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DarkestHour's Blog

The Tormentor


"For you my dear...death is only the wonderful beginning."


Full name: Navas Alonso Webb

Alias: The harrowed killer

Age: 256, physically no older than 25.

Race: Wraith

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'4"

Eyes: Brown.

Hair: Brown.

Health complications: Sadistic Personality Disorder.


Father (Thomas Webb): Dead, Was the first victim of Navas.

Mother (Ruby Webb): Dead, died in childbirth.

Step Mother (Dawn Webb): Dead, Navas killed her shortly after his father

Older sister (Gabriella Webb): Dead, Died from unknown circumstances, although many believed that Navas poisoned her.

Older brother (Oskar Webb): Dead, Was attacked by Navas, but escaped and fled, died of old age, never having seen Navas after he was attacked by him.

Great Grand Niece (Crystal Cloud): Alive, the last surviving member of Navas' bloodline, he has taken an intest to finding her to end his family once and for all.

--------Character information--------
Likes: loud screams, rain, a good chase, snakes,, masochists.

Dislikes: cats, dogs, people who feel nothing, children, warm sunny days.

Strengths: cunning, deceptive, very friendly at first.

Weaknesses: sadistic, heartless, exploitative.

Appearance: As a human, Navas appears as one of the most unassuming people you'd ever meet, if there was ever a person that could be used to fit the term "Average joe", Navas would be just that. This is until he reveals his true form, as a wraith, he wears a long jacket that usually drags behind him, accompanied by the sound of chains dragging on the ground. His hands are replaced by what looks like a green stone that has pointed tips, and his face becomes a floating skull with long strands behind it.

Personality: A master at manipulation and earning peoples trust, Navas is very well spoken and very friendly, usually preying off both positive and negative emotions to earn someone's trust, before luring them in to his lair where they are never seen again. It would take someone just as deranged as him to be able to love him, and there would be no guarantee he wouldn't use that to his advantage aswell, but if someone truly won his heart, he would burn the world to the ground for them, so that they could dance on the ashes.

--------Weapons and abilities-------

Weapon of choice: Chained hook.
While in wraith form, Navas carries a large hook with him, despite how heavy it appears to be, he is able to throw it around like its made of paper, the hook can tether to someone's soul and pull it out if that's what Navas wishes, but he will often use it to inflict pain first.

Wraith powers: Navas is a wraith, meaning he can cause his body to become ephemeral to move through solid objects with ease, also allows for short range teleportation.

Lantern: His lantern is capable of shining light in even the darkest rooms at all times. The lantern is fueled by the souls of his victims, which he keeps within to torture, anyone who would be able to feel their presence would hear thousands of souls screaming for help.

Spectral chains: Navas is able to summon barbed chains that he can use to hold down his victims, or even attack them if he cannot reach them himself.

Born into a poor family Navas was the neglected child, being the youngest he was treated like dirt, often ignored by both his parents, and his siblings. Things didn't go any better at school, where he was teased and mocked, this is where he begun to view all life with contempt. At the young age of 12, he snuck outside, where his father was working, and killed him by knocking him off a ladder and then hitting him in the head with a large stone, his step mother saw the entire thing, causing him to throw the rock at her, killing her too.

Navas then fled his home and moved south, sneaking on a boat that ended up capsizing of the coast of a small, unknown island. One of the four survivors of the wreck, Navas wasted no time exploring his surroundings, finding creatures that reeked of death everywhere, they were hostile to him at first, but after sensing the malicious intent in his heart, they left him alone. Venturing further into the island, Navas found the truth to where they were.

Those islands were once the pinnacle of life, containing water that could heal any sickness, the natives of this islands used the water generously, until a grieving husband tried to revive his wife from death using the water, this corrupted the water and blanketed the island in black mist, hiding from the rest of the world until now. Venturing to where the water was originally held, he ended up finding the still alive husband, cursed to be kept alive by the water, in act of zero hesitation, Navas found the nearest bladed weapon, and killed the man, causing the mist to flow into him, its power caused him to drift into a slumber lasting 250 years.

