Rules & Regulations

1. I've been told I'm intimidating. There's really no reason to be intimidated by me. As long as you're nice, I will be as well, and I love to teach other people how to up their writing skills. x] be not afraid.

2. I tend to write outside of canon as I've been writing these characters for about a decade now. We can call them independent portrayals;; though will always try and stick to the general consensus of the character.

3. I'm in the military so my replies may be spotty. I also have the attention deficit of 5 people with ADHD so feel free to ping me, just don't spam-ping me.

4. No godmodding. I do like other powerful characters that can match BEN, just be fair, though.

5. I do like banter. Jokes like 'nerd', 'dork', and etc, are all fully jokes. I tend to make these at strangers and they don't know how to take it. It's a joke and I do it to most people.

6. I like making friendz ooc. Be my fren. We're doing this hobby together. Nothing's weirder than having someone act weird ooc with you. There's just no reason for that.

And most of all, have fun, and don't waste each others time. Heart if you've read. ❤
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4 | May 10th 2024 17:10