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Cerberus's Blog

Garnet (RWBY RP only)

Name: garnet



Eye color: grey

Hair color:Black and red.

Likes:His friends, being the best hunter, adventures, and cookies.

Dislikes:Seeing his friends hurt and hates being called weak.

Personality:Kind and happy.

Bio:He wanted to be the best hunter since he heard stories about them. He then trained and started to learn everything about hunters, he even built his own weapon. He did this in hopes that he would be with his brother/sister (Depends on which yang you are) in beacon academy.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 21st 2016 13:01

Demon hunter Ray (Fantacy only)




Job:Demon hunter


Abilities:Fast reflexes, agility, and knowledge of demons.

Weapon:A cross bow and a cane sword that tuns into a sword whip with a push of a button

Eye color: green

Hair color:White

Personality:Grumpy but becoms a nice guy cracking jokes.

Likes:Drinking, playing poker, hunting demons, food, and a challenge

Dislikes:Demons, people underestimating him, and anyone touching his stuff.

Bio:Ray is a bit of a grouch that has been killing demons since he was twenty. In the middle of his 20s he found a girl in his life that he spent with six years until she was brutally murdered by a demon and her soul was dragged to hell. He foolishly went into the hell portal with the demon. He was of course murdered but then brought back to life by an angel or so he thought it was more of the angel of death she had to infuse his blood with demon blood and angel blood. So he's been hunting demons to train himself to go back down into hell and lock away demons for good.
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4 | 0 Comments | Dec 9th 2016 00:12

Steven Universe OC

Name:Qinuwene Hughes or just Q

Hair color:Purple


Gem type:Topaz

Power:Fire and healing

Gem meaning: His gem is basically was a gift from the sun which gives it it's golden color but it also brings the power to heal.

Personality:Mostly quite, happy and outgoing most of the time.

Pros: Learning the unknown, drawing, playing videogames, likes to protect the people he cares for, and friendly.

Falts:Jelousy, hates being wrong, won't admit what types of problems he has, gets angry easily.

Gem friends:None.

Bio:When he was a kid he went outside and loved the beach all the time. One time when he went outside he saw a gem that was laying down on the ground hurt. He goes towards her and once he touched her she got up and touched his right eye with her hand and said "Let us become one." before forming into his eye slowly. Now he hides his right eye with his hair feeling like he was a freak. Maybe one day he'll find someone to comfort him.
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0 | 0 Comments | Nov 22nd 2016 00:41

Richard the Fox

Name: Richard



Height: "6'1"

Weight:89 lb

Likes:People, creating, having ideas, flirting, pulling tricks on people, and the Internet.

Dislikes:Lying, when someone he knows is being threatened or attacked, and people being A**holes.

Personality:Playful, out going, and flirtatious.

Bio:He doesn't work anywhere else but at home. He basically finds junk rebuilds it or makes it into something new, and sells it. He sometimes makes his own stuff except clothes and costumes but he try's.
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1 | 0 Comments | Nov 9th 2016 10:30

OC Cerberus

OC character: Cerberus

hieght: "6" feet and "1" inches

hair:black and short


Ability:Super strength, Breathes fire, transforms into a Cerberus, and good agility

Personality: Protective and Violent

Emotions: Anger, Lust, Jealousy, and some happiness.

Likes: Violence, seeing people in fear, protecting those closest to him, eating humans or just regular food, and likes causing trouble.

Dislikes: Being ignored, watching someone he's closest to die or get hurt

Bio:Cerberus was a murder who was known all around ancient Greek times but once he was tied to a stake and set on fire for the murder of the king he was sent to the underworld. He wanted to go back and slaughter everyone where ever it may be. Hades thought it through and turned him into Cerberus. He stayed there protecting the gaits for centuries but then once the present time of 2014 came along he was sick of doing the same thing everyday. So Hades gave him a job and told him to kill all the demons who escaped the underworld and then you can do with the world as you please. Cerberus accepted this and now he hunts for demons but slowly sees why he should protect man kind.
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8 | 0 Comments | Oct 25th 2016 10:12