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Comments for Sxdist

Sxdist No longer on break <3
Sxdist If I don't respond for a while it's because I'm on a small hiatus..I'm sorry, it's not a lack of interest for this website or the people and roleplays on it by any means, I'm just trying to make time for myself right now and I feel that this is a factor that might be playing a role in my stress. I love all of you so much, these roleplays take my mind off a lot and all of you are so sweet and caring outside of the roleplays and I can't thank you guys enough for all you've done for me. I hope my break won't cause too much of a problem for you all, I'm sorry. I genuinely am. I hope you'll all stay safe for me while I'm gone. Love you guys, bye ;( Mwah <3
Beliath Misbehaving website!