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zaraxl's Blog

zara - royal setting (wip)

« “i love skyrest more than anything. i want it to thrive like it did years ago.”
Category 1
B a s i c I n f o

Princess Zara Empyrean of Skyrest
Princess Zara Empyrean Skyrest - Yarrow



She identifies as Female and uses She/Her pronouns.


She is born and raised solely in the Kingdom of Skyrest as heir to throne as the Crowned Queens only daughter.

5' 0"

She maintains a fit body type, in slightly better shape than an average one. She has a faint hourglass build.

She is petite, and will openly admit it. Her size is one of the more memorable things about her.

Zara has bra strap length, dark brown/black hair. It is mostly commonly worn with the top part pulled back and the bottom down to keep it out her face. She keeps loose strands around her face.
She has thin, arched eyebrows of the same color. Her wide eyes are a deep, dark brown, so dark they are often mistaken for black at times. Her skin is a butterscotch color with a faint red undertone. Her skin tone is fairly even other than the darkened color and freckles across her nose and cheeks from her time in the sun.

She has a full set of lips, they’re slightly poked out, enough to be almost mistaken for a pout. Her nose is fitting for her face, thin at the bridge but with a prominent rounded shape.

« ”i am her daughter after all.” »
Category 2
P e r s o n a l i t y a n d C h a r a c t e r


To bring her kingdom to a better standing, not only in the peoples wellbeing but also politically. The tainted relationships established in the past by previous rulers have left the kingdom in a sore position. She plans to undo it once succeeding her mother.

She has no religious beliefs or affiliations, as the kingdom has no affiliation to any religions in the region.

Her greatest fear is unfortunately death. Her grandfather was assassinated on the throne years ago, with little conclusions as to why ever coming to light.
Other phobias are small spaces and heights. She does have a fear of bugs but will deny it completely.

Rather confident in herself, it is hard for her to admit what she doesn't feel secure in.
However, anyone who knows her well enough knows that she does feel pressure of taking the throne. She wants to get much done at her own idea but her own visions have put pressure on her shoulders. It feels unbearable some days.

She constantly is reading in bed and will fall asleep with her book next to her. It usually ends up back in her study as her chamber maids have grown adjusted to it.

She will point at people, despite her etiquette classes.

She has a bad habit of zoning out as others speak.

>Her favorite food is strawberries and will eat them day after day without tire.

>She is concerningly good at stealing. And lying. Being an only child added to that behavior. Mischievous behavior filled her hours when she was younger.

>Staff played with her for the most part. Fencing with the knights between study hours, hide and seek with the maids, and racing with the stable boys were most of her fun if her parents were busy.

>She makes a point in learning the name of all the staff she comes across on the daily.

>Most of her friends are affluent. With no siblings or any kingdoms nearby, she's made friends with her parents advisors' children.

>She has a pet horse, Lady, which she rides requently. As well as a duck named Henry. They share the stables and open area. They do not get along.

« ”they were never here. they sailed away more often than they sailed home..” »
Category 3
B a c k g r o u n d

She has been schooled by some of the best teachers in the region. Her parents spared no expense when it came to her education. They wanted her to be the most fit for the throne.
They encouraged a full academic schedule as well as activities and lessons. She participated in activities such as horseback, painting, and sewing as well as a few lessons in etiquette.

∵≫∥H O M E L I F E

She had been raised in a life of privilege. She was blessed to be raised as a royal where things came easy and she was aware. She never worried about a meal or what the next day would bring. She was fortunate in the regard of quality of living.

However, even with ease of everything else, she was missing her parents through a bit of her childhood.
As the King and Queen, they were busy. Of course their advisors did a brunt of the work but they were still unavailable to her most of the time. From traveling to meetings about trade to events like balls in far off countries, they spent a lot of time away while rarely taking their daughter.
When they were home and available to her, life was nothing short of perfect though. They loved her obviously, spending as much time as they could with her when schedules allowed it.

« “the walls are rather quiet now that im older.” »
Category 4
R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Zara is the only daughter of Queen Calisa Empyrean of Skyrest and Prince Consort Alaric Yarrow of Nialgo.

She is the niece of King Caldrin Yarrow of Nialgo, a kingdom far West and Princess Consort Amarae Yarrow of Disian, a kingdom to the far Southwast.

