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RedMelodies's Blog


》I am here to roleplay (obviously kek) but if you just want to talk I'm fine with that too.

》I mostly write up to 3 medium paragraphs, that's about it. In some cases I'll obviously write more or less depending on the situation.
I also write 3rd person mostly, in a literate way. I can make exceptions though ^^

》I play mostly as OCs, but I can try canon characters and real people (idols only), as long as I get to play them in my own way ~

》I'm hella shy so sometimes I might be a bit awkward

》I have discord and instagram as my main socials- my Instagram is on my profile, and you can ask for my discord in dms if you want to ^^

》I'm very flexible with my OCs, so even if they're written with certain traits in my blog, it can be changed for the sake of a roleplay, to fit into a plot, etc. If you like one of my OCs but one of its traits or anything about it bothers you, tell me and I can just play this OC with a different trait than the one you don't like. I also can make one on the spot if needed.

》If I add you, I'll message first, and in all due respect, I expect the same from you.

》My main genres are fantasy, adventure, romance, anime, action, idol/band, slice of life, horror, supernatural

》When it comes to romance, I'm obviously fine with it, it even is one of my favourite genre when it comes with a slow build up along the story. I can do all gender pairings.

》For anything that has to do with naughty stuff, I'm once again fine with it, if the story leads to it and if our characters are being shipped together.
Although, if these things make you uncomfortable, we can just fade things to black until the thing is done. It's up to you, really. Or we can also not include anything of that sort, just tell me.
This has to be discussed in DMs though.

》As said in my bio, I might sometimes take a while to respond to a roleplay due to personal issues, or because I just am really busy, with school work for example. I know that other people have that kind fo issues too, so I understand if you need time to respond. ^-^

》I don't mind at all if you cannot do LGBTQ+ pairings, I understand that some people just cannot play characters of a sexuality that is different from their own, that's okay, as long as you aren't actually homophobic, transphobic etc.

》I might also need to add that my characters aren't me and I am not my characters. Their beliefs and views on things are not necessarily my beliefs and views, if that makes sense.

Might add more later.
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19 | 0 Comments | Oct 6th 2020 06:32

JJBA OC #3 Baby let's goooo

This one is more adapted to a Diamond is Unbreakable roleplay. I edited her a bit to fit that set because I didn't like her as an option for part 3.


First and/or middle names: Ayako Gin
Birth last name: Gushiken
Marriage last name: None
Nickname/alias: None
Age: 16 in 1999
Date of Birth: 8th of January 1983
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Current location: Morioh, Japan
Relationship status: What's a relationship?
Status: Well for now she's alive I guess
Species: Human, stand user.


First name: Kishi
Last name: Gushiken
Place of Birth: On a seashore, unprecised location.
Relationship status: Divorced
Status: Alive
Species: Human

First name: Chikako
Birth last name: Kasai
Marriage last name: Gushiken
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Relationship status: Divorced
Status: Alive
Species: Human


Height: 167 centimeters
Weight: 60 kilograms

Color: Black / Very dark blue
Shape: Very typed, she often ironically jokes about how it's easy to guess that she's Japanese

Length: Very long, reaches the bottom of her back.
Shape: Naturally slightly wavy, she spends her time straightening it
Color: Jet black

Skin tone: Almost unnaturally pale compared to her parents
Body type: Not too thin, not too t h i c c. She doesn't have a perfect body (who does anyways?) but she can safely say she isn't ugly
Remarkable traits: The scar under her right eye

Any illness: A non-severe asthma


Any known mental illness: None

Phobias and fears: Borderline monophobia

Mental state: Great

Personality: Ayako can be shy the first time she sees someone, but will usually go towards people. She would also welcome any newcomer warmly, and would try to spend as much time as she can with people she likes.

Likes: People, Helping people, Cats, Art

Dislikes: Being alone for too long and/or in a scary place, t h o t s, crabs

Weird habits: She wants to draw whatever she sees all the time, so she always wanders around with her sketchbook and a pencil.

