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reddened's Blog

Rules & Regulations

1. I've been told I'm intimidating. There's really no reason to be intimidated by me. As long as you're nice, I will be as well, and I love to teach other people how to up their writing skills. x] be not afraid.

2. I tend to write outside of canon as I've been writing these characters for about a decade now. We can call them independent portrayals;; though will always try and stick to the general consensus of the character.

3. I'm in the military so my replies may be spotty. I also have the attention deficit of 5 people with ADHD so feel free to ping me, just don't spam-ping me.

4. No godmodding. I do like other powerful characters that can match BEN, just be fair, though.

5. I do like banter. Jokes like 'nerd', 'dork', and etc, are all fully jokes. I tend to make these at strangers and they don't know how to take it. It's a joke and I do it to most people.

6. I like making friendz ooc. Be my fren. We're doing this hobby together. Nothing's weirder than having someone act weird ooc with you. There's just no reason for that.

And most of all, have fun, and don't waste each others time. Heart if you've read. ❤
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4 | 0 Comments | May 10th 2024 17:10


Ben was probably some sort of threatening child; his father (or grandfather) murdered him via drowning. Obviously the father was smiling because he thought he had gotten rid of the evil once and for all. Ben became BEN, a vengeful spirit and possessed the cartridge. Before the possession he was uncontrollable and angry.

'BEN is a pure sadist, he toys with Jadusable throughout his dreams and his gameplay, BEN is also a master manipulator, being able to manipulate thousands of people into downloading the file that contained him, allowing him to spread to the internet and gain total omnipotence of Cleverbot. BEN is also very oppressive and controlling, constantly forcing Jadusable to play the haunted game whenever he takes a break, and will not let him rest until he finishes what he started.'


Full Name: Benjamin Lawman

Nicknames: BEN DROWNED, short sh*t, Zelda, gremlin, Unhappy Meal, leperchaun

Age: 24

Zodiac: He's not canonly a Cancer but I'm making him one

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual, open about it

Birthday: April 23rd

Species: Poltergiest/Glitch/Cyberghost/Demon

Powers: Possession, physically glitching (less of a power and more of a disability), inventory in ''real'' life, fire manipulation, floating, Most of Ben's special moves come from Zelda's and Shiek's in Smash Bros. Can summon Majora to attack. Can electrocute. Can use Majora as a shield.

Teleports slow.

Ethnicity: Swedish

Languages Spoken: Can look things up in his mind and speak them. Doesn't actually know many languages though.


Height: Depends what Link he's being. Usually short.

Weight: Weightless. Unless he's on ground then he's healthy.

Hair Color: Muddy blonde

Eye Color: Black with a glowing red iris. Can turn it on and off at will too.

Skin Color: Pale. Sometimes blue undertones if it's dark.

Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): His throats and insides show water damage and dryness.

Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): Kokiri Elf eyes- sharp, like Link's.

Facial Shape: Diamond.


Brief Description: BEN is meant to be a cybertroll, a pain in your side to get you to finally commit suicide. This means he's very insensitive though flattering. He's manipulative and unserious, and sometimes even likes to make deals with you, though it's unsure if he'll keep his end of the bargain. As a seemingly intelligent young man, he may like to actually play by the rules, and will be fair most of the time. There'd be no fun and no real gain if he wasn't fair.

First Impression: BEN comes off exactly how he is.

Once you get to know them: He doesn't know who he is. He's aimless.

Default Expression: Cocky grin.

Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert?: Ambivert.

Alignment(lawful evil, chaotic good, etc): Neutral evil

Fears: People who are zen. People he can sense are comfortable in themselves.

Intelligence: Very high compared to his peers although he doesn't possess the emotional intelligence to back it up very well.


Religion: It varies. He's more of a cult guy. Stuff like Heaven's Gate can interest him.

Thoughts on government: Useless but that's obvious.

Thoughts on people in general: Useless but that's obvious.

Moral: Here and there.

Do they believe in:

Ghosts? Yes, he is one.

Aliens? Yes, he's seen a few.

Cryptids? Yes, he lives with them.

Conspiracy theories? Yes, they get exposed all the time as real.

Anything else I didn't mention? Probably.

Superstitions: Many.


Voice Description: Light and airy.

Head-Canon Voice: Either Brian Gore from Depeche Mode or (Mr. Betty Krueger)

Accent(if any): N/A

Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): Yes if he wants to be annoying. Sometimes can unintentionally happen when he's glitching out and overfuses.

Most used phrases/words: 'You shouldn't have done that', 'You've met with a terrible fate... haven't you?', 'I'm glad you did that.'

Slang the use: 'Kek', 'noscope', typical Reddit or ''gamer'' terms.

Swearing?: Sure.

Do they think before they speak?: No, they think while they speak.

Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: Yes, sometimes. If it matters to him is another story.

Humor: Offensive. Rude.


Occupation: Kill people.

Thoughts on occupation: It's ok.

Past Relationships: Usually depressed individuals.

Current Relationships: N/A

Family: Had a grandpa and mother.

Current Residence: Slender's mansion and Zalgo's hell.

Room/Housemates: Jeff. ._.

Financial Status: Wealthy.

Source of Money: Stonks! and stealing

Health: Well.

Past Life/Backstory: He drowned. Probably by his family member.


Likes: Video games.

Dislikes: Stupid sh*t. >_>

Favorite Food: Soup.

Favorite Animal: ...squirrel?

Favorite Color: Green.

Favorite Movie Genre: Sci fi.

Favorite Book Genre: Horror.

Favorite Style of Music: Flute.

Least Favorite Food: Sweets.

Least Favorite Animal: Insects. F*** you Navi.

Least Favorite Color: Pink.

Least Favorite Movie Genre: Documentaries.

Least Favorite Book Genre: Romance can suck. ewe

Least Favorite Style of Music: Country, holiday.



Song that fits character's personality: Game Over by Falling in Reverse

Song that fits character's story: Water by Breaking Benjamin

Typical Hours of Sleep: The morning.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 9th 2024 14:45