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Emerald-Steiglitz's Blog

unfreezing the loners heart (musical plot idea)

the year is 2017,in the small town of redwood is on the edge of the continent,allowing a perfect view of the ocean,while on the other side is a heavy forest. in the middle of these 2 polar opposites, the great college of redwood is known to house talents ranging from technology to the fine arts. and in this school,a new student has taken them by surprise. a student who came out of no where,with barely anything to his name. and rather than a dorm,this student has been seen leaving the college grounds and walking into the woods,where a small log cabin was once abandoned.

so after months of this unknown person being there,many began to speculate where they came from. some thought he escaped from a lab and is hiding from the government. others believe he's a spirit who hasn't passed on to the other side yet. but one student doesn't believe any of those ridiculous ideas,and decides to find the truth. but is she able to find the truth and help this mysterious person and show them that they don't have to keep running....

Muse A (my character) will be the mysterious newcomer
Muse B (your character) is the one who tries to find out what theyre hiding


genres: romance,musical,mystery
OPTIONAL GENRES: fantasy.sci-fi,action?
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1 | 0 Comments | May 24th 2021 18:03

Topaz Steiglitz


Character traits
Topaz,unlike his siblings, tends to wear more low profile clothes,usually seen in a brown jacket with a yellow T-shirt,dark jeans and a yellow ear ring in his right ear. he also wears a set of brown boots that show wear and tear since he has had them for several years.

Topaz is a more "actions speak louder than words" kind of person,meaning that he tends to keep quiet,but is not afraid of showing the people around her what he is capable of. though despite his quiet personality,he tends to speak quietly to himself,and if he is confident enough around you,will always bring you in for a conversation.

Topaz is a banshee,meaning he can use his voice to give out devastating damage. though this power does NOT come risk free. every time he uses his power,his vocal chords will rip themselves apart,and his bones with rattle and crack,meaning his power is the most devastating to both his enemies and himself. luckily his family has created a special potion that can heal the damage he causes to himself
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1 | 0 Comments | May 11th 2021 18:51

Ruby Steiglitz


Witch in training

Character traits
Ruby has been seen wearing loose fitted clothing on her personal days at home or out in town,but at night when needed she chooses to wear a suit of armor made of adamantite steel. to hide her armor from enemies she is seen with a red and white cap,which can cover all but the lower half of her legs. she also possesses a necklace with an emerald topaz and sapphire gem in 3 separate locations.

Ruby believes that she cant live up to her siblings emerald and sapphire,but she also believes that she will make her own mark,in her own way. helping out whoever she can,she can be described as bubbly,but can also get serious when needed.

Ruby has a slight power over magic. able to conjour simple spells like fire and lightning,her true specialty is using teleportation spells,healing spells and spells that can power up her allies in a fight.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 11th 2021 18:34

Sapphire Steiglitz

Age: looks 23

Character traits
long blue hair and green eyes,with a small necklace around her neck with 3 gems on it. her outfits range from something comfy,like a blue hoodie and dark blue skinny jeans,to battle armor when out hunting demons. she has also been seen wearing gauntlets with Celtic runes on them allowing protection,similar to a shield.her armor is adorned with sharp edges and several different types of blue hues ranging from turquoise to malachite in color.

sapphire has the most serious personality of the gem siblings,being somewhat cold and calculating at time. However if she finds you are worth getting to know,she will use everything in her power to keep you safe,and will even lay down her life for those she trusts,especially her family.

powers: weapon magic

she has the power to create any weapon she can imagine,but in order to do that she needs a precise image in her mind to create it. her most commonly seen weapon is the bident,a two pronged spear similar to the trident.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 11th 2021 18:15

The Copper Cricket

"welcome to the copper cricket,Serving coffee by day,slaying demons at night."
The copper cricket is a small cafe in London England where emerald and his siblings,ruby and topaz,make their home.
ruby makes the coffee and deserts
topaz makes the lunch and dinner food
emerald handles the entertainment by singing songs
however once the cafe closes for the night that's where the real work begins. once the clock strikes 10 PM,the cafe receives phone calls whenever there are reports of monsters or demons running amok
with emerald as the man on the scene,topaz with communications and guidance,and ruby with capture spells and sending them back to where the belong.
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 18th 2021 20:26