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NekoObsessedBoy's Blog

Zack with Mask on

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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 5th 2022 19:55


Name (full): Zachary
Nickname(s): Zack
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bi (Female lean)
Relationship Status: Single
Birth Date: 9/11/XXXX
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: was a YouTube gamer but turned into a mercenary

Personality: Zack is a very kind and friendly person. Though he is cursed with a dark side. Whenever his mask is on he turn evil and sadistic. He's so pure yet with his mask so... so...

Positive Traits:
- Helpful
- Friendly
- Caring
- Attaches to people easily

Negative Traits:
- Not very lucky
- Messes up a lot when trying to help
- Sadistic behavior (With mask)
- Often kills (with mask)

- Being loved
- Being helpful
- Chocolate
- Berries
- Fruit
- Pie
- Blood (with mask)
- Being feared (with mask)
- The smell of burning corpses (with mask)

- Messing up when helping
- When people run away from/leave him
- His other side (both with and without mask)

Health: Overall good

Drinker: Not in an addict way but does drink
Smoker: Not often
Recreational drug user: Not in the slightest
Disabilities: None
Mental illnesses: Well... The mask makes him kinda like he does
Morality: Oh both sides know damn well....

Skills: Well he's a human but when he has his mask on he turns into his video game character. This mask also has a mind of it's own which is the video game character.

Medical: His character has magic though most weak except for his healing spell. He has one good one that is maxed there for able to heal almost anything.
Combat: Well his characters combat is well out of this world.... Him... Weak as hell and couldn't do sh*t to you.
Background: Well one night two years ago Zack was playing a video game and fell asleep. The next day he woke up in the forest. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep gaming. He looked at himself and saw his new clothes. They were clothes he'd only seen in his video and suddenly. "Well hello." Said his new mask. After a fright the mask explained everything. The mask was self aware that he was in a video game. Now living in his new world he liked it way more than the real world. He was still his kind self with the NPCs though he knew they weren't real for a while. Eventually he got so used to this world everything was real to him. This was the real world to him. There was no way to get out but that was ok. He liked it here.

Appearance: In pic

Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Blue
Physique: Skinny with some abbs
Complexion: White
Height: 5'6
Weight: 150lbs
Tattoos: On his back he has one of two clashing swords
Scars: One on his shoulder from a broadsword

Relationships: None anymore

Mother: N/A

Father: N/A

Sister: N/A

Brother: N/A
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1 | 0 Comments | Aug 5th 2022 19:55

Davis (Undertale/Deltarune)

Name: Davis
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'6
Soul Color: Crimson
Soul Type: Hatred
Soul Ability: Has a normal +5 attack and the more hurt the soul owner is the more damage they do.
Weapons: Knife
Magic attacks: Can summon knifes and a red version of the Gaster Blaster that is like Fell Sans' but more broken.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 10th 2022 12:03

Miniko (Mha)

Name: Miniko

Alias: Min, ko-ko

Age: 16-18

Height: 5'6

Weight: 105lbs

Race/Species: Human

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 9/11/XXXX

Occupation: Works at a candy shop

Main abilities: Quirk: Sticky Hand (He can summon a giant sticky hand connected to his hand)

Techniques: None

Transformations: None

Hair color: Pink

Eye color: Pink

Skin color: White

Clothing: In pic

Personality: Childlike

Likes: Uravity, Candy especially candy apples and chocolate.

Dislikes: Nothing really other than mean people...
Heart this
0 | 0 Comments | Jul 9th 2022 13:50

David (My pfp)

Name: David

Alias: Davey (Lover only)

Age: 15-18

Height: 5'5 1/5 - 5'10

Weight: 103-105lbs

Race/Species: Neko

Sexuality: Bi (Female lean)

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 12/20/XXXX

Main weapon: Pocket knife

Sub weapons: Bo staff/broomstick

Main abilities: Fire

Techniques: He doesn't really know fighting techniques but he is good at hand-to-hand combat doing what only feels natural

Transformations: Cat

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Right Red Left Yellow

Skin color: White

Fur Color: Red

Mental Health: Kinda depressed

Clothing: in pfp

Personality: Nice, Caring, Generous, Smart, though a little shy.

Likes: Chocolate, Music, All animals, Magic

Dislikes: Bullies, people being purposely annoying,
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 9th 2022 21:03