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LunaNovaNoir's Blog

The Siren and The Scientists Son

This on I haven’t fully figured out yet but i thought it would be kinda cool. A scientist on one of his many ocean trips looking for creatures of legend finds an injured Siren. Knowing the legends behind them and their deadly song he takes her back to the lab with him trapping her in a tank with electric walls to keeps her from ever escaping, to perform tests and experiments on her before he would reveal her existence to the world. He even brings his son into to the lab and he is drawn to her song like cries for help.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 29th 2020 17:38

The “Queen” and The “Monster”

In a lab hidden somewhere off the Coast, owned by the government intent on creating or finding a creature powerful enough to win a war to end all wars. Out of the 60 they had created and found so far only 1 remained a part man part beast a creature so terrible they marveled at it. They also feared it, tortured it and starved it just to see how it would survive. In that same building was The Queen as they had dubbed her for the fun of it, she was under their control but yet thought that her crown meant something no matter how much they hurt her. She felt sorry for the monster and wanted to save him, although she knew the cost. What would happened?
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 29th 2020 17:37

The Slave and the Magicians Clock shop

Back in the days of old when magic still ruled the world, there was a interesting man you ran a clock and potions shop both potions and clocks beautifully hand crafted by him. There was only one problem even though the people of the village loved his wares and people came from all over to buy them he still got frightened looks and heated glances, children’s were rushed away from him. Why? Because he was rumored to be either a werewolf or a hellhound, but very powerful and according to legend very vicious. It saddened him cause he loved children they made him smile with their joy and he was lonely he wanted someone who wasn’t scared of him because of what he was. But the longer it went on the colder he got figuring they thought he could never be loved why not prove them right? So what would happen when he found a slave girl hiding in one of his chests with the slave hunters and their dogs about to drag her to her punishment with her master no longer wanting her?
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 29th 2020 17:36

Supernatural, Dean and the forgotten

Now we could do Sam and Dean we could even have Castiel but I’m not up to the point of playing more then one main character at a time so we’d have to find another person to join us. Anyway Dean goes to a mental ward to track down and destroy all the supernatural creatures in it as people reported ghosts and a strange woman. When he goes there to investigate the missing persons he finds that in one room there is still a living person which is impossible, she’s out of her mind because of the shock treatments the doctors had done to “cure” the ill. She has no idea that people are no longer living or that she’s supernatural but Deans knows she has to be because when he looks at the paper from 80 years ago her face is there the same as she is now. Instead of killing her or sending her in like the ghosts he decides to keep her close cause he wants to know what she is and wants to know at all cost so he takes her with him making sure that she can’t try to escape or kill him in the night. Regular chains work on her, iron has no effect along with any of the other sure fire creature effecting things.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 29th 2020 17:34

Plot: A1, The Mercenary.

"You think you know me, but you don't."

Life had never been easy for Dia (D-ya), all her life she had wondered if somewhere in her past life she had done something wrong. Because ever since she was a child her life had been seemingly cursed. All her life she had looked on watching loving parents with their children, while she was alone and unloved. Everyday she wonder what it felt like to be them but it never happened.

You see Dia didn't have a family, not one that cared anyway. Half of her life she was locked in a dark basement with a empty freezer and some old children's books. It was scary, dark and cold. But while most children were afraid of the monsters in the dark, she was afraid of the monsters upstairs. As a child she always believed in her story books. That a prince with shining armor and a house would come for her, save her from this place. But the older she grew the more broken she became and the more she realized that life wasn't a storybook and no one was coming for her. No one cared, but amidst the pain and suffering she realized that maybe, just maybe she could be her own prince and save herself.

Soon everyday in secret between the work she was forced to do and the meals that didn't satisfy, She would work towards her goal, Making herself stronger and stronger as the days went by Stealing food from above to feed her needs and she continued this for years, She was caught a few times and punished but they underestimated her resolve and just 2 days before her 19th birthday she escaped. With a knife she had stolen and a pistol she had pinched off of the dead bodies left in her wake, but it was a little late for her. She had grown cold and buntal to hide her broken and damaged past. She soon realized she enjoyed killing and it became her job everyone knew her but no one could catch her, and her sights were deadly. Dia (Die) The Mercenary.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 24th 2020 11:05