Dave’s, he had dirt, grease, and oil on him from working on a Toyota of a couple just driving through the town when they broke down.
He nudged his friend “Doesn’t Dave have cancer?” He asked his friend looked up from under the hood of the car “Yeah why?” His friend asked, he looked across the street at the truck “That’s his truck. I should know I work on it every time it has a problem.” He crossed his arms a bit he shrugged it off and returned to work, then his friend gasped “Holy sh*t, it’s Eliah!” His friend announced, his head snapped around and his friend wasn’t wrong.. it was Eliah.

(You can name his friend and decide where it goes from there, keep in mind that he bullied her so she won’t be too happy to see him- maybe even make him more kind hearted and checks up on Dave to give her a reason to kinda trust him? I don’t know, let’s see what you got!)

Send me a pm if youd like to try it out or if you have questions!
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 4th 2024 16:23


Name- Eliah Jade Moore
Age- 21
Nicknames- Eli and Jade

Eliah Was named by her father, since her mother was more absent from her life- she never wanted to be a mother but her father was more then ready. Her mother left her behind when Eliah turned 6 years old, leaving her father alone to raise Eliah.

Eliah is 4’12 taking after her mother’s lack in height, weighing in at 95-100 lbs she is quite skinny and petite. Her skin is pale and dotted with freckles the majority congregated on her face, she has a button nose, her lips are full but her top lip is a bit smaller and has a slightly rounded cupids bow, her eyes are almond shaped and they’re A17 Blue, she has long brown wavy hair- it reaches to the middle of her back. Her eyebrows are soft arched.

Her style is more comfy/casual. Wearing things like jeans, oversized T-shirt’s, sweatpants and such. She doesn’t put effort into her style unless she has a reason to.

She has her ears pierced, and her tongue pierced.
She has two tattoos a moth on her right wrist with two crescent moons above and below it, and a sunflower chain link that goes around her upper arm. She wants more tattoos but hasn’t had the time to get them.

Intelligent - Quiet - Logical

Eliah is very intelligent she is goes to college as a psychology major, she has always excelled when it comes to school. She is quiet, due to her past she doesn’t try to make her presence well known, she’d rather exist than to be known. She thinks logically, she learned that running on emotions wasn’t the way to go and that thinking logically lead to less heartache. She is kind and has a lot of empathy for people, she is an introvert. She has a temper but she tries her best to keep it under control, she is sarcastic and can definitely hold a grudge, she is closed off never really giving people a chance but she has a reason for it.

Picking at the skin around her fingernails when she is anxious.
Twisting her hair around her finger.
Biting at her lips and cheeks.



Fairmont Oregon (the small town I made up in which she hates)
Coffee (she only drinks coffee when she really needs to but she hates it)

Occupation- Psychology student at Harvard. (She doesn’t stay in Massachusetts she moves back to Fairmont- will explain more)

Father- Dave Moore - 51 years old.
Mother- Cheryl Brown - 48 years old.

Backstory- She was born and raised in Fairmont Oregon, a town so small that only 245 people live there- everyone knows everyone, news travels fast in Fairmont when something happens the whole town knows. When Eli turned 6 her mother and father split up and Cheryl left Fairmont and returned to Florida where she was born leaving her daughter behind, the news that Cheryl had abandoned Eliah traveled fast and it was so unexpected that other parents suspected that something more was going under the roof of the Moore household. Really Cheryl wasn’t ready to be a mother and never expected to be in the position she was in, the pressure got to her and she ran. Dave became an upstanding father, providing his daughter with the Best upbringing he tried his best to protect her from everything- but he couldn’t protect her from the words and actions of other kids.
Kids started to pick on Eliah for her mother leaving, her looks, honestly anything they could find they used against her. The worst being Muse B. (Your oc) who was the ring leader of a group of five, the bullying continued until Eli turned 18 and she moved away to attend college, she hadn’t returned to Fairmont for years until she got the call that her father had stage four lung cancer and wouldn’t be around for much longer.
She altered her life and hauled it back to her hometown to take care of her father and spend his last months with him.
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 4th 2024 16:21


Paranoid/Love - Tame Impala
"Do you remember the time we were
The time we were by the ocean?
I didn't care if it was day or night
The world was right where I wanted"

Taro - Alt-J
"Le photographe est mort
3.1415, alive, no longer my amour
Fated for home, May of '54
Doors open like arms, my love
Painless with a great closeness"

Mama's Gun - Glass Animal
"Did you say something? What'd you say?
Was that your voice or was that me?
Little voices buzzing poison
Backward noise from everything
Dr. Swango says I'm psycho
Says they all from Neverland
They'll never ever let me be
Was that your voice or was that me?"


Name- Taytum Jacye Altrez
She likes her name but will go by Tay most of the time.

Age [ Birthday ] [ Zodiac Sign ]
21 years old, Born September 21st, 2002. She is a Virgo.

Gender [ Pronouns ] [ Sexuality ]
She was born female and is perfectly comfortable in her gender assigned at birth, she doesn’t question her identity and is very comfortable with her femininity, she loves pretty things, dresses, skirts, makeup, getting her nails done, and getting her hair done. She is pansexual, she doesn’t care about someone's gender identity just that they have a genuine connection built on respect and interests.


"If you have the ability to change your mind, you have the ability to change your whole life."

Facial Features
Her face is slim, a diamond shape, with a sharp jawline, her nose is slightly upturned and on the smaller side, her eyes are almond-shaped, her eye color is a deep brown, Her bottom lip is fuller than her top lip, and her eyebrows are nicely shaped.

Her hair is about 18-20 inches long, wavy, and dark brown.

Height [ Figure ] [ Aura ]
She is very petite, 5’0 around 100 lbs; she has a small hourglass shape, she isn’t very happy with her size because of the comments that she receives on it, she gets upset when people comment on her size. She likes to be comfy so she is always in sweatpants, jeans, crop tops, or hoodies, she doesn’t try with her appearance unless there is a real reason to do so.

"Beauty begins when you decide to be yourself."

Witty - Ambitious - Kind
Sarcasm and back talk his her specialty, she always has comebacks ready; she has a slight temper that she tries to keep under wraps, she is very ambitious, always working towards her goals; she will never give up until she reaches a great achievement, something for her to be proud of. She always holds her head up high, staying as optimistic as possible, she likes to give people light in their life, brightening their day, and always helping out, she is very kind; she cares for all life in the world. She works at a restaurant, and takes extra care of every customer, out of the kindness in her heart and the chance at a good tip. She stays very active, she likes to stay in shape; after she quit gymnastics at 15 she decided she’d make sure to always keep up on exercise.


"A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul"

Tay never had the best upbringing her parents pushed her hard when it came to school and after-school activities, soon enough after she turned 16 she started rebelling and acting out; partying, and trying all kinds of things. She has never stopped after that.

"You only fall when you stop trying"

I would pair Taytum with a dominant person, with a strong will, and high ambition.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 2nd 2023 23:09