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Questions for GetAced

_headache_ asked the question
Q. <3
A. <3
_headache_ asked the question
Q. beep boop
A. Beepity boop bap
_headache_ asked the question
Q. Thank you!!!!!
I love you lotsssssssssss and lots and lots and more!
A. Lots o love<33
Don't be copycat
Be spinnymini
_headache_ asked the question
Q. That's nice!!
Me personally I like the noise for some reason? Nice though!!
Mm..I would have to say my new years resolution is like yours, taking better care of my self such as the right amount of sleep and going to the gym more.
But I also want to learn Spanish more fluently, because it sucks right now, and I'm like 40% hispanic so that's know
A. Slayed and serving, that is awesome. Good luck with that, my friend! And remember, just because one day doesn't make you enough progress as the rest does not mean that you have failed in any way.
_headache_ asked the question
Q. ur lucky cause the only fireworks we have, were cancelled and ppl who were doing fireworks got in trouble, also what's ur new years resolution?
A. Yeah, I believe they are now illegal in some places, are they not? If there would be a silent version for them, that'd be great, hah!
I don't typically do resolutions, I guess my best is to attempt at working out again and taking better care of myself. What about you, hun?
_headache_ asked the question
Q. thoughts on going onto 2023
A. Loud as hell, the fireworks sounded like gunshots. Hope that the world decides to stop fighting fire with fire and we start working together to make the world a better place.
_headache_ asked the question
Q. hihihi
A. Hellohellohello!