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Reapersilthos's Blog

The Accursed Alchemist, The Scion of the toxic god

"To live is to suffer. To suffer is to drift into a slow and steady madness"

"By the Miasmatic and virulent will of the toxic god, Let the world and all within it drown within the suffering and blessings of the toxic god!" (If he eventually succumbs to his illness and fully embraces the toxic god)

Name(& pronunciation):
Equilibriom but most refer to him as Libriom or the Alchemist (EQUA LIB RIOM or LIB RIOM
His original name which he threw away as he is far from being anything like he once was, Used to be Maldeo Azoth.

Date of Birth (& age):
32 though if you were to get a look at him you would not be able to tell under his attire due to how ravaged his form is. His actual date of birth is lost even to him however.

Place of Birth:
Venyth Empire


Species/Racial Origin:
Human but heavily twisted and distorted due to a ravaging plague or illness that he has so far never been able to find the cure for.

Social Class/Community Status:
Alchemical genius and prodigy however as he employs far from ethical and kind means of dealing with the enemy, As well as any who openly get in his way he is not viewed with much or any kindness though he doesn't care at all either way, Enemies are just another way to experiment or to convert into more reagents for alchemy.

Librium Knows many languages from common Venyth to those of his neighboring lands as he has travelled to many in search of a cure for his form as he conducts his alchemy, So his language repertoire is pretty vast unless its something highly obscure or exotic.

Librium has few friends or such, Most of those he interacts with are due to his ability as an alchemist and what he can get from their resources, such as Varying kings and queens who will never find an alchemist of his equal, He however has two he would call friends, The sassy and beautiful as she is deadly storm knight Zephyr Pluvia his only childhood friend who had worked with him and he has shared who he once was before he was twisted and deformed by forces unknown into what he is now, His one other friend is his adoptive daughter/companion a being as twisted by cruel fate as he is, A scorpion like entity with the body of a shark, goblin shark like Mouths for pincers, and a huge main great white like head with small muscular or organic looking pincers inside of her mouth, She looks monstrous but she is very kind and affectionate to those he considers friends such as Zephyr Pluvia.

Physical Description:
Ghastly almost horror like humanoid, 7ft tall quite a hulking entity, His Face which was shrouded beneath a large armoured face-plate doubling as a respirator shaped like a Crows, formed of black metal, glistening emerald like eye sockets, hid his actual gaze from those looking upon him, Several metallic cables extending from the mask to the back of his Encompassing battle/Chemical suit/armor he wore.

The armor was of the same black metal on his back seemed to be an array of large crystal cylinders which some of the cables were attached to, producing some sort of life sustaining gas, he breathed in deeply sounding like a ghastly wail through the filters of his suit, The gas a strange sickly green and red in alternation, He also had a large black overcoat over his armor with several unique symbols of Alchemy etched into it, some glowing with baleful light, hiding many different vials and reagents in his attire, His feet were covered by large armoured plate like boots matching his armor and same colour of black, His arms were covered by large armoured sleeves of sorts, comprised of a black mesh like silk.... The palms of his armoured hands etched with strange glyphs and alchemical symbols, etched into a white and black pair of gloves
He also seemed to be carrying a large Set of like scales attached to a staff with a very sharp pointed end.... what these scales were used for few could hazard a guess...... they were however in actuality this strange staff of scales... a weapon and a form of alchemical tool, to turn his enemies into reagents for experimentation through a unique process that afflicted/targeted their very souls.

He is 7ft tall in height

His weight due to his suit and all of its life sustaining equipment is very heavy, However he is faster than he looks, When needed however his weight is enough to crush objects and entities of inefficient endurance or strength.

He has no hair underneath his armor is a skin of sickly pale and scarred flesh and tissue, this persists across most of his body.

The one trait of his that has not been polluted from the man he once was, He has beautiful aquamarine or oceanic deep blue eyes that shift between these hues, This was how his friend Zephyr Pluvia was able to recognize him as he briefly removed his rebreather to show her what he had become.