« “you are speaking to the next queen. mind your tongue.” »
Category 5
P e r s o n a l E x p e r i e n c e s

She feels as if she's bisexual and has felt that way majority of her life. While it is a well kept secret, she feels no shame.

She has never been attracted to anyone based on their looks. It has always been based on personality and sense of direction. She has always been attracted to confidence and intelligence. She finds that being the main reason for her attraction to people.

She hasn't had any experiences but not from lack of wanting to. She has to wait until marriage, or until her parents start paying her less attention.

She hasn't found herself in a long-term relationship and again, not from lack of wanting to. She isn't ready to get married so courting it a back thought.

« “id rather sleep in the stables..” »
Category 6
S t a t s

∵≫∥S T A T I S T I C S
Zara currently has no stats.

« "i have a few things to do actually. ill stop by their quarters later." »
Category 7
O u t f i t s

∵≫∥C A S U A L

∵≫∥F O R M A L

∵≫∥S L E E P W E A R

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0 | 0 Comments | May 19th 2024 02:40

zara thomason - base/main oc

« “i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Category 1
B a s i c I n f o

Zara Thomason
Zah-ruh TAAM-aa-SahN)



She identifies as Female and uses She/Her pronouns.


She is from America and has resided there her whole life. Though with her mother being Japanese, frequent travel to the country wasn't strange. Between her home country and her mother's, she's well exposed to both cultures.

5' 0"

She maintains a fit body type, in slightly better shape than an average one. She has a faint hourglass build.

She is petite, and will openly admit it. Her size is one of the more memorable things about her.

Zara has bra strap length, dark brown/black hair. Majority of the time she keeps it up in a ponytail and out of her way for the exception of her bangs. When she wears it downs, it is She has thin, arched eyebrows of the same color. Her wide eyes are a deep, dark brown, so dark they are often mistaken for black at times. Her skin is a butterscotch color with a faint red undertone. Her skin tone is fairly even other than the darkened color and freckles across her nose and cheeks.

She has a full set of lips, they’re slightly poked out, enough to be almost mistaken for a pout. Her nose is fitting for her face, thin at the bridge.

« ”please tell me you're joking.” »
Category 2
P e r s o n a l i t y a n d C h a r a c t e r

She has work ethic like very few people her age, a trait she has picked up from her mother. Seeing the woman work hard to make sure she didn’t want or need anything, motivated her to do the same. The girl will give it her all, even when she doesn't want to. There have been times where she filled to the brim with frustration over tasks but forces herself to shake it off to continue on. It isn't something she always possessed, she had to build herself up to that point.

Her intelligence is another strength of hers. As far as knowledge goes, she is well read. She enjoys learning about things. Her quick thinking has saved her many of times as well.

Her focus is a blessing and a curse. She is able to tune into her work whenever she needs to and block out everything around her. As great as it is, this does lead to her losing track of time and compete disregarding anything else going on around her. This she will argue, claiming it isn’t that bad.

When in a general bad mood or tired, she can become sarcastic, no matter the situation going on around her. This leads to snarky remarks and a few eye rolls sprinkled in. This isn’t behavior she demonstrates frequently though and is rare for her.

Her temper is usually in control, the girl ever so rarely getting upset. It takes quite a lot to push her past her limits, considering she is fairly patient. But after biting her tongue and letting her feelings build up for so long, she will let her anger get the best of her. It comes off as a brutal tongue lashing or a sudden burst of violence. A prime example of this is how she dealt with bullies in younger years. After being ridiculed about her father’s absence for quite a while, she snapped. She went out of her way to insult each of the children that had been teasing her and then physically attack another.

Though after that, she never had another interaction with any of them.

The scene is always a sight and does cause some staring once people see that side of her. Its quite different from her usual calm demeanor.

To graduate and pursue a career she genuinely enjoys.

She has no religious beliefs or affiliations with any like groups.

Her greatest fear is unfortunately death. Other phobias are small spaces and heights. She does have a fear of bugs but will deny it completely.

She is a girl of flaws, just like anyone else. Her biggest insecurity is what she feels

Her looks are another soft subject. Though she won't openly admit it, she's not completely confident in it.

She drums her fingers along whatever surface she can her hands on at the time.

She has mumbled to herself in her sleep on multiple occasions, most of the time being whatever she just read.

When in the company of her sister or friends, her laughing at inappropriate times is common. The slightest snicker from her sister at a serious situation will leave the two out of breath.

