roleplay rules

«god, check your spelling.»
Category  1   
T Y P E S   O F   P A I R I N G S



«periods belong at the end of sentences and commas go in the middle.»
Category  2
O R I G I N A L   C H A R A C T E R S

Zara Thomason

«i'm trying to learn new words and expand my vocabulary. do the same.»
Category  3
R U L E S   A N D   G U I D E L I N E S

When roleplaying with OCs, they need to be balanced and well-rounded characters. All people have weaknesses and bad characteristics. Do not send me an overpowered character or an OC directly related to a Canon character. Make sure yours has some. I don't roleplay with Mary Sues. 

Inappropriate ships will not be tolerated or even discussed.
I have the right to deny any pairing and ship you suggest.

Characters having mental illnesses are normal. And they show and come in different forms. But if your character does have/deal with one, I expect you to have done the research on it. Understanding a part of your character is necessary. I won't tolerate otherwise.

Semi Literature is required at the least. On my best days, I can write decently detailed paragraphs in response. I don't expect you to do the same but if I'm trying to give that quality work every time, I'd hope you do the same.

I roleplay in third (3rd) person only. I don't do anything else. It's non negotiable.
No text talk (wyd, rite).
No *___*

I hate being rushed for a reply. Please remember people have personal lives outside of this site. Most of the time I'm either extremely busy or the messages are pushed to the bottom when I don't reply for a few days. And yes, I will disappear for a day or two at a time. It's something I do often. 

But I will send a reply before a week. I can promise that now wholeheartedly.

18+ is only okay if and only if: all characters are of a legal and consenting age, it doesn't happen too often, and is built up to. I refuse to let it take over any of my plots.

Plots can be come up with together. I don't have a list lying around. I can and will do AUs but we have to talk out all the details and rules. Everything needs to be clear about the AU before starting. 
That goes for plots as well. 

I roleplay the canon verse timeline mostly when doing animes or others. It doesn't have to be perfect or strictly the same. Changes are good and part of the creative process.
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19 | May 27th 2022 12:15
butterfly read and respected :>