Limb Dexterity:
Libriom is a medium to close range combatant and is able to use his weapon the soul divider with surprising speed and brutality, Plus even if he is content to take a hit it will just open a target up for a returned strike as his entire suit is heavily armoured due to it being a constant form of life support, He is also very good at hurling and throwing objects as he frequently unleashes chemical and toxic weaponry as well as curses across the battlefield turning it into utter chaos, Which is why his allies should keep their distance lest they be caught in the crossfire.

Additional Equipment
The sleeves of Librioum or armoured sleeves of his armor act like miniture portals which he can use for storage of all kinds of items and reagents, His lab also holds a myriad of backup equipment, Librioum cannot sleep in the traditional sense so he has an advanced Lab where he can rest inside a tank of preserving fluid, This is usually the only time he is outside of his suit as he would die painfully and slowly otherwise under normal circumstances.

Librium is an extremely unfriendly individual, Who often sees others with disdain and disgust due to his afflicted status, However his range of skills and his advanced mastery of such skills generally puts him in contact with powerful individuals who's resources he will exploit as they exploit his own ability, If a friendship of sorts is somehow built up with Librium however he is actually quite a loyal friend, He usually finds friendship an unneccessary part of existence however as he prefers to focus on his work and path to working on a cure. His originaly only real friend was Zephyr Pluvia who despite all he has become still had faith in him and who he once was, As such his best friend gave him strength he did not know he had.

Librium is an alchemical master and genius, Designing many medicines, Vaccines, Means to nourish crops, Turning surplus or excess materials into more valuable or useful ones such as Lead into gold, However he is also the father of toxic Gas and many forms of chemical and terror weapons, As to him a battlefield is a place to experiment to his hearts content, He also is quite skilled in using his soul divider as a weapon if a target gets close enough weighing up the value of his enemies soul and turning it into a reagent of suitable value. He is also an expert in creating artificial humanoids as one of his final projects known as project ambrosia was to design and create the absolute perfect human.

Librium isn't happy much but he enjoys travelling to find more ways of advancing his work and research, He enjoys spending time with his chimeric abomination Meg, She helps him get around when his illness is ravaging him too much. Librium also likes most animals even if they find him haunting or disturbing, As unlike most sapient and sentient humanoids they are pure creatures untainted by sin and other vile machinations.

Most Hated/Dislikes:
Libriom dislikes most forms of sentient and sapient life, only seeing them as exploitable assets as they would exploit his genius in kind, He is also prone to rage if someone in some way makes light of the plague or blight that has been on his life since as long as he could remember.

Librium's goal is to cure himself of his affliction regardless of how he will actually do that, His most obvious route is the philosophers stone which as the rp progresses he would get closer to actually doing so, However he is not entirely heartless as he would have given this up to save his only real friend Zephyr Pluvia despite the fact that this would likely mean he would never find a cure for himself.


Endurance, Great physical strength despite being highly afflicted with this plague gods blight, His genius level intellect and mad or sadistic genius to pursue paths others would not.

His weakness is that his illness is constantly plaguing him on an every day basis... at its worst it can cripple his movements and ability to speak and breathe, Meg usually takes him onto her back during this time in order to help keep him safe, His other weaknesses are he generally does not have too many long range attacks to speak of, His rage can always be used against him if an individual has the will and the knowledge of what buttons to push with him, However this is also dangerous as if this does happen he will use incredibly sadistic and brutal means to kill the transgressor in question.

Librium's greatest fear is finding out that all of his suffering and existing was an entirely worthless endeavour, As no matter what he did he could never cure himself despite struggling to the best of his ability, His only other notable fear is anything happening to his childhood friend Zephyr and Meg his adoptive chimeric daughter.

Alchemy, Wildlife, Conducting more experiments, struggling onto the next day despite how hard it might be, Librium has produced many interesting things from his work including very revolutionary new crops, As such he is invaluable to anyone who is able to put up with his methods and other manners.

Regular Routine:

Conducting alchemy, Surviving another day, Tending to Meg, Travelling from place to place and making his talents invaluable to whoever can bring him the most resources and tactical advantage.

Philosophy of Life:
His philosophy of life is that all suffering is not equal, Some suffer far worse than others, So death is a far kinder fate than others could imagine, Bring unto others the suffering that they deserve so they may learn in their final moments that death is truly the greatest blessing they might receive from his hand in progress of his research.

