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BAD's Blog

Facts about WuMei.

She loves horror, music and jokes.

She is very creative and artistic.

She can play guitar well and wants to learn piano.

She gives a creepy vibe that makes her look weird but she can be very cheerful too.

She is hyperactive at night, very sleepy during the day.

She dislikes school and studying but she took after Lani in terms of brain.

She likes to wear salopette and pastel goth style clothes.

She is into drawing, liking colours a lot. She also draws people she likes, that can be done in a totally normal and chill way or in a dirty and wicked way.

She sometimes peeps on Qi's house, her target being Tero, or on XinLan if WonZi is there. She made draws of both Tero and Ziz, several versions :v

She watches porn often.

She likes boys that look sexy but can also be sweet. She wouldn't mind traits similar to her own but it's rather rare.

Her elements trigger her thirst quite a bit.

She is a knight of Darkness and Light.

She can absorb anything, she might even consume someone completely. She can create black holes and manipulate them.
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2 | 0 Comments | Nov 21st 2021 15:38

Earth time

She, WuXin and Miao, or whoever else might have joined them, arrive to the mall. Mei runs around to look at the stores' windows, not managing to stand still as evening comes closer.
WuXin points a store. "Let's enter this one. Take what you want to try, Mei, and go to change! I will make my own research to find you a beautiful outfit! I have to see you with everything!" His dream coming true, he just wishes WuMei had simpler tastes.
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1 | 27 Comments | Nov 17th 2021 16:27

Unexpected play

He and XinLan should probably be making homeworks but it is such a nice day. They decide to go to play on their own, also their own way.
WuMei didn't try to join any team but started to enjoy the game, so here they are, at safe distance from the Palace, with their own ball.
WuMei is on an average school broom to throw the ball, trying to get it inside the random rings they made, for XinLan to defend.
He is not that good, he is only there to play and have fun. He is always very chill and relaxed unless things get truly serious, enough to worry him.
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1 | 32 Comments | Oct 1st 2021 14:13


He finishes all his lessons and heads out of school, all alone. Depending on the character you want to RP, it can be still night or morning.
He teleports to Shiirhuang, starting to wander there before to return. He wants to buy something but cannot find much open yet. It is still long before the birthday, but he cannot wait to find the perfect gift for auntie Min.
He is wearing a salopette. The hoodie under it is very colourful, he doesn't look like a badass, rather someone with horrible tastes and no skills at all in fashion.
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1 | 48 Comments | Sep 11th 2021 15:55

Temple of Juku

A temporary solution. It is very hard to deal with WuMei at night and no babysitter wants him anymore, but luckily they find a relative willing to take care of him, trustworthy enough, a Priest of Juku.
It is still unclear it is one of the elements of WuMei even if WuXin has his suspects of course. He just doesn't understand how, when the crystal shows different elements.
It is since a few weeks that WuMei spends the night at the temple. The child really likes it, so he goes willingly, he also adores the priest.

It is a morning like the others when, before to go to work, WuXin heads there to take back WuMei. He is shocked by what he finds. WuMei, completely grown up, by the corpse of the priest. WuXin runs to check the priest. "Brother, brother please..." When he turns the body around, he realizes fast any effort would be useless. The skin is grey, it looks like all the magic and life was taken away, absorbed or ripped off in a painful way. He decides to call LaNi there and warns Qi he is not going any time soon to school because of a serious matter.
Meanwhile, he approaches WuMei, who looks shocked and is trembling. WuXin aims to touch him but WuMei immediately moves away, avoiding touch. "D..don' cannot touch me, you can't! I did this!" He freaks out, being out of himself. He breathes fast and he is very shaken.

Finally, through deeper research, they realize what powers WuMei has. Magic and Darkness. The blackhole for powers. He can absorb, he can destroy, he can anything with what he gets on his hands. It also explains very well why WuLan has no powers at all. It is a luck he is even alive.
They decide to start very serious training right away. They can't let such a thing happen again.
Also, they still treat WuMei like a child but it is obvious he is different, more mature, he even knows things he shouldn't.
While his twins are still home, WuMei even starts school but in truth, all the training and studying feels heavy to him. At night, it can't be said he is always on Darkness lessons. Still a naughty boy.
Since it is almost impossible not to be touched, they take safety meansures and ask Shion to make a cloth specifically for WuMei, to contain his absorbing powers. It cannot be a good solution forever, because it kind of blocks his powers, but at least others are safe until WuMei learns better. Being it a cloth, he absorbed it like other knights, meaning he can summon it every time and it'll always have its effect even if he is not physically wearing it.

It is 9pm when LaNi accompanies him school before to go to work. He greets his dad and waits for him to teleport away again, then starts to leave.
He might be still around school or moved to a city where to have fun. He wears a cheongsam, no sleeves, all black, and carries his school bag.
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2 | 26 Comments | Jun 24th 2021 14:34