Quotes/lines: "Are you sure you have to go already? I'm gonna be lonely!"


Stand Name: Solo Run (Initials: SR)

Stand Appearance: A tall, very thin looking stand, with a dark blue and dark purple skin, which has small white spots on it. It also has a bright, white star-shaped mark on its chest. Overall the stand can be described as an anorexic-looking tall woman.

Stand Name's origin: Ayako's phobia and fear of being alone.

Stand Abilities:

The stand can manipulate its enemy's brain to make them feel extremely lonely to the point it's almost unbearable, no matter how happy the victim is or the state of their feelings. The effects disappear when Ayako makes them stop, or if the victim manages to exit Solo Run's range.

Caged Bird - If the enemy is fragile mentally, psychologically etc, SR can morally push someone to their limit. It often uses its first power to make this task easier. Once this limit is reached, the victim's soul is absorbed by SR's star-shaped spot on its chest. The effect can only disappear if Ayako decides to free the soul of the enemy.

SR can also attack enemies with its long sharp claws.

However, it has a ver close range of 2 meters, so Ayako needs to be near the enemy to attack him.


Ayako doesn't have much of a special backstory. She started developing her stand at the age of 6, and would often have conversations with it, making her parents think that she had an imaginary friend.
Her fear of being alone started when her parents divorced, when she was only 4 years old, more precisely after she was left without any supervision by her parents. She fell off a fly of stairs, not breaking any of her bones but forever leaving a scar under her right eye and one in her mind.
Ayako always found SR's presence reassuring despite its nightmare inducing appearance. As long as she wasn't alone too much, Ayako could appreciate anyone's company. She didn't have any really close friends, but often hung out with different people, trying to sympathize with them.
At 15, she moved to Morioh with her father, when he started to work there as a businessman. She never goes to Tokyo to see her mom but they call each other regularly.
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2 | 0 Comments | Sep 27th 2020 21:30

Lyna Keither: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OC #2

The first one I did kinda sucks imo

This one's especially for Stardust Crusaders and AUs related to it


First and/or middle names: Lyna
Birth last name: Keither
Marriage last name: None
Nickname/alias: Depends
Age: 20 in 1989
Date of Birth: 20th of may 1969
Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas
Current location: Tbh it depends on where the roleplay starts exactly.
Relationship status: Single
Status: Alive
Species: Human, stand user


First name: Jacob
Last name: Keither
Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas
Relationship status: Married
Status: Alive
Species: Human

First name: Mary
Birth last name: Weiss
Marriage last name: Keither
Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas
Relationship status: Married
Status: Alive
Species: Human

No siblings.


Voice claim: Ryōka Yuzuki's voicing Satsuki Kiryûin in Kill La Kill
I dunno I feel like it fits her very well ;-;

Height: 175 centimeters tall
Weight: 63 kilograms

Color: Warm, light brown
Shape: Almond

Length: Semi-long, reaches just below her shoulders
Shape: Something between straight and wavy
Color: Light chestnut with natural highlights

Skin tone: Fair
Body type: Medium built, good at hiding her actual strength
Remarkable traits: A stylish tattoo of a cross, as a memory of her grandfather

Any illness: None.


Any known mental illness: None

Phobias and fears: Arachnophobia, fear of heights

Mental state: Overall sane, can be seen as sadistic for abandoning and even sometimes killing off people who wasted her time and energy. Is clinically depressed but denies it.

Mental strength: Strong enough don't worry about this

Personality: Is very selfish and egoistic at first, since she uses it as a coping mechanism, but softens down with people she happens to like. Becomes overprotective and jealous if someone approaches her friends too much. It's ok tho she has no friends, because according to her, every person she's been close to so far (except her family) wasn't worth it in the end.

Likes: Cats, history, her lineage and own history, firearms even tho she's not a professional in the slightest, she just enjoys them

Dislikes: Crybabies, people who think the world is due to them, people who take everything for granted, caring for the wrong people.

Weird habits: Constantly initiating physical contact with people if she cares for them, for a very good reason, by hitting them or just touching their arms, shoulders, etc.