Attitude Toward Death:
Librium himself wishes to live and see himself cured of the blessing/plague of the toxic god, (He doesn't know the source of his plague or affliction until much later in most rps) Librium doesn't want to die, And truly the world would be so crippled without his genius hand within the confines of the mortal coil.

Librium is not religious and believes in the fundamentals of alchemy, Mixed with Occultism and many forms of esoteric methods of such to further progress the field of alchemy and expand it into horizons others may not have considered or thought of. However should he decide to fall eventually to the blight or blessing of the toxic god then he would fully embrace becoming both its vessel and champion.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
He doesn't really have any fetishes so to speak, But he does exhibit a bunch of strange behaviors mainly as he needs to constantly, Adjust the amount of life support from his armoured suit as it is his lifeline, Adjusting intakes and various chemical releases into his system.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
The most painful experience of his entire existence was that he woke up one day just a normal regular day, And found his body suddenly afflicted with dreadful illness and vile scars, He struggled to breathe struggled to stand, Struggled to just make it through the day, His skill at Alchemy only a pittance of what he has now, However he was eventually able to collect enough money from his work in order to build a rudimentary version of his current suit, From there he progressed onward with his alchemy adopting far less morale codes and ethical behavior, However his other memorable experience was that he was very proud of his childhood friend, Zephyr Pluvia who had always strived to become a knight of the Venyth kingdom despite how sexist the Venyth Empire had always been, Seeing her become not only a knight but the cities champion and eventual queen did awaken his sense of pride and fondness for her as a friend.

Sexual Preference:
He has no interest in anything relating to this subject but even if he remotely did, He is literally a living dead kind of individual afflicted with plague and vile Illnesses so that is a complete impossibility, However when he lived as Maldeo he was more married to his work trying to become a greater alchemist so he like his current self are more or less asexual.

Education/Special Training:
Librium is entirely self taught using various forgotten or shunned techniques of ancient alchemists and such in conjunction with his works with the current living alchemists in order to advance his research and works far beyond theirs, This has put him into states of rivalry with other alchemists but he does not care, He only cares for the results and the work.

Place/Type of Residence:
Venyth Empires palace or capital usually in his lab unless he is out travelling elsewhere, (The place of his residence can vary depending on where he is within the world and the rp itself.)

The afflicted alchemist or the simply the Alchemist.

Vagrant or travelling alchemist, Or royal court alchemist to the Venyth Empire nobility and royalty, (This can also shift depending on the rp in question he is located in.)
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3 | 0 Comments | Dec 7th 2022 10:04

Erusarian Lastraza (Eru to friends and associates)

"Justice only fails if those who believe to represent justice turn away from those that require it.”
"Justice without force is powerless; Force without justice is tyrannical"

Name(& pronunciation):
Erusarian Lastraza (ERU-SAR-RIAN LA- STRA-ZA
Date of Birth (& age):
Unknown it depends upon the rp

Place of Birth:
He keeps his place of birth an absolute secret alongwith his race.

Species/Racial Origin:
This is also Kept secret for plot reasons

Social Class/Community Status:

He speaks a myriad of languages from common, to beastfolk, Elvish, Demonic, Draconic and many other exotics languages due to the nature of his profession

Erusarian has no real friends as he is constantly on the move and very few entities if ever remain constants in his life due to the profession he lives by, However he does love animals and nature so if he can also pacify beasts instead of hurting them he wil... He generally has a very positive relationship with animals and nature as he shows adequate respect to all such beings.

Physical Description:
He Normally stand out as he is garbed in a fine vestment of a large gothic red and black victorian style overcoat with a small cloak like vestment hanging down the lower sections of his overcoat.... a black dress shirt with small golden lining underneath his main coat, He wore a large top hat like hat of white with golden symbols/markings a strange cog like gizmo attached to the middle top section of the hat ticking away into silence... He wears crystalline half spectacles that when combined with the strange shimmering light coming from his unusual eyes, which are just orbs of Silver and cerulean in a sort of ying and yang formation unusual and beautiful, he had a muscular and well toned frame but not overly muscular just enough... he wears a pair of white travelers boots with the same golden etching, he also has special Nanomesh black gloves etched with crystal symbols attached to his hands, Of his bare skin which was visible it was almost like an ivory moonlight sort of shade.... most would call a male handsome but beautiful was the description that fits this man better.

