Erusarian Lastraza (Eru to friends and associates)

"Justice only fails if those who believe to represent justice turn away from those that require it.”
"Justice without force is powerless; Force without justice is tyrannical"

Name(& pronunciation):
Erusarian Lastraza (ERU-SAR-RIAN LA- STRA-ZA
Date of Birth (& age):
Unknown it depends upon the rp

Place of Birth:
He keeps his place of birth an absolute secret alongwith his race.

Species/Racial Origin:
This is also Kept secret for plot reasons

Social Class/Community Status:

He speaks a myriad of languages from common, to beastfolk, Elvish, Demonic, Draconic and many other exotics languages due to the nature of his profession

Erusarian has no real friends as he is constantly on the move and very few entities if ever remain constants in his life due to the profession he lives by, However he does love animals and nature so if he can also pacify beasts instead of hurting them he wil... He generally has a very positive relationship with animals and nature as he shows adequate respect to all such beings.

Physical Description:
He Normally stand out as he is garbed in a fine vestment of a large gothic red and black victorian style overcoat with a small cloak like vestment hanging down the lower sections of his overcoat.... a black dress shirt with small golden lining underneath his main coat, He wore a large top hat like hat of white with golden symbols/markings a strange cog like gizmo attached to the middle top section of the hat ticking away into silence... He wears crystalline half spectacles that when combined with the strange shimmering light coming from his unusual eyes, which are just orbs of Silver and cerulean in a sort of ying and yang formation unusual and beautiful, he had a muscular and well toned frame but not overly muscular just enough... he wears a pair of white travelers boots with the same golden etching, he also has special Nanomesh black gloves etched with crystal symbols attached to his hands, Of his bare skin which was visible it was almost like an ivory moonlight sort of shade.... most would call a male handsome but beautiful was the description that fits this man better.

He is about 7'1ft in height

Hard to exactly measure but due to the unique nature of his body he can be considered quite heavy or light depending on how he uses the unique abilities of his body/form

His hair is like platinum strands with golden highlights/etching almost freely flowing and reaching down to his waist.

orbs of Silver and cerulean in a sort of ying and yang formation

Limb Dexterity:
He is a fairly close ranged combatant due to the unique nature of his body he can snap his limbs into action extremely quickly when required since he normally has a preference for fighting with hand to hand, from basic to advance CQC and other forms of martial arts that he has studied to make him more of a living weapon when he is out on the hunt.
Additional Equipment
Erusarian has had his entire skeletal structured etched with a myriad of complex and highly varied runes when he was a child, An exceptionally agonising process but has been the reason for his remarkable growth, speed,physical endurance and strength.... also also carries a specialised black velvet like bag with him containing numerous tools of his trade, as well as additional deployable runes.... the bag itself is runed etched and can store many more things inside of it than one may expect him to be able to store.

Erusarian is extremely friendly and helpful to those that deserve such treatment.... rendering assistance of all varieties to those that need it when he is not on a hunt.... However he can see through deception quite well due to the same runes edged onto his body.... so if individuals with darker intent try to approach and use him in their own ends he will generally shift from friendly to instantly ready to snap a neck of those who would exploit others in a heartbeat..... however he is not stupid or unreasonable.... if he believes an entity on a darker path or individual can be saved/redeemed then he will make it a goal to redeem said inviduals.... Be they demons or any other form of entity.

Erusarian is an advanced hunter of more darkly inclined beings, therefore he has numerous survival skills since he travels around a great deal from tracking, Blacksmithing, Prospecting/foraging, Fishing and other varying forms of outdoorsman skills such as pathfinding as he travels from place to place all the time hunting extremely dangerous entities that most people cannot really stand much of a chance against.... He is able to take a significant amount of energy.... he additional can channel divine energy through the runes etched onto his skeleton and bones in order to trigger a myriad of effects such as effectively charging himself up.... this does put a lot of strain upon his body when he does this however... using other runes alongside those within his body he is able to create magic nulling snares and traps for various monsters, as well as creating explosions and other effects using powdered and volatile runes.... the runes have also however made him a natural antimage etched onto his skeleton.... So he never gain any benefit from arcane and other forms of magic.... this also means most magic cannot touch him however.