>Her favorite food is strawberries and will eat them day after day without tire.

>She is concerningly good at stealing.

>She has no poker face. If she was to ever be caught, it'd be obvious and she knew it. She made it point to never be caught for this reason exactly.

>She has a small handful of friends her age.

« ”i was a kid. i didn’t know any better.” »
Category 3
B a c k g r o u n d

She is currently a student.

∵≫∥H O M E L I F E

She had a somewhat stable home her entire childhood. Her mother could only afford so much but they never went without necessities.

« “i don't think that's how that works.” »
Category 4
R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Back home, Zara lives with her mother and younger sister. It's always been the three of them together.

Her mother, Aoi is a nurse and has been the entirety of her daughters life. With the odd hours she works, the time they spend together is extremely limited. Despite this they've always found a way to stay close to one another.

Her younger sister, Aella, is only in elementary school. With their mother's odd hours, they've spent a lot of time together. Neither of them mind it either and genuinely enjoy one anothers company.

« “all he does is talk about his ex. it's embarrassing.” »
Category 5
P e r s o n a l E x p e r i e n c e s

She feels as if she's Bisexual and has felt that way majority of her life.

She has never been attracted to anyone based on their looks. It has always been based on personality and sense of direction. She has always been attracted to confidence and intelligence. She finds that being the main reason for her attraction to people.

She hasn't had any experiences but not from lack of wanting to. She just hasn't come across the right person.

She hasn't found herself in a long-term relationship and again, not from lack of wanting to. She hasn't come across the right person, nor really have the time.

« “i don't like either of you.” »
Category 6
S t a t s

∵≫∥S T A T I S T I C S
Zara currently has no stats.

« "i need a nap. im falling asleep standing up." »
Category 7
O u t f i t s

∵≫∥C A S U A L
She wears a large red and black plaid shirt over an older black t shirt. That and leggings are her go to. It's a comfortable outfit she'd lounge around in.

∵≫∥U N I F O R M
Under her uniform, she wears a grey rather than the standard green one. She replaced her pants with a skirt instead.

∵≫∥S L E E P W E A R
She sleeps in a large shirt and a pair of shorts that she has had for a while and are obviously worn.

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4 | 2 Comments | May 27th 2022 13:15

roleplay rules

«god, check your spelling.»
Category  1   
T Y P E S   O F   P A I R I N G S



«periods belong at the end of sentences and commas go in the middle.»
Category  2
O R I G I N A L   C H A R A C T E R S

Zara Thomason

«i'm trying to learn new words and expand my vocabulary. do the same.»
Category  3
R U L E S   A N D   G U I D E L I N E S

When roleplaying with OCs, they need to be balanced and well-rounded characters. All people have weaknesses and bad characteristics. Do not send me an overpowered character or an OC directly related to a Canon character. Make sure yours has some. I don't roleplay with Mary Sues. 

Inappropriate ships will not be tolerated or even discussed.
I have the right to deny any pairing and ship you suggest.

Characters having mental illnesses are normal. And they show and come in different forms. But if your character does have/deal with one, I expect you to have done the research on it. Understanding a part of your character is necessary. I won't tolerate otherwise.

Semi Literature is required at the least. On my best days, I can write decently detailed paragraphs in response. I don't expect you to do the same but if I'm trying to give that quality work every time, I'd hope you do the same.

I roleplay in third (3rd) person only. I don't do anything else. It's non negotiable.
No text talk (wyd, rite).
No *___*

I hate being rushed for a reply. Please remember people have personal lives outside of this site. Most of the time I'm either extremely busy or the messages are pushed to the bottom when I don't reply for a few days. And yes, I will disappear for a day or two at a time. It's something I do often. 

But I will send a reply before a week. I can promise that now wholeheartedly.

18+ is only okay if and only if: all characters are of a legal and consenting age, it doesn't happen too often, and is built up to. I refuse to let it take over any of my plots.

Plots can be come up with together. I don't have a list lying around. I can and will do AUs but we have to talk out all the details and rules. Everything needs to be clear about the AU before starting. 
That goes for plots as well. 

I roleplay the canon verse timeline mostly when doing animes or others. It doesn't have to be perfect or strictly the same. Changes are good and part of the creative process.
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19 | 2 Comments | May 27th 2022 12:15