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(Rhett Saddler)
30 / Male / Single
Louisville, Kentucky - United States
I like fresh vacuum lines on carpet.
I also like American flags that are hanging inside someone's house.
I like putting clothes on immediately after they come out of the dryer and I like falling asleep in a hammock.
I also really dig mini-fridges or drinking the first glass of an unopened 2 liter soda.
I like girls that laugh at my jokes and I like them more if I laugh at theirs.
I really really like sun roofs, especially at night.
Speaking of night, I also get very happy when I flip to the cold side of my pillow or get so tired that everything is hilarious.
I also need to have a cover on even if it's extremely hot and I really prefer having a static background noise like a fan or air conditioner.
I get anxious when I hear my heartbeat.
I get excited whenever I'm on a long drive home and I see the first red light of my hometown.
I like romantic indie movies.
I like watching romantic indie movies with other romantic indie movie lovers.
I like the front camera on cell phones.
I like singing really badly to 90's songs with a bunch of other people who sing really badly to 90's songs
I like sunshine too...

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