He is about 7'1ft in height

Hard to exactly measure but due to the unique nature of his body he can be considered quite heavy or light depending on how he uses the unique abilities of his body/form

His hair is like platinum strands with golden highlights/etching almost freely flowing and reaching down to his waist.

orbs of Silver and cerulean in a sort of ying and yang formation

Limb Dexterity:
He is a fairly close ranged combatant due to the unique nature of his body he can snap his limbs into action extremely quickly when required since he normally has a preference for fighting with hand to hand, from basic to advance CQC and other forms of martial arts that he has studied to make him more of a living weapon when he is out on the hunt.
Additional Equipment
Erusarian has had his entire skeletal structured etched with a myriad of complex and highly varied runes when he was a child, An exceptionally agonising process but has been the reason for his remarkable growth, speed,physical endurance and strength.... also also carries a specialised black velvet like bag with him containing numerous tools of his trade, as well as additional deployable runes.... the bag itself is runed etched and can store many more things inside of it than one may expect him to be able to store.

Erusarian is extremely friendly and helpful to those that deserve such treatment.... rendering assistance of all varieties to those that need it when he is not on a hunt.... However he can see through deception quite well due to the same runes edged onto his body.... so if individuals with darker intent try to approach and use him in their own ends he will generally shift from friendly to instantly ready to snap a neck of those who would exploit others in a heartbeat..... however he is not stupid or unreasonable.... if he believes an entity on a darker path or individual can be saved/redeemed then he will make it a goal to redeem said inviduals.... Be they demons or any other form of entity.

Erusarian is an advanced hunter of more darkly inclined beings, therefore he has numerous survival skills since he travels around a great deal from tracking, Blacksmithing, Prospecting/foraging, Fishing and other varying forms of outdoorsman skills such as pathfinding as he travels from place to place all the time hunting extremely dangerous entities that most people cannot really stand much of a chance against.... He is able to take a significant amount of energy.... he additional can channel divine energy through the runes etched onto his skeleton and bones in order to trigger a myriad of effects such as effectively charging himself up.... this does put a lot of strain upon his body when he does this however... using other runes alongside those within his body he is able to create magic nulling snares and traps for various monsters, as well as creating explosions and other effects using powdered and volatile runes.... the runes have also however made him a natural antimage etched onto his skeleton.... So he never gain any benefit from arcane and other forms of magic.... this also means most magic cannot touch him however.

Erusarian loves seeing new sights and places.... as is the nature of his work he also takes great pride in helping any who deserve/need it however he can.... He also has a great fondness for most forms of animals/nature and mystical life.

Most Hated/Dislikes:
Erusarian has a great amount of distaste to those who would exploit the weak and the vulnerable for their own game provided their goals from this is entirely selfish and self serving.... or to any beast or entity that is purely malicious or exists effectively to cause destruction and he will always oppose said entities with the experience and determination of a veteran monster hunters determination/prowess if he is fully confident of the fact they in no way are redeemable.

Live and honour the code of his original order the Omen hunters..... Provide assistance/aid to those deserving, while delivering punishment/justice upon those who believe themselves untouchable or safe from any kind of consequence to the actions they have taken.


Exceptionally dangerous close range combatant, Extremely loyal to his allies/friends that he garners and gathers as he goes about his journey. as well as his innate immunity to magic from his Runic etching/carving upon his skeleton.

Erusarian is as stated an extremely close range combatant... with specific runes and rune powders this is mitigated a little bit but his biggest weakness is long range attacks even from sheer volume or singular powerful non magic based attacks.... However in some cases magic can cause unintentional shrapnel damage.... for example if a spell used to create an explosion is close to his location he may get hit by the debris or some of the leftover force from the blast but the actual magical explosion would do nothing if it hit him dead on

Erusarian doesn't really have any fears initially... but some can be built up some as if he grows close to someone and they are put in a seriously severe or bad situation, That would have some level of impact on him
Erusarian has a many interests such as reading, and learning new things..... he cannot use magic but he still finds magic very fascinating... Aside from wandering the land to fulfill his duty he also takes a level of enjoyment of seeing the numerous strange/eldritch and new locations of the world in question he is in.

