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StarWarsGirl23's Blog

Character Profile: Tayla Ro

Name: Tayla Ro
Year of Birth: 783 ABY
Race: Pantoran
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa (born)
Skin Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Purple
Eye Color: Gold
Height: 5'8"
Midichlorian Count: 19,500
Allegiance: Jedi Order, Galactic Republic


Tayla Ro is a Jedi Knight who was born on the Smugglers Moon of Nar Shaddaa to a vagrant Mother who abandoned her at the age of 8 years old. During the year she spent on the moon alone she learned to take care of herself by stealing in order to feed herself. She'd always found it easy to do so due to her unusual ability to make people forget or her uncanny ability to persuade them into letting her take what she wanted.

She later came to find out this was due to her affinity to The Force, after she was found by the Jedi Grandmaster of the time, Mateo Korvus, who was searching for his own daughter on the Smugglers Moon.

Unable to find his daughter and fearing the worst Grandmaster Korvus offered to take Tayla in and train her in the ways of the Jedi just as he had done with his own daughter before her.

Over the next decade Tayla would become a second chance for Grandmaster Korvus and his wife, Jedi Master Shana Vos, to train a gifted Force User and treat her like they should've done with their own daughter before her. Under their tutelage and boasting a very high Midichlorian count, Tayla would become the most prominent and promising Jedi Knight since the loss of Rhea Korvus a decade prior.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 26th 2023 00:19

Character Profile: Darth Hexis

Name: Nightsister Nyla (birth-name), Darth Hexis(Sith Name)
Race: Dathomirian
Homeworld: Dathomir
Year of birth: 773 ABY
Height: 5'8"
Midichlorian Count: 15,500
Notable Allies: Reborn Nightsisters of Dathomir, New Sith Order


Darth Hexis was born Nyla of the Nightsisters of Dathomir. Over hundreds of years the Nightsister clans had reformed among the few survivors of the massacre during the Clone Wars and repopulated. Nyla grew up amongst her clan knowing only one enemy. The Jedi, who were believed to still be responsible for the death of their sisters centuries ago.

Nyla had always been a bit different from her fellow Nightsisters. Unable to wield the Magicks of Dathomir as effectively as the others. However she still showed great prowess with the Force in which the Witches drew their power from.

This made her a suitable candidate for training when the Sith Lord, Darth Kalrea came calling upon the Dathomirian coven.

And so when the newly reformed Sith Order offered her a position in their ranks and an Alliance with their newly reformed Order, Nyla as well as the Nightsisters jumped at that chance. Together they would finally make the Jedi suffer for what they had done centuries ago. And thus Darth Hexis was born...
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 3rd 2023 10:41

~List of Canon Characters~

The following is a list of Canon Characters that I am willing to play for those more into that sort of thing:

Ahsoka Tano
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Princess Leia
Asajj Ventress
Nightsister Merrin
Hera Syndulla
Bo Katan

Legends Characters:

Jaina Solo
Bastila Shan
Satele Shan
Darth Talon
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6 | 0 Comments | Apr 23rd 2022 09:45

Character Profile: Darth Kalrea

Name: Rhea Korvus (birthname), Darth Kalrea (Sith name)
Race: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Year of birth: 767 ABY
Age: 25
Height: 6'2"
Midichlorian Count: 21,000
Notable Family members: Mateo Korvus (Father, Jedi Grandmaster) Shana Vos (Mother, Jedi Master) Naga Sadow (Ancestor, Sith Lord)
Allied With: Jedi Order (formerly), New Sith Order


Darth Kalrea was born Rhea Korvus on Coruscant in the year 767 ABY to two Jedi Knight parents. Naturally gifted in the Force from the start of her life she was entered into the Jedi Order from the time she was born and trained until she became a Padawan at the young age of 13.

In the years to follow Rhea would grow to become more imposing and athletically gifted than most other Jedi in the order, and most humans in general throughout the Galaxy. Coupled with her unique affinity for the Force and the Jedi Order had a prodigy the likes it hadn't seen in hundreds of years.

Becoming a Jedi Knight at the age of 22 she would continue to train and help maintain the peace throughout the Galaxy, which was experiencing a peace that had lasted for centuries.

That was until at the age of 25, Rhea was given a mission to seek out a stolen artifact from the Jedi Archives believed to be linked to an ancient and long forgotten world, and extremely valuable to the right collectors. Assigning a second Knight (insert your OC here) to aid her in her mission the Jedi Council, which now included her parents Mateo Korvus and Shana Vos, sent the pair on their way.

Tracking the artifact down to the criminal moon of Nar Shaada. They retrieved it with great pushback from the Crime Syndicate. Leaving the Syndicate crippled on Nar Shadaa the pair decided to let their curiosity get the better of them and followed the Wayfinder to its destination... the ancient homeworld of the Jedi's now extinct rival, The Sith, the Planet Korriban.

After months and months with no reply from their two Knights the Jedi Order deemed them lost and mourned their presumed dead. Until ten years later a massive fleet comprised of allied forces gathered over the course of their time in the Outer Rim descended upon their Grand Temple on Coruscant at last revealing that not only had their two Knights survived and achieved their mission, but had lost their way in the process.

At last the return of the Sith was at hand and a new age of war had begun.
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3 | 0 Comments | Apr 18th 2022 18:47

Character Profile: Cassie Zatei

Name: Cassie Zatei
Race: Mirialan
Age: 23 (ROTS)
Homeworld: Mirial (birth), Coruscant (from 8 years old.)
Class: Smuggler
Height: 5'6"
Allies: Jedi Order, Republic (Pre-ROTS)
Enemies: Galactic Empire (Post-ROTS), Jabba The Hutt


Cassie Zatei is a Mirialan Smuggler born on Mirial to a working class merchant family who moved to Coruscant when she was at the tender age of 8. Like many who grew up on Coruscant she looked up to and idolized the Jedi Order as she looked up at them in their Grand Temple. Unfortunately having no affinity to the Force the most she could do was look.

Cassie became orphaned at the age of 11 when Bandits robbed her family at their store and murdered her parents. The Jedi were sent in to investigate and were able to find and bring those who wronged her family to Justice. However this still left Cassie homeless with nowhere to go.

Using her small stature and quick natural reflexes the young girl stole from the wealthy to make ends meat until at the age of 15 she fell in with a group of Smugglers who took her in and taught her how to shoot a blaster.

Cassie would go on to assist several Jedi during the Clone Wars using her skills to get them in and out of Separatist territory undetected, becoming close to several Jedi in that time, namely Ahsoka Tano and her Master Anakin Skywalker.

After Order 66 she used her skills once again to help the surviving Jedi on the run from the Empire and it's Inquisitors in the years to follow.
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4 | 0 Comments | Apr 16th 2022 15:24