When he woke up, he heard voices, not in his head, but the voices of explorers, he looked down to see a hook and a lantern in his hands, and one desire. He tracked the explorers down one by one, killing each of them, learning that his lantern was a prison for souls, he relished the idea of such a cruel device, laughing at the possibilities it provided him. Stealing the explorers boat and returning to the mainland with a disguise, he quickly learn how society had evolved, and begun to exploit it to find more and more victims. Now, he moves from place to place frequently to avoid being caught, usually posing as a therapist or doctor to get to victims, his methods for moving around so fast are unknown, but people have begun to catch onto how his murders occur, and are seeking him, although he always seems to evade them.


Navas' song: Shadows Follow - Metallica ( )

Voice Claim:

Time period: Any Supernatural era.

Alignment: Navas is the most evil character in this blog, he is heartless, cruel and destructive, there is no swaying him from this path.
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2 | 0 Comments | Aug 28th 2022 23:43

The Augmented


"Our future is clad in metal, you would be blind to not see it."


Full name: Victor Jasper

Alias: N/A

Age: 25

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'1"

Eyes: Neon Orange, naturally grey.

Hair: Brown.

Health complications: Heavily cyberized.


Father (Bosco Jasper): Dead, Passed away from health complications.

Step Father (William Foy): Alive, The two hate each other, and Victor would love to see him dead.

Mother (Adela Jasper): Alive, haven't spoken since she remarried.

Sister (Jade Jasper): Dead, died from the same health complications his father had.

--------Character information--------
Likes: doing research, robots, warm weather, recognition for his work.

Dislikes: rain, loud sounds, being stared at, birds.

Strengths: intelligent, determined, creative.

Weaknesses: morally grey, indifferent, stubborn.

Appearance: A heavily modified individual, Victor's body is composed of very little flesh, having replaced most of his body with metal prosthetics, although at first glance it would be hard to tell them apart from amour or anything of the like. He almost always has a staff with him that he uses to help himself walk, without it, he has a limp and moves slowly, the staff has a glowing crystal at the center, its colour will change from either blue, orange, red or purple based on different situations.

Personality: A well spoken and intelligent individual, Victor seems to be able to speak to anyone, and most people would call him light hearted. Although he is dubious of most new people he meets, this doesn't stop him from being able to strike up conversation and talk to people about different things. Despite all this, however, he will not hesitate to throw this kind persona to the side if the situation demands it, understanding that sometimes sacrifices need to be made for the greater good, even this exposes his lack of mortality. With those he cares about, he will become a little more protective, although he will not hesitate to cast them aside if it means progressing his goals, a dark secret he would never let anyone know.

--------Weapons and abilities-------

Weapon of choice: Charged staff.
The staff he uses to walk also works as his weapon, shooting out plasma beams from the crystal at the center, the precision, intensity and stability of the beam is dependent on whatever colour the crystal is at the moment, with red being the most intense but least stable, blue being much less powerful, but much more stable and easy to control, and purple and orange being somewhere in-between, although those two specialize in being used outside of combat.

Welding beam: The orange beam works to fuse steel together, often used while he is creating his mechanized creations.

Cutting beam: The purple beam works to break open vaults, or opening large doors that are sealed by steel.

Additional gadgets: Victor carries two other gadgets on his person, one device that generates smoke and electrical surges. The other a device that attaches to machines and vehicles, siphoning their power.

The second born to a well off family, Victor had always aspired to be a doctor, as his father was one of the best in their community. He always looked up to his father, who was very supportive of him throughout his childhood, and as he went off to university to study medicine. This was when tragedy struck, with his father contracting an unknown disease which slowly shut down his body from the inside out, the disease spread to his sister aswell, and within the same week, they had both died. Stuck by this to the core, Victor dropped out of school and fell into a depressive state, having zero motivation to continue on with his life.