Erusarian loves seeing new sights and places.... as is the nature of his work he also takes great pride in helping any who deserve/need it however he can.... He also has a great fondness for most forms of animals/nature and mystical life.

Most Hated/Dislikes:
Erusarian has a great amount of distaste to those who would exploit the weak and the vulnerable for their own game provided their goals from this is entirely selfish and self serving.... or to any beast or entity that is purely malicious or exists effectively to cause destruction and he will always oppose said entities with the experience and determination of a veteran monster hunters determination/prowess if he is fully confident of the fact they in no way are redeemable.

Live and honour the code of his original order the Omen hunters..... Provide assistance/aid to those deserving, while delivering punishment/justice upon those who believe themselves untouchable or safe from any kind of consequence to the actions they have taken.


Exceptionally dangerous close range combatant, Extremely loyal to his allies/friends that he garners and gathers as he goes about his journey. as well as his innate immunity to magic from his Runic etching/carving upon his skeleton.

Erusarian is as stated an extremely close range combatant... with specific runes and rune powders this is mitigated a little bit but his biggest weakness is long range attacks even from sheer volume or singular powerful non magic based attacks.... However in some cases magic can cause unintentional shrapnel damage.... for example if a spell used to create an explosion is close to his location he may get hit by the debris or some of the leftover force from the blast but the actual magical explosion would do nothing if it hit him dead on

Erusarian doesn't really have any fears initially... but some can be built up some as if he grows close to someone and they are put in a seriously severe or bad situation, That would have some level of impact on him
Erusarian has a many interests such as reading, and learning new things..... he cannot use magic but he still finds magic very fascinating... Aside from wandering the land to fulfill his duty he also takes a level of enjoyment of seeing the numerous strange/eldritch and new locations of the world in question he is in.

Regular Routine:

Wandering and fulfilling the obligation of his order, Or the original group he was a part of as the Omen hunters.

Philosophy of Life:
His philosophy towards life is effectively if you do harm unto others undeserving.... do not ever truly expect to be freed of any consequences for the actions those individuals happen to take.... depending on the level of severity he will when learning of these deeds deal out a suitable punishment/judgment onto those individuals.

Attitude Toward Death:
As an Omen Hunter he has complete disregard towards death, Therefore he is able to fight and show the resolve of himself as an omen hunter regardless however injured he may get.... if he can still move then he will continue to attempt to rip his target in two regardless of his injuries

The omen hunters were by no means a religious organization, But they did use aspects of the divine to hunt various creatures/beings some used magic, Others did not, Erusarian specifically having divine runes etched onto his skeleton is about as close to any sense of religion as he would personally get... he however has his own beliefs to a degree regarding his organization the original omen hunters were brutal and no questions asked sort of killers... were as his own belief is if they can be redeemed they should be redeemed..... but it depends on the scenario.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Erusarian has a habit of manifesting various gold and black runes and generally either flipping them or doing some other strange task such as using them for scrying, As reading the runes was a method used to scry/discern distant information, Regarding fetishes he doesn't really have any in most rp scenarios to begin with.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
The most Painful experience of Erusarians very long life was being taken/inducted into the order from a very young age and having the runes etched/grafted/forged onto his skeletal structure.... this process would have been enough to kill most if they tried to undergo it, However Erusarians resolve to live and fierce determination is what brought him out of that with his sanity intact despite the overwhelming amount of pain he was enduring.

Sexual Preference:
Erusarian's sexual preference is asexual to begin with, But if it were to develop into anything it would be towards females and not males of any kind.... Numerous females have been interested in him in the past but due to his work they were never any kind of constant in his life therefore he never showed much interest back. Additionally most have shown interest in him due to his strength and power but very little in terms of personality so its generally something he doesn't care enough to think about.

Education/Special Training:
The numerous and very thorough routines of combat and academical learning he had to learn from a very young age including the additional martial arts and styles he has learned and blended together to form most of what he is today... As he was made to keep his mind sharp and not just focusing purely on his strength as well as what the runes had bestowed unto him.

Place/Type of Residence:
Nowhere, but if was to settle anywhere as a drifter it would be somewhere with natural vista's were nature is more present than most other forms of urbanization by other humanoids and sapient species.

Omen hunter specifically in his title The etched omen/omen hunter

The omen hunters though he is currently the known last member of the entire order.
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8 | Apr 21st 2022 13:14