Regular Routine:

Wandering and fulfilling the obligation of his order, Or the original group he was a part of as the Omen hunters.

Philosophy of Life:
His philosophy towards life is effectively if you do harm unto others undeserving.... do not ever truly expect to be freed of any consequences for the actions those individuals happen to take.... depending on the level of severity he will when learning of these deeds deal out a suitable punishment/judgment onto those individuals.

Attitude Toward Death:
As an Omen Hunter he has complete disregard towards death, Therefore he is able to fight and show the resolve of himself as an omen hunter regardless however injured he may get.... if he can still move then he will continue to attempt to rip his target in two regardless of his injuries

The omen hunters were by no means a religious organization, But they did use aspects of the divine to hunt various creatures/beings some used magic, Others did not, Erusarian specifically having divine runes etched onto his skeleton is about as close to any sense of religion as he would personally get... he however has his own beliefs to a degree regarding his organization the original omen hunters were brutal and no questions asked sort of killers... were as his own belief is if they can be redeemed they should be redeemed..... but it depends on the scenario.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Erusarian has a habit of manifesting various gold and black runes and generally either flipping them or doing some other strange task such as using them for scrying, As reading the runes was a method used to scry/discern distant information, Regarding fetishes he doesn't really have any in most rp scenarios to begin with.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
The most Painful experience of Erusarians very long life was being taken/inducted into the order from a very young age and having the runes etched/grafted/forged onto his skeletal structure.... this process would have been enough to kill most if they tried to undergo it, However Erusarians resolve to live and fierce determination is what brought him out of that with his sanity intact despite the overwhelming amount of pain he was enduring.

Sexual Preference:
Erusarian's sexual preference is asexual to begin with, But if it were to develop into anything it would be towards females and not males of any kind.... Numerous females have been interested in him in the past but due to his work they were never any kind of constant in his life therefore he never showed much interest back. Additionally most have shown interest in him due to his strength and power but very little in terms of personality so its generally something he doesn't care enough to think about.

Education/Special Training:
The numerous and very thorough routines of combat and academical learning he had to learn from a very young age including the additional martial arts and styles he has learned and blended together to form most of what he is today... As he was made to keep his mind sharp and not just focusing purely on his strength as well as what the runes had bestowed unto him.

Place/Type of Residence:
Nowhere, but if was to settle anywhere as a drifter it would be somewhere with natural vista's were nature is more present than most other forms of urbanization by other humanoids and sapient species.

Omen hunter specifically in his title The etched omen/omen hunter

The omen hunters though he is currently the known last member of the entire order.
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8 | 0 Comments | Apr 21st 2022 13:14

Valravn or val to friends

“Did you know? When a Corvian cries someone is destined to die? Embrace the inevitable end”


Name(& pronunciation): Valravn or just Val to friends

Date of Birth (& age): Unknown, Her age is

Place of Birth: The human world

Gender: Female

Species/Racial Origin: Raven tengu and human Hybrid

Social Class/Community Status: Wanderer/drifter in the human/supernatural world
Language: The common tongue as well as the language of Yokai and crows/corvids

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Her only real friends are the crows/ravens and other members of the corvid family or Corvidae. As she typically does not seem to welcomed in either the Yokai or human world due to her being a half Yokai/human Hybrid.

Physical Description Valravn is a relatively tall female of about 7ft tall, Her skin is like a pale moonlight colored shade that almost seems to shimmer in the night sky. Her hair is long and black and freely flowing down to her waist. She is decently endowed however this is hard to make out from her typical attire, She has heterochromatic eyes one being a strange shimmering silver the other deep purple.

Height: 7ft tall

Weight: Unknown but despite this she seems a lot more lightweight than she should be. A unique aspect of her Physiology.

