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BangSul's Blog


She Is so happy about finding a job. The situation seems unreal since she has never had so much luck before.
No one from the family contacted her yet. In a way, it disappoints her but it also mean they won't try to force her to go back and be their doll.

She dresses up in her own way, feminine but comfortable and pretty, they are also very good quality clothes. Hair mainly unkept, it is quite long and slightly curly, she often wears a headband, like right now. , in different colours too.

She is taking some free time for herself. Even if it is late afternoon, she aims to go to see the Ministries to take a look at the possibilities.
She is running, hoping to make it in time before they close. On the way, she bumps across your character, ending up falling. She is very agile but very weak in strength.
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1 | 41 Comments | Jul 4th 2020 16:04

Little bunny

''Time for my beauty sleep, do not disturb me.'' She says to her maid, entering her room and locking the door up. Done that, she changes her feminine hanfu into something comfortable to walk in the streets, that she takes from a hidden hole in her wardrobe. She wears with the same hairstyle, she doesn't hide who she is nor that she is a girl. She ties a long dagger to her belt and sneaks outside from the window.

She is 16 years old, noble Nimox girl. She has lived in the Zhendong manor with Yichuan since when she was 11 and she was mainly taught by Meredith when she still was there. She is very dignified and elegant in front of the family, also obedient even if they have never avoided to make her feel the most useless living being of the house, worse than dogs.
She studied a lot, she is smart and cunning. She would make the perfect noble girl if it wasn't for the fact she is a Nimox and she can't be used for convenient combined marriages since it is well known what she is.

Her father was the brother of Yichuan and he wasn't as bad as one would think, especially considering she was a Nimox. He treated her well but he was killed by a northern fox Nimox, she has never found out why.

She carries a bag with her and once left the manor, she heads to the food stands area and approaches one in particular. She is warmly greeted by the granny and she hurries to start her service as waiter.
She remains there all afternoon and she is rewarded with some money. Really low but she takes it happily.
She starts to head back home, the smile she had before faded, knowing where she is returning.
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1 | 37 Comments | Jul 3rd 2020 14:18


With Bartholomew's crew since five years, she has traveled with them in the vast ocean. How did she end up there, how did she end up so far from home is a long story.
After one member of the crew being captured and other put in wanted lists, they disband, at least for now. They split, each going somewhere safe. No place seems safe for two members of the crew, Shelly Roger and Sadie Down but being they a close group, they receive help from Camrun who tells them where to go.

They reach Earth and are accompanied to JiHo. She looks like , being overall serious and cold but depends on the mood and on the people. She is a real pantafic.
She takes no time to make herself at home. She is lied on the couch but she is not drinking.
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2 | 43 Comments | Apr 19th 2020 13:07


She recovered faster than expected. The wound was indeed very serious and would have killed anyone else, probably but she is an Avatar and she heals faster. - Avatar of Jihala, some kind of Guardian -
She still isn't so fine, her wound hurts but she doesn't need to stand still in bed anymore. Indeed when they organize the soccer, she is sat aside to watch, in her pajamas.
They are in Haru's garden that is big enough. After the accident Killer doesn't leave her side at all.

They invited also Togon and family, and the Chae. It turned into a party, while they have their funny game, Haru prepares to roast.
The match can be avoided, they explain everyone who wants to join what's the game about and do it.
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1 | 23 Comments | Mar 31st 2020 11:50

Another week

One late afternoon, she goes to the camp with Killer. She watches the training till the end and as they start to spread, she waves her hand at MaRan, also raising for a moment a bag containing some sweet snacks.
MaRan approaches her, confused. "Annyeong." He then walks past her to reach the dining hall.
"Annyeong. How was the training? You look quite tired, do you want me to help you with something?" Nahla asks but he shakes his head.
"And I am not tired. I am used to train for a lot of time!"
"I see... when we finish to eat dinner, I brought some sweets!" She smiles slightly and enters the dining hall but goes to sit at the same table as Bin there, trying not to look at the boys in his presence. There are empty seats too.
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2 | 14 Comments | Mar 4th 2020 15:52