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Questions for JHyunny

gossip asked the question
Q. lyn gonna eat the most!! Then melons?? O.o
A. What about veggies?
gossip asked the question
Q. silly~!! gonna feed 'em all dah grapes ๑(◕‿◕)๑
A. Don’t feed them so many they get a belly ache.
gossip asked the question
Q. … :D gon’a see ducks today???
A. Sure, we can see your siblings.
gossip asked the question
Q. mmm i don’t know.
But I have’s something to tell you.
A. What is it?
Whatever it is we’ll work through it together.
gossip asked the question
Q. Reeeealllyyy??
A. You think I’d wear Micky mouse ears all day for two girls I’m not wild over?
gossip asked the question
Q. ..really?
A. Yes but also
Her smoking hot mommy.
gossip asked the question
Q. and who’s your valentines??
A. Sofia.
gossip asked the question
Q. Be my valentines or im coming and creasing your shoes >:(
A. I plan on being your valentines for a long long time baby.
gossip asked the question
Q. Mm..okay. I understand cariño. But a trip to america, a trip to the ice cream parlor? As long as we’re together we’ll always have fun. So! What should I pack?
A. I know.
And I love that about you but I want to treat you right.

Only 4 days worth of clothes.
gossip asked the question
Q. America is…really far. I really wish you’d discussed this with me a bit sooner.
How long will we be there for??
A. I wanted to surprise you guys. Give you the vacation you deserve. The gifts you deserve.