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Btch's Blog


After returning to the Palace, from the walk, he sends the gifts he bought to Haru and Gamja, but also keeps some for himself. Strangely, in front of that delicious candies he feels less to the point of puking and manages to enjoy them.
He doesn't even see as something positive about his own condition, but when he sends the daily message to Haru, with the gifts, he also tells her he ate them too and that they are great.

The morning after, he wakes up late as usual, he gets up on his own and first of all takes a look around, to see who is still at home. Not the princes, that he hoped and HyunKi is in house clothes, having no intention to go out for the day. "Today I have to rest my leg, find something to do here."

Yoshi starts to wander the house, feeling bored. He suddenly rubs his chin, realizing he is growing beard.
He heads to the bathroom and starts to look for the right products to shave. He stands in front of the mirror, trying but being so clumsy, he doesn't even know where to start.
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1 | 16 Comments | Apr 4th 2019 14:39

The Specialist

He doesn't move from bed till 11 am as usual. The servants try to wake him up earlier but he gets up only when Haru herself comes.
That morning, the Specialist sent by LianBi comes to them and Haru hurries to call Yoshi. "Come out for breakfast..."
Yoshi doesn't change his night clothes, since he wants to return to bed after eating that grain of rice to 'please' Haru. He stares at them as he finds Haru and the specialist sat by the table.
Haru motions him to sit down. "Eat." She waits for Yoshi to sit down then presents the man. "This is specialist Yun."
Yoshi gives him a glance but doesn't say anything. He slowly starts to mix the food while finding the courage to eat it. He always feels like he is about to puke though.
Yun looks at him, studying what he does. He bows his head and smiles kindly. "Shiix Xu, Yoshi. Your umma-..."
Yoshi drops his chopsticks and looks back at him. "What? You are here to find my problem. Do it quietly while I eat." Even if he didn't even start.
Yun chuckles slightly and nods. "Hm. Finish to eat." He is already prepared. Haru told him about his current behaviour and he is already quite sure but wants to properly talk with Yoshi first.
Yoshi struggles to eat even half of the small bowl of rice before him. He stands up and bows slightly to them, aiming to return to the bedroom.
Haru motions Yun to follow him and he goes. He knocks at his door. "Yoshi, may I come in?"
"Hm." Yoshi says. He is lied down on bed, under the blankets already.
Yun enters and closes the door. He has a brief talk with Yoshi, confirming all his thoughts...he is depressed, he admitted he has a problem though and that's already a start.

Yun returns to Haru to tell her everything and gives her some suggestions to make him get better. "Bring him in places he likes the most, do the activities he likes the most, serve the food he likes the most, let him be with people he likes the most. Begin from this and see if he reacts positively. I will be back to check his condition." And the specialist also reports this to the Emperor.
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 1st 2019 07:59


After his punishment ended, nothing really changed, just the room where he sleeps.
He goes bed very early, doesn't eat enough and sleeps till late morning, until he is basically forced to get up.
It is midday when Haru comes to his door, knocking. "Yoshi, get up. Come to have breakfast..."
Yoshi doesn't answer but she hears he is moving and getting up. "I will wait for you in the dining room..." Haru says, starting to leave.
Yoshi dresses up clumsily, he doesn't comb his hair - he cut it short, it looks like in profile picture -, wears a mix of his old clothes instead of the new, luxury ones and leaves the room.
He joins Haru and sits by the table without a word. Haru keeps her eyes on him until they serve the food. "Ramen...I hope you like it."
Yoshi takes in hand a spoon for the broth but just mixes without even trying it.
"Please eat something... don't make me worried."
At her words, he takes a breath and drinks some broth but he doesn't manage to finish all the noodles.
"Why don't you go to your friends later? Invite Liang here, or visit BaeBae..."
Yoshi stands up, bowing to her. "I go to the lake, umma."
Haru watches him leave, more and more worried about his condition.

He leaves the residence and goes to his favorite lake, more to remain alone than to enjoy the place and fishes.
He sits down near the water and stares at the ground.
Actually, with this look and serious attitude, he looks quite cool and attractive, more than usual. Indeed some young servants stop by, to enjoy the sight.
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1 | 31 Comments | Mar 30th 2019 07:16


He decides to make a surprise to Noriyori and XiYu. It is still one of the first days of the training and before to go, he asked to HyunKi if he could, just to be sure. They only have saturday and sunday free, but they can leave, he though couldn't wait till then. HyunKi basically grants him only because he is Yoshi.

