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Questions for Rare

impera asked the question
Q. I don’t like him, but I could never do that. He’s already made an impression on the family
A. What a shame. Guess you'll have to convince them how awful he is
impera asked the question
Q. I don’t think he has the energy for that..
A. Fair enough. Then take things into your own hands and get rid of Marcel if you hate him so much
impera asked the question
Q. I don’t like this guy at all and now he’s at our dads house
A. Maybe your dad will see how awful he is to her and tell her to get rid of him
impera asked the question
Q. Oh interesting….
A. Kinda tragic to watch honestly. But like she's been warned. It's her fault at this point
impera asked the question
Q. What do you mean he’s using my sister
A. Oh you're her brother? Fun! Anyways, he literally could not care less about her. When his friend was being a d*ck to her, he did nothing to defend her. He's so disconnected whereas she's so open and affectionate. All the love comes from her. He gives nothing in return
cinematics asked the question
Q. My brother is not a d*ck! You’re the one causing the most issues here!
A. It all started with him being an ass
cinematics asked the question
Q. I’m upset that you’re sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong and causing distress to Venus and my brother!
A. I'm actually sticking up for Venus so she can have the better happier life she deserves. Your brother is a d*ck who deserves to be miserable
cinematics asked the question
Q. Even so! It’s none of your goddamn business
A. You're just upset that I called your brother out like the piece of sh*t he is
cinematics asked the question
Q. Not EVERYTHING has to be public Hannah
A. No, but certain things should be. You stick up for you girl when she's shes publically attacked like that
cinematics asked the question
Q. Did YOU see him ask Alek to go somewhere with him? No. You don’t know if maybe they talked about it wherever they went
A. He didn't stand up for Venus right away or say anything to defend her. in public. He's a sh*tty boyfriend