This went on until his mother ended up marrying a rich businessman, and immediately, the two begun to clash, with his new step father insulting him for quitting school to mourn his father, and cursing his father as a fraud. Enraged, Victor left home and purchased a study of his own, where he attempted to teach himself engineering, but before this could get to much of a start, he contracted the same disease that had killed his father and sister. Being told he wouldn't live more than a few months sparked something in him, that night the door to his study closed for 2 whole years, some saying that the man known as Victor Jasper died that very night, and what emerged later was not him.

During the time he was locked in his study, he went about creating a machine that could replace his body with steel, and it was a massive success, his arms, legs and organs had been replaced by a special alloy he had made, giving them more flexibility than any other metal. In addition, he had made a part to go over his face, hiding his true identity to the world, although this piece is still removable. Upon being discovered by the worlds elite, they commissioned several pieces of high tech machinery to be built and programmed by him, each of them more luxurious then the last, and each of them built to perfection.

Recently his works had caught the attention of many governments and secret organizations, who have begun to commission different weapons from him. The Victor who wanted to practice medicine would never heed such a request, but this Victor? he could care less. When not working on weapons for governments, he seeks to build robots who work for him, helping him create more and more lethal items in the future. Rumor is that Victor is weaponizing his robots aswell, but much is still unknown, but if it is true, who knows what sort of mechanical terror this man his hiding below his study.


Victor's song: Feed the Machine - Poor man's Poison (

Voice Claim:

Time period: Sci-fi era.

Alignment: Victor leans slightly more into the evil realm, he would see humanity augmented with technology, and could even be swayed to a fanatical dictator. However, it is possible to sway him from this path, and turn him into a better person.
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1 | 0 Comments | Aug 17th 2022 22:49

The Raiser


"Hey there! The names Lilith! You better remember it!"


Full name: Lilith Gwen Smythe

Alias: Assistant to the secret keeper

Age: 20

Race: Human (?)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Height: 5'8"

Eyes: Red.

Hair: Black.

Health complications: N/A.


Father (Jarod Smythe): Dead, Killed in war.

Adoptive father (Niconis): Alive, Not an overly strong relationship.

Mother (Kaylee Smythe): Dead, Died giving birth to her.

Older brother (Rixos Smythe): Alive, She views him as the only person she can really trust, and confides in him when she can.

Companion (Stitches): Undead, The first undead she ever raised, a lumbering goliath that has low intelligence, but incredible physical strength.

--------Character information--------
Likes: talking to souls, hurting people, when she can feel sad, her brother.

Dislikes: authority, bright lights, cats, seeing loved ones hurt.

Strengths: optimistic, powerful, selfless.

Weaknesses: unstable, air-headed, naïve.

Appearance: Rare is it for her to make a public appearance, when she does, its often alongside her brother, she wears much more casual clothing then he does, not overly concerned with standing out or staying hidden. Even on missions she tends to still wear causal clothing, seeing no need for armor, or any sort of protection for that matter.

Personality: Always a ray of sunshine, Lilith seems to always be in a good mood, and is incredibly bubbly, serving as the polar opposite to her brothers stalwart visage. This isn't for a good reason, however, she can almost never feel any other emotion, she sometimes will break down crying, but these moments are actually a huge relief for her, as she wants to feel other emotions, but something inside her wont let her. When someone gets close to her, she becomes far more protective, showing signs that she gets jealous when those she cares deeply about interact with other people, although it is never clear since she is always wearing a big smile.

--------Weapons and abilities-------

Weapon of choice: Magic.
Lilith uses shadow magic to defend herself, she never carries weapons on her.

Raise dead: Lilith can raise the dead to obey her commands, they are forced to do whatever she tells them to.

Shadowmeld: Lilith is able to meld into the shadows, becoming invisible within them, she uses this to eavesdrop on conversations often.

(Lilith has other abilities which will be revealed later in her story)

After being taken in by the centaur prince Niconis, rather then studying multiple fields of magic like Rixos, she instead opted to gaze into one specific form of magic, Necromancy. Wasting no time, she quickly learned how to reanimated the dead and have them do things for her. She was scolded by Niconis for this, as Necromancy was looked down upon, but this is when her condition was reveal to both Niconis and her brother, while she was being reprimanded, she couldn't help but smile along, not seeming bothered by it at all. Later she confessed to Rixos that she did feel bad in that moment, but couldn't show it, as an overwhelming sense of joy built up in her, when he pressed her for more information, she had already forgotten about it, and was back to smiling and joking around.