Hair: Long and black as night reaching down to her waist.

Eyes: Heterochromatic one silver and the other deep purple.

Limb Dexterity: Due to her physiology of being a Hybrid of a raven tengu and Human she is extremely quick Unnaturally so. Able to strike with almost lightning speed, Her limbs are incredibly dexterous as well as her wings which she normally has draped over her shoulders resembling a cloak of raven feathers.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Valravn wears a large black robe like outfit that covers her main body, Sort of a wayfarers or travelers garb. She also has a suit of black leather like armor underneath the robe for additional protection, Her hands are gloved and she also wears black travelers like boots well worn in from use as she rarely stays in one place very long. She also carries on her a khakkhara about 1 meter in length made of a form of spirit wood for the main shaft. the metal is made from a Yokai infused black metal known as cold iron. known for its unnaturally cold to the touch state and durability. The khakkhara also has 8 black metallic rings on the top. Hidden inside the Khakkhara is a sword of the same metal as the Khakkharas metal section... a long and very sharp blade that Valravn can use with a surprising level of speed.

Personality/Attitude:Valravn is relatively cold and logical to most of those she just meets or is unfamiliar with. She has had far more bad experiences with humans than yokai so she tends to treat humanity with far more disdain than she would Yokai. She however usually prefers to avoid overly social interaction if she can as she rarely believes it will yield any truly beneficial outcome. However she does care a great deal for Animals and wildlife especially the members of the Corvid family as she is technically kin to them and would go to great lengths to aid them.

Skills/Talents: Valravn is an expert in the use of the sword... however she prefers to use her hidden blade as a means of surprise attack as she seeks to end any potential fight as quickly as possible she cares very little for honor and is not against using dirty tactics. She also knows how to wield her Khakkhara itself as a very effective weapon if she wishes to take a relatively non lethal option though it would still be quite painful. She can also use her wings to great affect and take to the sky using a combination of Yokai based raven tengu magic, she is also capable of firing off some of her feathers like throwing knives however if she fires to many of them she will be unable to fly until they regenerate.

Her Yokai magic is much harder for her to use however due to being a hybrid so it has varying levels of cost as such she is less keen on using it and prefers to use her swordsmanship and martial arts first and foremost.

Favorites/Likes: She enjoys travelling and spending time with the local wildlife/animals as well as spending time away from civilization in more wild and remote regions.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Gods and goddess as she believes they are partly responsible for a great deal of the pain she herself has endured.. she also however does have great disdain for humanity and usually if not left alone by an overly inquisitive human may resort to an aggressive approach to get them to back off.

Goals/Ambitions: She has no specific goal at the moment. Aside from destroying the shrines of goddesses/gods across the world if she encounters them. Other than this her only real goal is to roam the world itself.

Strengths: Excellent physical prowess and high stamina capacity. She is highly skilled with her blade and Khakkhara, skilled in the use of a very specific kind of magic and with the ability of flight due to her wings.

Weaknesses: She does not have high pain tolerance due to the physicality of her body.. so a good strike would cause a great deal of pain and likely put her out of commission if she cannot avoid it. She also if she takes to much damage will highly struggle to regenerate her wounds and likely require a relatively long time to rest in order to recover effectively.

Fears: As of the moment she fears very little this may change with time as she is not afraid of death.

Hobbies/Interests: Wandering the lands and honing her skills with the blade and her natural abilities as a Raven tengu hybrid, as well as taking care of the local wildlife if they require help as she finds peace in such an endeavor

Regular Routine: wandering the land

Philosophy of Life: Everything within the world is worth seeing at least once therefore live to see all you can.

Attitude Toward Death: Is completely indifferent to the concept of death.

Religion/Beliefs: she holds no religious beliefs due to her stance regarding gods and goddesses

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Her wings are surprisingly sensitive and she often enjoys cleaning them.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Her birth was a strange one.... she does not have any knowledge of who her parents were the only thing she does know is that one of them was a raven tengu ... she was raised in a monastery by an order of warrior monks known as the brotherhood of the dark horizon. she learnt how to fight properly in this order taking up the Khakkhara and blade as her preference as well as learning how to read/write she also naturally learned how to use a great deal of her own unique abilities as a Yokai Hybrid.

