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19 / Other / Its Complicated
Phoenix, Arizona - United States
S̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞g̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞w̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞k̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞d̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞w̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞y̳̿͟͞ ̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞.̳̿͟͞

Let me clear the path for some of the wayward souls of the internet, I have zero interest in anything intimate, I'm here to tell a story, to play one out, that's half the fun of roleplay, the other half is learning about the person you speak with through these proxies we use, I will be as unbiased and neutral as possible concerning things, I enjoy learning about you through conversation and interaction, and not through context blocks on your profile, so I'll keep my personality summarized. I am lazy, uncaring of opinions on political and uninteresting matters (yes you're entitled to it depending on where you live, but I'm not required to care because of where I live), and I will never give you 100% straight out of the gates, you must understand that I'm not gonna dump effort into something I'm just testing the waters on now. Life takes precedence over the internet, if I vanish it's not because I'm ghosting you, ghosting is just poor communication skills, respect that I will respond when I can or feel like it, not when you demand it!

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