Once the war between the city states of Arcana had ended, and the council of Arcana had been formed, she disappeared from the public eye for an extended period of time. During this time, she learned how to control the shadows, and manipulate their power to aid her with her Necromancy, venturing to different regions of Arcana to learn more and more about the two schools of magic learning they went hand in hand with each other. She established a foothold in southern Arcana, where the use of Necromancy was not regulated, and there she just did nothing, waiting in a tower as she had her undead servants do her bidding.

This went on until Rixos found her again, she was happy to see her brother again, less happy to learn that he had been offered a position working under the council, but the words that came out of her mouth were words of congratulations. Before they could speak more, one of her servants returned with an ancient scroll, detailing information about 6 world runes, powerful artifacts used to shape the world, but nearly destroyed it after being abused. This discovery lead Rixos to accepting the position to try to get the councils help in finding these runes, a decision Lilith disagrees with to this day.

Today, she reluctantly works alongside her brother, often remaining in their study alone, working on making more discoveries in regards to the world runes, but occasionally she will venture outside, either at the request of the council or if Rixos needs her help on a mission. Occasionally, however, she will wander off on her own, usually after learning about monster hunts going on, the reason she has an obsession with these hunts is unknown, what is known is that more and more hunters have gone missing as of late, along with the monsters that they are hunting.


Lilith's song: arsonists - Ethan Bortnick ( )

Voice Claim:

Time period: Fantasy era.

Alignment: While she has a good heart, and is destined to be a good person, that wont always be the case. Dark allies could lead to a darkening in her heart, and to lean into her true nature more then what she's been formed to be.
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1 | 0 Comments | Aug 7th 2022 01:53

The Hunter


"You learn how to read people when you see countless of them walk through your doors...but never in my life have I been able to read him..."


Full name: Sador Rylee Locke

Alias: The shadow hunter

Age: 22

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'1"

Eyes: One is missing, other is deep red.

Hair: As White as snow.

Health complications: Mute, Severe social anxiety.


Father (Warford Locke): Dead, Slain by monsters.

Mother (Brea Locke): Dead, Slain by monsters.

Brother (Levin Locke): Unknown, was taken by the monsters, Sador attempts to work to discover his brothers fate to this day, holding out hope he may be alive.

Student (Shieda Khada): Is always checking in on his student although he does not know it.

--------Character information--------
Likes: physical touch (would never admit it), monster hunting, alcohol, insects.

Dislikes: being depended on, being yelled at, arrogance, snakes.

Strengths: skilled, quick thinker, natural teacher.

Weaknesses: anxious, self-conscious, closed off.

Appearance: Never goes out in public unless he is fully armored, he wears dark black armor along with a red scarf and a mask, he wears it all even for the smallest outings. Even when near people he trusts, the most he will do is remove his mask, refusing to ever take his armor off, and brushes it off whenever he is questioned about it.

Personality: On the outside, Sador seems like the typical hunter, calm, cool, collected, and calculating every action he takes. To an extent, that's what he is, being as renowned as he is, he keeps up this persona when eyes are on him. However, underneath his clam exterior, he is always anxious, worried about every step he takes, and every strike he makes, afraid that it could have consequences he isn't taking into account. He does not deal with any sort of confrontation well, backing off when being yelled at, and isolating himself from people who tend to get angry with him. To friends and lovers, they would see a much more gentle and kind side to him, seeing how much he craves affection, and how he struggles to express his emotions, although getting to this point is not exactly simple.

--------Weapons and abilities-------

Weapon of choice: Twin wrist blades and shurikens.
Sador always carries two concealed wrist blades under his armor, along with a wide variety of shurikens, all these weapons specializing in piercing the touch hides of the monsters he hunts.

Shadow clones: Sador is able to summon a pair of shadow clones, these clones mimic his attack pattern and carry blades of their own, Sador can switch places with them at will.