Usual discourse~
"Partners? What for? I don't need any useless weight on my back."
"Sh*t mate, you're incredibly worthless."
"Bold of you to assume you can mellow me down. You have to be really full of yourself to think you can be so important."

Could almost sound kind~
"Ah, well, I guess you're not as bad as you seemed after all."
"I sure do enjoy your company. That scares me, but I do."
"So you see my stand? It's the best, right? Well maybe I consider you as highly great as my stand."
"I kidna just want to live peacefully after all these years of being on the run."


Stand Name: Baron
Stand Appearance: Resembles an impressive robot, 'wears' a hat that looks much like a WW1 German Aviator hat, the hat of the Red Baron more precisely.
Although the stand is mostly colored of different shades of red, a piece of stainless gray metal covers its right eye, except for a thin opening in the middle of the metal piece.
It also has two tubes piercing its 'skin', one going from under its left eye to where the mouth would be if it had one. The second tube goes from this previous spot to the middle of its neck. The tubes seem like rusty metal, contrasting with the piece covering its eye.
Not breaking off the robotic aspect, the stand also has two shoulder-pieces 'made' of gold, one on each shoulder. The overall design of its body makes it look as if it was literally a robotic Aviation soldier.

Stand Name's origin: Lyna decided to name him Baron because its overall look and energy reminded her of the Red Baron she's heard about during history class and with her grandfather.

Stand Abilities:

Minor skills:
- Baron naturally appears holding a loaded Luger, which can shoot bullet up to 20 meters away. The bullets are like normal bullets.
- Can also fight in hand-to-hand combat or with a light sword kept hanging on its back.

Main ability:
Healing Power - Possibly fatal ability to heal any wounds given to someone by anything other than the stand itself. The bigger the wound is, the more energy will be drained from Lyna herself to heal it. It can also theorically revive a dead person, only if Lyna has had physical contact with this person before their death, but this ability could pretty much and most likely cause Baron's user to die due to all of her vital energy being drained to revive the other person.

Baron isn't nearly as physically strong as Stands like Star Platinum, though it is fairly fast and has much accuracy, compensating for its 'weakness'.


Lyna has a pretty normal story, isn't it for the fact that her greatgrandfather on her mother's side, a man named Heinrich Weiss, was a German soldier during World War 1.
He was an aviator, extremely close to the famous Red Baron, who inspired her to name her stand. Her greatgrandfather died in 1917 when his son, Lyna's grandfather, named Hermann Weiss, was only 2 years old.
When this happened, Heinrich's wife decided to move to America and raised her son there. When the Second World War began, she was glad she didn't stay in her motherland.
In 1940 Lyna's mother, Mary Weiss, was born. Hermann proceeded to tell her about how his father was a well known aviator and so on. When Mary married to her husband Jacob and had Lyna in 1969, Hermann grew close to his granddaughter and told her the same stories he had told his daughter before.
Hermann died when Lyna was 17, snapping something in her mind. She became nearly uncaring, borderline sadistic, egoistic and cold, except towards her family. And, Baron started manifesting.
She got a small cross tattoed on her right hand and ran away from her house, living mostly as a mercenary, however she still went to school until she passed her finals.
After that, she wandered around for two years, until she was 20. She has had some partners and friends since then, but she didnt stay with any of them for a long time, judging they were only weights for her.
She's more of a loner and doesn't plan on ever using her stand's reviving ability on anyone so far, although she knows if she finds someone to care about, she would not hesitate to use it.
She always carries a revolver and a dagger with her, in case she can't use her stand, or when she is sent to do easy jobs.
After hearing about the existence of other stand users, she moved to Egypt in order to find them, ultimately siding with DIO as she sees him as the only person who wouldn't be a burden. However, if she was to find someone better she would simply leave him and his army behind to go with her new 'friends'.

If I play her in a part 4 setting, I will probably make her as redeemed, she gave up on the mercenary job and decided to go live in Japan where the american police would never get her. She can either be on the villain side or the good side.