However eventually her peaceful life in the monastery came to a bitter end when a large band of humans who claimed to be servants or perhaps cultists of Izanami would be a better term. who ruthlessly butchered the monks due to sheer volume of numbers she very distinctively etched the name of this goddess into her memory as she was forced to flee the monastery using her natural ability to fly to escape. from that day on she became cold and distrustful of humans and she gained an innate hatred of gods and goddesses. humans have rarely treated her well so she usually does not take chances ,Yokai on the other hand as she has generally had more positive interactions with them she is usually slightly less defensive towards initially.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Asexual however if she develops enough of a bond of trust with another this preference may shift

Education/Special Training: training with the monastic warrior monks of the brotherhood of the dark horizon.

Place/Type of Residence: nowhere

Occupation: wanderer/drifter

Memberships: formerly a member of the monastic order of the brotherhood of the dark horizon.

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3 | 0 Comments | May 31st 2021 08:26


1. I will not under any circumstance add anyone under the age of 18.... For reasons I expect most will understand, however one reason being due to the fact I am not afraid of role-playing dark stories with dark subject matter which isn't for a lot of people, I will mainly rp what my partner is comfortable with but noneless 18 is a minimum requirement to be on the safe side.

2. Try to at least be able to write a minimum of para based responses, I find it extremely difficult to get invested in a role-play with only one or two lines it just doesn't ensnare my interest for very long.

3. Decent-ish grammar would be appreciated, I know my own grammar however isn't perfect so I am less focused on it as some of the other role-players on this website.

4. If you decide to add me then please do be the first to message I consider it a courtesy as it is something I would extend to anyone else that I happen to add for a possible rp.

5. I am at times quite a blunt/plain speaker so my tone may occasionally come off as caustic or rude even when I am not intending it to be so, so if you take offence please notify me and I will work on it.

6.I am autistic so my mannerisms and responses sometimes may appear strange, or somewhat direct and literal this can bother some people hence I mention it so try to be patient with me if possible the resulting rp will usually always be worth it.

7. I am not always online so sometimes I may be a little slow in responding due to life events or other circumstances, However I will always get back to the people I owe replies to even if it takes awhile. So again patience is appreciated.

8. Do not approach me in character. I prefer to talk with a potential partner as an admin first. In order to properly plan a possible rp scenario. Just straight into character just doesn't work for the way I approach an initial scenario. As I tend to create characters specifically for each individual rp as any viewer may have noticed I do have some character bios, They are somewhat of an experiment at present. Usually I do not make Bios.

9. I will not accept those using IRL imagery or with real life styled rp preferences, I prefer fantasy, sci-fi and more out there concepts as its more unique if I wanted to play the game of life I would just do so normally IRL.

10. If I am online I may not always respond as I may be doing other things, Hassling me is not advised. I will reply when I find time, I usually will not leave a reply hanging for longer than a day if so feel free to message me about it.

11. Depending on who has viewed my rules and page, You may notice I accept or have more female role-players accepted than males, This is because usually I find I just get along with females better in terms of writing a story among other things, But story is usually always the first thing I focus on in rp, other rp can be discussed but it is my preference.

12. Unless it is a planned plot point do not control my characters, also do try not to metagame, aka using outside information that player characters would not know about otherwise etc.

13. if romance does become a thing, or more adult elements I strictly do not deal with MxM. I do however think FxF and MxF is entirely fine, however I am still more of a story enthusiast. As such I am able to rp any gender of character as well.

14... Despite how it might appear with how many people I have added. I am not a friend collector... I add those who appear interesting this is rarely other males as they are typically too NSFW inclined however if they look interesting I do add anyone really who looks decent provided they are not underage which I class as 18.

15. I prefer quality over quantity...... so if you need a break or are busy with real life that is entirely fine..... Rp is after-all just a hobby and other matters come up.. I am prepared to wait for those I have added or have added me for as long as necessary

(To know you have read my rules before adding me please comment either a phase of the moon or do so in my direct messages)
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39 | 0 Comments | Sep 7th 2020 09:46