Death mark: He can preform a coordinated attack with all his clones, this attack harms the victims soul directly, often expunging it completely, as such, Sador only uses it as a last resort.

Telepathy: Sador is versed in speaking with telepathy, although he prefers to use sign language if the person knows it.

Born to a middle class family, Sador experienced life around the monster hunting world quickly, his father being a veteran hunter and his mother being a gunsmith, they quickly begun preparing Sador to live the life of a hunter aswell. However, one night, his village was ravaged by creatures of the night, in a few short moments, nearly every person was either killed or taken by the beasts, the few survivors left with scars on both their body and their mind. Sador would've died that night, if not for a monk who had stumbled on the wreckage of his house, and took him to a monastery where he was nursed back to health.

The attack had left him unable to speak, but had also blessed him with the power of long lost shadow techniques, his new guardian was reluctant to aid him in mastering these, since most of them were long forbidden, but against the judgement of his fellow monks, he taught Sador to master his abilities, he was a strict, but fair teacher, leading Sador to become a near perfect fighter in the meantime. All this time, the truth about how he ended up there was being hidden from him, his teacher praying he would never have to learn the grim fate that befell his family

This would not be possible, as once again the creatures came in the night, attacking the monastery trying to eliminate all life, but Sador, leading the defense in place of the elders, pushed back the creatures nearly single handedly. His master, however, wasn't as lucky, being fatally wounded by one of the creatures, as he laid dying, he told Sador the truth, and for the first time in his life, he felt rage, wanting to hunt every last monster until there was nothing left. But that rage quickly subsided, as did the last spark of his masters soul.

Sador left the next day, leaving for the nearby towns, where he begun to take monster hunting jobs every day, being able to do most of them alone, he begun to amass a legendary reputation, but all of this pressure proved too much for him, feeling the pressure to be better every day weighing on his mind. To this day he tries to ignore it, but as stronger monsters begin to surface across the world, he will need to ask for help, lest he throw himself at a beast no man could face alone.


Sador's song: Ego Death - Polyphia (Feat. Steve Vai) ( )

Voice Claim (Telepathy):

Time period: Fantasy era.

Alignment: After a nearly being killed by dark forces, Sador has vowed to walk a pure and good path, nothing or nobody could sway him from that path.
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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 3rd 2022 04:50

The Mage Prince


"It is my greatest honor to meet you...just don't get too close, for your sake"


Full name: Zocu Otmar Preston

Alias: N/A

Age: 20

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'7"

Eyes: Grey.

Hair: Dirty blond.

Health complications: Mild anxiety.


Father (Oscar Preston): Alive, the current reigning king, they had a great relationship for a long time, but lately there has been distance put between them due to Zocu trying to avoid marriage.

Mother (Gwendolina Preston): Alive, Relationship is similar to that of his father, although they are on better terms since she doesn't bring it up as often.

Companion (Margorie): Alive, a beast constructed from stone and brought to life to protect the prince, Margorie is fiercely protective of the young prince, and tends to be distrustful towards strangers.

Companion (Kalteste-Nacht): Alive, also known simply as 'the darkness', Kalteste-Nacht is a primordial being that inhabits Zocu's body, the two often work in harmony, but sometimes the creature can have violent outbursts, usually when Zocu is threatened.

--------Character information--------
Likes: hot weather, Helping others, Sleeping, His companions, Skipping stones.

Dislikes: losing control, Freezing weather, thunderstorms, being pressured.

Strengths: protective, kind, selfless.

Weaknesses: self-conscious, sometimes too kind, secretive.

Appearance: Zocu often wears long dark robes when out in public, despite using light magic, he also often covers most of his face so people cannot tell that the crown prince is walking among them. When in private, he still prefers formal attire, never being bothered by the heat, although he will often wear bright colours during these times. When Kalteste takes control, his eyes turn a deep purple, before his facial features disappear completely, but the rest of the creatures appearance differs based on who is viewing him.