He goes to the hq, wanting to arrive in time for the lunch time but arrives late - he went to lesson and ran to the centre to buy It, as fast as he could - , when they should have already eaten...
After lunch they have a hour of freedom, but without leaving the hq. Basically to rest before the afternoon training.
That day it is Mizu's team to cook and it is a total faillure. Disgusting food that almost no one manages to finish.

Yoshi enters, having a big bag, full of rice cakes with spicy sauce. He went there only for Gamja and XiYu but he took more, in case some other girl wanted to try, plus, knowing there is also Tero there, he plans to offer him too.
He feels a bit lost but luckily he comes across the girls as they leave the cafeteria. He stops there and looks around, to find XiYu and NoriYori.
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1 | 28 Comments | Mar 25th 2019 19:54

Day couldn't go worse

In the morning, everything seemed to be going well. He got the permission to question ZiFu, had a talk with LianBi and HyunKi, then he met with BangSul, where they talked about how to help Tero and he was really hopeful about it.
Things turned out horribly though, as they went to visit him and it made him feel so down. He returned to the residence, wanting to rest and instead found Hiro and Heyzo preparing the party.
He headed to his room anyway, thinking about how useless this party is. He lied down on his short bed and shut his eyes, but he couldn't fall asleep or rest, first because of his thoughts, then because of the noise they made from other rooms.
He started to feel bad they are making a party with that excuse, mainly because he thinks they should never cheer up for the death of someone.
He left his room when it was already evening and the other guests arrived. There was a huge mess and he even skipped meals totally.
He just went to wait outside where eventually HyunKi and XiYu arrived and he managed to cheer up a little.

When it ended, he couldn't sleep, not even one hour. In the early morning, after a meal finally, he leaves the residence and heads straight to the harem. He explains to the guards why he is there and shows them Jeonha's written permission on the matter.
They let him enter in ZiFu's residence. The other boy is in his bed, totally depressed for what happened.
Yoshi takes a look around. "ZhaoZi, where are you?" He begins to walk and look for him, as he doesn't even answer. Eventually he enters his room. "Get up, please. You have to talk to me. I want to help you out..." At least one person I can manage to help? - he thinks.
ZiFu slowly sits up and sends him a death stare. "No one can help me. Go away...I deserve this..."
Yoshi shakes his head and kneels. He opens a window, letting light come in. "We can even do it here, let's talk." He has a notebook where to write everything.
ZiFu lies down again, covering his face. He doesn't say anything.
"Please answer honestly...was it you to assult XiYu and princess Byeul?" He knows already he did not, but still.
"Ani." ZiFu grumbles.
"When did you come to know about their assults?"
"When you first summoned me to the Red Hall..." He has a low voice all the time.
"Did you know your brother was coming to the Palace?"
"How did you find out he was here?"
"He himself came to me, he wanted to hide. He said I had to find him a way out of here."
Yoshi tries to remain emotionless but it is hard. He writes everything. "I understand. And you hid him?"
"Ye and during that time he revealed what he did..."
"How long have you been hiding him?"
"Maybe two hours..."
"When night fell, you lead him to the nursery. Tell me exactly how things went."
ZiFu takes a breath and covers his face with blankets. "In the evening I heard strange noises...when I went downstairs I found him killing the guards at my door." He sobs. "He grabbed me and started to force me to lead him to the nursery...I wasn't thinking! I was unable to reason with my head, I was too scared!" He starts to cry. "If I thought...if I thought he could have wanted to kill XiYu, I would have just let him kill me! I was already planning to tell the guards when he came and revealed it, but...but..."
Yoshi shuts his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "But you couldn't because the thought of ruining your brother and family kept haunting you..."
ZiFu doesn't say anything about it anymore but sits up and looks at him. " saved her. You did what I could not..."
Yoshi closes his notebook and stands up. "I have enough informations...farewell." He bows slightly and starts to leave. He returns to the residence, that is still being cleaned by the poor servants and sits by the short table outside, where he writes a full report for Jeonha of what ZiFu said, also making sure to appoint everything he said was the truth. When he finishes to write and prepare it, he leans his head on the table, taking a breath. He falls asleep like that without even realizing.
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 23rd 2019 07:07