
1. I will not under any circumstance add anyone under the age of 18.... For reasons I expect most will understand, however one reason being due to the fact I am not afraid of role-playing dark stories with dark subject matter which isn't for a lot of people, I will mainly rp what my partner is comfortable with but noneless 18 is a minimum requirement to be on the safe side.

2. Try to at least be able to write a minimum of para based responses, I find it extremely difficult to get invested in a role-play with only one or two lines it just doesn't ensnare my interest for very long.

3. Decent-ish grammar would be appreciated, I know my own grammar however isn't perfect so I am less focused on it as some of the other role-players on this website.

4. If you decide to add me then please do be the first to message I consider it a courtesy as it is something I would extend to anyone else that I happen to add for a possible rp.

5. I am at times quite a blunt/plain speaker so my tone may occasionally come off as caustic or rude even when I am not intending it to be so, so if you take offence please notify me and I will work on it.

6.I am autistic so my mannerisms and responses sometimes may appear strange, or somewhat direct and literal this can bother some people hence I mention it so try to be patient with me if possible the resulting rp will usually always be worth it.

7. I am not always online so sometimes I may be a little slow in responding due to life events or other circumstances, However I will always get back to the people I owe replies to even if it takes awhile. So again patience is appreciated.

8. Do not approach me in character. I prefer to talk with a potential partner as an admin first. In order to properly plan a possible rp scenario. Just straight into character just doesn't work for the way I approach an initial scenario. As I tend to create characters specifically for each individual rp as any viewer may have noticed I do have some character bios, They are somewhat of an experiment at present. Usually I do not make Bios.

9. I will not accept those using IRL imagery or with real life styled rp preferences, I prefer fantasy, sci-fi and more out there concepts as its more unique if I wanted to play the game of life I would just do so normally IRL.

10. If I am online I may not always respond as I may be doing other things, Hassling me is not advised. I will reply when I find time, I usually will not leave a reply hanging for longer than a day if so feel free to message me about it.

11. Depending on who has viewed my rules and page, You may notice I accept or have more female role-players accepted than males, This is because usually I find I just get along with females better in terms of writing a story among other things, But story is usually always the first thing I focus on in rp, other rp can be discussed but it is my preference.

12. Unless it is a planned plot point do not control my characters, also do try not to metagame, aka using outside information that player characters would not know about otherwise etc.

13. if romance does become a thing, or more adult elements I strictly do not deal with MxM. I do however think FxF and MxF is entirely fine, however I am still more of a story enthusiast. As such I am able to rp any gender of character as well.

14... Despite how it might appear with how many people I have added. I am not a friend collector... I add those who appear interesting this is rarely other males as they are typically too NSFW inclined however if they look interesting I do add anyone really who looks decent provided they are not underage which I class as 18.

15. I prefer quality over quantity...... so if you need a break or are busy with real life that is entirely fine..... Rp is after-all just a hobby and other matters come up.. I am prepared to wait for those I have added or have added me for as long as necessary

(To know you have read my rules before adding me please comment either a phase of the moon or do so in my direct messages)
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39 | Sep 7th 2020 09:46