Personality: A gentle soul, Zocu often is patient and calm with anyone, regardless of how they act towards him, he would never seek to harm another person physically or mentally. This temperament changes when people threaten those he cares about, he will not hesitate to lash out at these people, and if it gets serious enough he will allow Kalteste to deal with them. The creature is much more violent, viewing all life with contempt, and relishing in the paranoia and fear of others, although it is more calm with friends of Zocu. Zocu himself would do anything for his friends without question, due to this he can be easy to manipulate and take advantage of. Zocu is hesitant to have a lover, since he struggles to think what would happen if he lost control of Kalteste around them, the last thing he would ever want is to hurt someone unintentionally.

--------Weapons and abilities-------

Weapon of choice: Kalteste's bladed tonfas.
Zocu himself rarely carries a weapon on his person, but when Kalteste takes control, he can summon a pair of bladed tonfa at will, these blades seem to rip through shields and armor with ease, but its unclear if that's the blades doing, or just the creature striking with excessive force.

Light magic: Zocu can use light magic to heal himself and protect his allies, although he can also use it to strike at anyone who is threatening him.

Two minds: He can allow Kalteste to take over his body, allowing the creature to manifest into the physical world, the creature can teleport short distances to close the cap between itself and its victims.

Manifestations of fear: Kalteste is able to force people to experience visions of their worst fears, weather they know what it is or not.

After having a series of miscarriage's, Zocu was born to Oscar and Gwendolina Preston, who were the current monarchs of their kingdom. The stress of losing several children before him caused his parents to be extremely protective of him, never allowing him to go outside for most of his childhood, and even creating a guardian of stone for him to serve as a protector. Zocu wished for nothing more to explore the outside world, but for a long time, this wasn't permitted for him.

It wasn't until he turned 11, where it was discovered he was born with the ability to use light magic, because of this, his parents were much more lax with allowing him to be independent, although they still imposed rules, and hired a senior mage to help the young boy control his powers. Every moment he could, he left the castle, roaming the streets while hiding his identity, seeing poor people struggle to survive, he wanted to help them, but he knew there was nothing he could do in that moment.

On his 15th birthday, he decided to go for a walk near the ocean late at night with Margorie, where he came across what looked like an injured spirit. When he approached, the spirit attacked him, forcing itself into his consciousness and trying to take over his body, and it succeed for a brief moment, irreversibly changing Zocu, but the prince was able to wrest control back from the monster, and after a moment, they begun to speak, the creature told him his name, Kalteste-nacht, the embodiment of fear and darkness itself, in the moment, he felt like he was going to die, but something in him compelled him to simply tell the mythical being everything there was to know about himself. Taking an interest in the prince, the creature offered to relinquish its control if he would allow him to stay within him, which Zocu agreed to, hoping eventually he could pacify this spirit from its dark ways.

Their relationship improved greatly over the years, Zocu even confiding his worries to the creature, who would offer advice from its past experiences. This is something Zocu would need when he turned 18, as he would be pressured by his father to marry. Deep inside, he was terrified of the idea, he knew with his abilities, there were many people out to hunt him, but even worse, he had been experiencing violent outburst where Kalteste would seize control and lash out at nothing. His refusal to find a spouse quickly angered his father, and the two begun to feud often about the topic, leading to Zocu spending almost all his time outside the palace walls, where he felt like he could be himself.

Now 20, the pressure to marry is greater then ever, especially as tensions between neighboring kingdoms are at an all time high, his father wants to make allies, and he sees the marriage of his son as the key to doing so. This has lead Zocu further into his isolated state, seeing no way out of this now, he works to try to strengthen his bond with Kalteste, so that he wont hurt anyone he cares about, but the creature seems to be growing more and more erratic, and Zocu doesn't know if he will be able to get it under control before the time to marry comes.


Zocu's song: Pardon Me - Wolves at the gate ( )

Voice Claim (Zocu):

Voice Claim (Kalteste-Nacht): (Nocturne)

Time period: Fantasy era.

Alignment: Zocu is a good person, and will always follow a good path, Kalteste can be manipulated though, and may not always stay on the path Zocu walks.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jul 23rd 2022 03:16