//I was thinking on making a small thing on what Baron Requiem could be like, because why not??? I don't plan on using it in a roleplay because it could be considered too OP but I kinda want to write my ideas down for some reason, so like can I?

(That's all for now, might add or edit some things later on.)

Pic is roughly what Baron looks like, but with limited art skills I can't do better than that.
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4 | 0 Comments | Aug 31st 2020 01:35

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OC #1

(Yes, #1 cause there might be more, because why not)

Preferred for: Battle Tendency and later parts. Can also be used in Phantom Blood


First and middle names: Jenna Marie
Birth last name: Freder
Marriage last name: None
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 19 of April. Year can vary to adapt to the settings of the roleplay
Place of Birth: London
Current location: Depends on the settings
Relationship status: Single
Status: Alive
Species: Human, can be either a Hamon user or a Stand user depending on the part the roleplay is set in.


First name: Henry
Last name: Freder
Place of Birth: London
Relationship status: Married
Status: Dead
Species: Human

First name: Jeanette
Birth last name: Tourille
Marriage last name: Freder
Place of Birth: A small town in Alsace, France
Relationship status: Married
Status: Dead
Species: Human. Was a Hamon User

No siblings.


Height: Around 168 centimeters tall
Weight: 65.3 kilograms
Color: Hazel brown
Shape: Almond
Length: Long, reaches the middle of her back
Shape: Abnormally straight, most often kept tied in a tight braid
Color: Dark Brown, nearly black
Skin tone: Pale
Body type: Slightly athletic, visibly healthy and kept in shape
Remarkable traits: A scar on her left forearm, gotten from a bad fall while riding a horse, which got her arm to break and left a visible scar
Any illness: None.


Any known mental illness: None
Phobias and fears: Arachnophobia, fear of heights
Mental state: Sane, no sign of any bad thing going on in her mind
Mental strength: Strong enough don't worry about this
Personality: Warm, always willing to help someone in need, but also always ready to kick ass just in case. A very kind girl who just wants people to stay happy as long as they can. Isn't overwhelmed easily and rarely lets people see her true emotions and feelings. However, she tries not to get too attached to people, in fear that they could get hurt, or worse. She can be very jealous sometimes, for no reason.
Likes: Cats, history, bugging people to test them, people who genuinely want to be friends with her, dancing, even though she can't really practice it that much
Dislikes: The people who hurt innocent animals, her enemies, dishonest and rude people.

There's no invariable backstory for this character, I may use her in several roleplays and set up a new backstory for each.
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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 19th 2020 09:43

Some fandoms

I'll put ♡ (1-5) next to the fandoms I have here. The more ♡ there are, the more I am comfortable roleplaying about these fandoms.


Music related:

>>>Figured those are more fanbases I'm in than fandoms so I'm just clearing it up lmao.

➩ATEEZ ♡♡♡♡♡
➩NCT ♡♡♡
➩BTS ♡♡

Video games:

➩Detroit: Become Human ♡♡
➩Five Nights at Freddy's ♡
➩Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven* ♡♡


➩Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 1-5, waiting for part 6 to come out so I can watch it) ♡♡♡
➩Attack on Titan ♡♡♡♡♡
➩Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion Death True, The End Of Evangelion, 1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 3.0+1.0 ♡♡♡♡
➩The Walking Dead (Currently on the beginning of season 3 but saw a few episodes from season 4 to 10 so yeah. I'll be updating this often.) ♡♡♡
➩Demon Slayer (Up to like half of the Swordsmith Village Arc) ♡♡♡♡



➩Creepypastas ♡
➩SCP ♡

>>Though I'm really rusty when it comes to those two, I haven't really been into them in a while now.


*I finished the story mode for the game and I think it can make up for any plot problems, since it takes place where there are alternate worlds and reality can be re-written so everything is possible. I strongly recommend playing this game because it has a good story and overall the end is f***ing majestic.

Maybe others too, like uhhhhh idk really, just ask me to know, I don't have exactly everything in mind right now
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4 | 14 Comments | Jul 28th 2018 09:18